Please help me!!
I think i did something completely wrong, didnt I?
The past weekend I was really down and I couldnt see any light at the end of the tunnel at all and saw everything negative. I had a quick thought of telling my SO an invent like I have cheated. Becuase I thought he deserves a better girl than I am and that it wont work out for me to move to him blabla...Of course I didnt sent him a message to tell this invent. But at that moment I thought it would be the best for him, so he could forget me easily if I would have done something bad like cheating.
I was scared by myself that I even was able to think this way!!
Im sure Im the only one here who had a bad thought.
I couldnt forget it and so I thought it would be the best to tell him that I have had that thought. Even just for a second.
I shouldnt told him, right?? Im so worried he missunderstood me (sometimes we have missunderstandings because I cant explain the really deep and serious things very well in english)
But after I have told him, I sent him another text saying that I hope he didnt understand it wrong and that I did NOT do something bad.
Please, does anyone has an advice for me?
What if he is grumpy now? Or really understood it the wrong way?
I think i did something completely wrong, didnt I?
The past weekend I was really down and I couldnt see any light at the end of the tunnel at all and saw everything negative. I had a quick thought of telling my SO an invent like I have cheated. Becuase I thought he deserves a better girl than I am and that it wont work out for me to move to him blabla...Of course I didnt sent him a message to tell this invent. But at that moment I thought it would be the best for him, so he could forget me easily if I would have done something bad like cheating.
I was scared by myself that I even was able to think this way!!
Im sure Im the only one here who had a bad thought.
I couldnt forget it and so I thought it would be the best to tell him that I have had that thought. Even just for a second.
I shouldnt told him, right?? Im so worried he missunderstood me (sometimes we have missunderstandings because I cant explain the really deep and serious things very well in english)
But after I have told him, I sent him another text saying that I hope he didnt understand it wrong and that I did NOT do something bad.
Please, does anyone has an advice for me?
What if he is grumpy now? Or really understood it the wrong way?
