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NC for a few days?

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    NC for a few days?

    My SO and I got into an argument a few days ago which carried over until about three days ago. At this point, I am just very confused about my feelings about everything. I am feeling sort of angry and resentful towards him and I think the best thing for me to do is just to have no contact with him for a few days. I don't intend on informing him that I need space though, I'm just planning on not responding to any attempts at conversation he makes until maybe Monday or Tuesday or so. Do you think he might get upset/worried if I don't talk to him for a few days? I would tell him that I need some space, but I'm worried that might seem a bit overdramatic or it might cause us to fight even more which is the opposite of what I want from this.

    I wouldn't just drop from the face of the earth. especially being long distance it may worry him. I would maybe tell him a white lie such as you are having a girls weekend and might not have time to chat. Then he will know not to expect hearing from you but not worry him.


      I think it would be better you really say him you need some days to think about everything, to have space and that you dont want this to go into another argument but you think its best after what happend.

      I see it a bit different to snow_girl though.
      I dont agree with telling him a lie because after those days of no contact he askes you for sure how your weekend was and he might will hear that your not telling the truth.
      I would say go for the truth! I think it is always the best even if it hurts!


        Yes, I fully agree with KiwiLove: I would expect my SO to tell me the truth, and it would drive me crazy if she just wouldn't reply to me contacting her!


          Don't play games with him. If you don't want to say flat out that you need space try "I'm going to be very busy the next few days and wont have time to talk, but I love you and things will be back to normal soon." Or something. But don't play games because that does the opposite of helping.
          Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


            Not saying you're having a little break and not answering to his messages is IMO childish and very hurtful. Just tell him you need some time and space so that he won't be worried to death for the next few days to then only find out that you didn't reply cause you were mad or upset with him. It will make HIM mad at you and that's no good to anyone. Chill out for a while and then talk it out when you're both ready and can see things in a different light again.


              Thank you all for the wonderful advice.

              I am going to tell him that I just need some space for a few days to clear my head since I am still upset over what we fought over. I am hoping that doesn't cause another argument, but I don't think he will take it well...but I think it is better to be honest with him.


                Hi Mara, me again.

                Fortunately, it looks like you've already gotten some pretty sound advice about this.

                For future reference, however, please know that NC never works for its intended purpose. If your purpose is to "win" the relationship by playing mind games, then yeah. If your purpose is to proceed with a healthy, intact relationship, then you will fail miserably. I tried it once with my SO and it came back and bit me in the a$$!

                Honesty really is the best policy. Mind games have no place in a healthy, mature relationship, long distance or otherwise.

                Best of luck to you, girl!

