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New Thread...WHO are YOU?

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    New Thread...WHO are YOU?

    So many new people...break ups...and such..I wanted to start a NEW thread.

    Who are YOU? What brings you to LFAD?

    I am in my early 40's...I have 3 children from a 16 year relationship.

    I am engaged to a man that lives in New Hampshire and I am in Upstate NY. We have been together for almost 14 months....

    The only thing keeping him from moving here is the sale of his home.

    There you go...short and sweet...

    Who is next?
    NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013

    I'm almost 20.
    I'm engaged to a man who I've been with for five years.
    I'm hoping to move closer to him when I go to University in September.
    I'm scared, excited, nervous about it all.


      (Love your new pic Luce )

      I am an American living in France engaged to a wonderful Ivorien man who lives in Mali who grew up in America. We met while I was living in Mali working for an NGO.

      I teach English and French as a foreign languages and I hope to move back to the US and teach French.

      I am moving back to Mali at the end of April, God-willing.

      I love yummy food, yoga, and sunshine


        im 26. my fiance lives in Scotland, we have been together for 2 years. i have PMDD which is acting up right now as we speak lol i worry about many things maybe things i shouldnt but cant help it, i love my baby so very very much!!!!!


          I'm 16.
          I've been in the same relationship with my first love for over a year and although we're young, I truely feel we'll make it.
          I'm on LFAD because not everyone understands my relationship and I've recieved a lot of critism and needed support.

          I love my boyfriend and have every intention of being with him for the rest of my life. Despite the views of others.
          Although this distance breaks my heart,
          And it's unbearable when we're apart,
          I know that it will all be fine,
          As my heart is yours,
          And yours is mine.. <3


            Originally posted by Emma-Louise View Post
            I'm 16.
            I've been in the same relationship with my first love for over a year and although we're young, I truely feel we'll make it.
            I'm on LFAD because not everyone understands my relationship and I've recieved a lot of critism and needed support.

            I love my boyfriend and have every intention of being with him for the rest of my life. Despite the views of others.

            Good for you two! As hard as it is... try not to let what other people think affect you! Two good friends of mine have been together since they were 14... which was 15 years ago, and they're among the happiest couples I know

            I am 30 but still can't pass a playground without swinging, and am generally kinda artsy and weird I have two boys age 7 and 8, and I met my SO 18 months ago through our mutual interest in mountain hiking/hillwalking. We'll still be trying to climb mountains when we're 70, lol!!

            We get married in... 10 days, EEK! So, recently our lives have revolved around getting those plans in order!
            We collided and fell out of nothingness... scattering stars like dust


              I'm 19. I live in Florida and my fiance is from PEI, Canada. But right now he is in Alberta working on the oil rigs. We don't plan to file for the K-1 visa for about another year. I really like the forums here. =]


                I'm 19, I met my boyfriend at home 3 weeks before going off to school this year, and he's going to be finishing my last two years with me. It only took a few weeks to convince us this was worth the distance, and so far it's been going pretty good. I'm on LFAD because I don't have any friends at school and all my support is back at home, and sometimes it just gets too hard to deal with alone. Thank goodness I get to go back home during the summer and at Christmas, or I'd go nuts!!

                I'm in New Media, he's in Computer Sciences, we both love video games, junk food and having fun.


                  I'm 19, I live in Iowa, and my boyfriend lives in England. I still live at home with my family but I have plans to move in with a dear friend of mine soon. My boyfriend still lives with his family, too. :P

                  I found LFAD a while ago in a previous relationship, while looking for relationship advice and things to do long-distance. It wasn't until recently that I became active on the forums, though. I love the support and the discussions and the friendship, and how people are so understanding and try not to judge one another. I can share my concerns, my questions, my thoughts, my ups and downs, and I don't have to worry about all the negative stuff I get from people who just don't get it.

                  I've known my boyfriend for over a year now, but our relationship is still pretty fresh. We hope to end the distance fairly soon, but we're taking it one step at a time. Meeting each other in person is what's next on our agenda, for now.


                    Some facts about me:

                    - I'm 19, nearly 20.
                    - I grew up in England but moved to Australia with my Dad's work in 2007, this is where I met my SO...we have been together for nearly 2 and a half years, and were forced to go long distance when I had to move back to the UK for Uni.
                    - I hope to move back to Australia to be with him next year when I finish Uni
                    - We are parents to an Angel baby, Rose Amelie...and even though we never got to meet her properly, and she isn't with us anymore, we still consider ourselves a mother and father.
                    - I'm easy going, friendly, caring, bubbly, loud and a total control freak :P
                    - I also find it hard to do short
                    - I love my family to pieces, we're really really close, and I miss my SO and little one constantly...but my puppy dog Dylan keeps me going through it all he's gorgeous!
                    - I'm a media and communications student hoping to go into journalism or TV/Film production
                    - I'm currently living off £10 a week for 9 months to raise money for 4 charities close to my heart
                    - I loveeeee NCIS, CSI:Miami, Gossip Girl, Glee and Dexter :P
                    - Romy and Michele's High School Reunion makes me smile and laugh even during the darkest of times
                    - I HATE the cold. I like hot weather and beaches
                    - I also live by Quotes.
                    Last edited by 8983MilesofLove; February 9, 2011, 09:48 AM. Reason: Spelling mistake
                    I'm living off £10 a week for 9 months to raise money for 4 charities (Tommy's, Home-Start, Lupus UK and Hughes Syndrome Foundation)
                    please visit my blog and sponsor me!
                    It's really easy to donate, you just go to the blog link, click on the Just Giving links at the top right hand side, and then click donate! It literally takes 30 seconds to fill in the details in order to donate and it will make such a difference to these amazing charities! Every donation is greatly appreciated, no matter how small!

                    'The reason it hurts so much to because our souls are connected'


                      I met my partner almost two years ago now through an online personal ad, a few months after that we met for the first time [officially became a couple], and a month after that I moved to the city he was living in to be with him. Six months ago, I moved back home to go back to university, save money, etc. It is about a 3.5-4 hour drive for us, but because of money, conflicting schedules, etc. we only see each other maybe every four-five weeks. Sometimes more, sometimes less.

                      My partner is currently finishing up his last year of grad school and I'm trying to desperately raise my average. I have a good bit of time left in university. I only went for a year and then I dropped out due to emotional stress, money, etc. I'm also now changing my major so some of the credits I have already obtained will now be pretty much useless. Which is a bit depressing as I should have been finishing my degree this year [if I hadn't stopped going], but you can't help the way things turn out.

                      We will be relocating at the end of this year after my SO finishes his degree and I'm 90% sure that's when we will finally be living in the same place again. I wanted to move back to the city my SO lives in sooner, but my average isn't good enough to allow me to transfer for right now, plus it's a higher cost of living, and we are moving at the end of the year so it would be pretty pointless.

                      I came to LFAD for a bit of support as I don't really have any friends who are in my situation and I think they have a hard time understanding the situation less alone offering me support.


                        Look at that blonde hair Luce! Uuuuuuu gorgeous you are!

                        Back to topic

                        Name: Tanja
                        Age: 27 (having a crisis about it!)
                        Kids: 10-year old daughter, my angel ♥
                        Pets: 3 dogs, 2 horses and a cat
                        Home: I've got a house on the countryside and lots of land around it, love it!
                        Relationship: I was in a LDR with my lovely man ♥ Andy ♥ for nearly 3 years and we finally closed the distance just little over 2 months ago! We both love comedy and films and that's about everything we have in common
                        Opposites attract though, right?

                        I've been on LFAD about 2 years and I love this place, so many wonderful people and great advice. There's always someone to turn to in here


                          I'm 19, I live in the south-west of Germany (not far from Frankfurt). My boyfriend lives in Poland and I met him when I was studying in his city for one semester.
                          Right now we have a lot of vague plans, but no definite ones to close the distance. We know it'll be by 2014, though

                          I come to LFAD, because most of my friends aren't very understanding about my LDR and sometimes I just need to talk about how much I miss my boyfriend.

                          Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


                            I'm 26, living in St. Louis, Missouri. I'm in a longterm relationship with a lovely man from Australia. We're closing the distance at the end of April/beginning of May.
                            We're probably going to get married within a year of me being there and applying for a spouse visa.

                            I've been married before, no children. I'm a deeply spiritual person. And I'm a writer - I've been published.

                            LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


                              Originally posted by Silviar View Post
                              And I'm a writer - I've been published.
                              You've been published!?!?! Tell me more!

                              Also let me know how the spouse visa application goes because my SO and I will hopefully be doing that one in a year or so's time
                              I'm living off £10 a week for 9 months to raise money for 4 charities (Tommy's, Home-Start, Lupus UK and Hughes Syndrome Foundation)
                              please visit my blog and sponsor me!
                              It's really easy to donate, you just go to the blog link, click on the Just Giving links at the top right hand side, and then click donate! It literally takes 30 seconds to fill in the details in order to donate and it will make such a difference to these amazing charities! Every donation is greatly appreciated, no matter how small!

                              'The reason it hurts so much to because our souls are connected'

