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won't get to see my SO for two days!

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    won't get to see my SO for two days!

    So my SO is having one of her girl friend over from another city for two days and they will be touring around the city. First of all I am jealous of her friend, actually more like envious that her friend get to spend time with her and I don't get to physically spend time with her . I wanted so much to go with her all over the city but I won't get to do that for 6 more months. The count down is very very long. She live all the way in Vietnam and I live in the US. The time differences is 15 hours! Also, I won't get to talk to her that much and won't be able to see her on webcam. This has gotten me sad and grouchy all day and will continue to be so for another day. Though, one good thing is that I have something to do all day and all night tomorrow to keep me away from thinking. Even with going out my friends, I feel that at the back of my mind, I still think and miss her so much! It is so so hard sometime and when I feel like this, it make it even harder. I just got off the phone with her, we spoke for 10 mins, now she went to sleep (it is her bedtime, while I just woke up and went to work) and I will have all this time to miss her.

    What do you guys do when you miss their SO so much? But can't talk or text them because they are sleeping? How do you get over this overwhelming feeling of sadness, missing someone? Whenever your SO went out with friends, do you feel envious of the friends and wishing it was you that get to go out with them also? I know I should be happy for her, that she have a social life too, but I am unhappy that I can't talk to her. i feel very selfish feeling this way, but i can't help it. I told her I was sad that I didn't get to spend time with her but she says it is ok and that we'll have other time to spend. The next time I could spend with her is valentine day! Which I made a cute video for her, a video of us, of our memories and timeline together. She says that when i went out with my friends, she wish to be with me too. I am new to this community but love what you guys have so far. It help to read and talk to other similar to my situation.

    My situation is a little different from all other long distance relationship though. I am a 24 years old woman loving a 30 years old woman. My gf live in Vietnam, which is a very conservative, she can't never tell her family or friends about us. So I am a secret to everybody in her life and this bother me a lot sometime but I can't do anything but accept it. Our love is great but sometime we argue because of this. I have been trying to get her over to the US but everything seem so difficult. No current law allow binational couples to be in the United States since we are deemed "different" or "abnormal". BUt it is just frustrating but we are working on it. I don't get to visit her until 6 more months. I visit her 4 months ago and it was very difficult to leave.
    Jessica loves Hoa
    Connection Case Manager
    Pre-med Student
    Public Relation, Vietnam Health Clinic

    Sometimes my boyfriend goes on hunting trips where he is in very rural areas with no cell phone service. He can be gone for up to a week at a time with no way of contacting me, or very sporadic contact at moments where he has service. I dislike not being able to talk to him, but I usually write him a letter and that helps fill the void.

    As far as being envious that others get to hang out with my boyfriend and I don't get to: yes, I get envious and wish it were me, but at the same time I am glad he is having fun. So, I think the feelings you are having are normal.

    Keep yourself busy and the two days will go by quickly!


      You should consider yourself lucky that it's only 2 days! I know it's not helpful really, but you know when she'll be back and can distract yourself until then.

      For me, my SO has been grounded directly because of me. There's no knowing when she'll be back and it's just crushing, so my advice, start a little project to focus on for the next few days.


        My boyfriend has gone on a camping trip with his floormates and they had no cell service for the weekend. I don't really know what to say about how I coped with it, because I was actually really happy that weekend. I guess it was because I knew he wouldn't be able to talk and I knew where he was and that he was okay. But, he was on my mind nonstop, of course. I guess, just try to have fun with your friends. =]

        "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

        Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


          yes, i have times that i couldn't speak with her that often. she went home for chinese new year and we didn't speak much or see each other much on webcam for more than a week. But as it is getting close to valentine day, ideally i would like to spend more time with her and spend more time with her on valentine day. btw she would spend valentine day with me, i made sure to tell her how important valentine day is for me and for her to be there with me during that day.
          Jessica loves Hoa
          Connection Case Manager
          Pre-med Student
          Public Relation, Vietnam Health Clinic

