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missing valentine day on purpose

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    At LEAST an effort for something...just an acknowledgment of something....If not...yes I will admit it..I would be really upset. Yes it is just another day...but I am very silly about holidays..and especially V-Day...even a simple..."Happy V Day" would be enough for me....
    NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


      I have a friend whose SO openly despises valentines day, and she was kind of annoyed because it would be her first non-single v-day in a while, but she knew it wasn't personal because he was upfront about it. He just thinks it's a load of commercial BS.
      I think it's the sort of thing you should mention to your SO to make sure no feelings are misconstrued- I told him I was excited about making him things for v-day, so at least he knew what was going on on my end and could take the hint. If he ignored it THEN, I would be kind of hurt. I would expect him to at least say "Happy Valentines Day" if I expressed that I was participating in the holiday.
      Last edited by beaton; February 12, 2011, 05:06 PM. Reason: haha, confused myself


        Originally posted by Far_Away_So_Close View Post
        Well, we really don't celebrate in purpose. My boyfriend is a believing protesant, and refuses to have anything to do with catholic holidays on a principle, even if the celebration itself is devoid of religious meaning. I can understand that, but it does make me feel pretty crappy when everyone around me is celebrating, and I stand there like I don't even have a boyfriend... (Memo to self: should tell him that...)
        The catholic holiday is actually based on the event the day before: World Marriage Day. I think that is almost more important to celebrate now a days. it is a day for people who are in Marriages and people planning to commit to the vocation of marriage. That is where initially valentines day comes from. Pray fro strong marriages.


          I'm babysitting on Valentine's Day. Matt will be working all day, so as I go off to baby sit, he'll be getting up and going to work. I doubt that we'll even be able to Skype.

          So, for me, I wouldn't be fussed. Unless, there were plans that were already made for you two, or he promised you to Skype or something already.

          Possibly, he's even planning on seeing friends simply because he'll be sad and lonely thinking about you being sad and lonely as well on Valentine's Day. If you were to talk, that would be great, but that wouldn't be all day. ...At least I hope not. But his friends may provide him with some comfort and love (platonic) which may help him get through the day.


            I suppose it depends on what Valentines Day means for you.
            It means more to my SO than what it does for me.. so we do the whole card thing but being so far apart makes it difficult to plan anything else without it feeling like an Oceans 11 mission.


              I would be really upset if it was intentional...I have expressed that its my favorite holiday and my excitement about making his gift and hoping he likes it sooo it would be an intentional disregard of something that I value and enjoy. He would never do that and even though he personally doesn't care for the commercialization of the holiday and hasn't had good experiences with it...He cares about me and what's important to me. Unintentional would really suck like work or school....but I'd understand I would want to at least get a text or a call or e-card or gift to signify the holiday.

