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What do you do to fall asleep?

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    What do you do to fall asleep?

    I've been having terrible insomnia lately. It probably has something to do with staying up later than usual talking with Ray and it's kinda messed my sleeping up. I feel like I have no energy throughout the day because I didn't get enough sleep. So I end up getting only the minimal things required done.

    Usually I'll lie in bed and listen to a podcast (60 min) prior to sleeping when I'm not really tired. Sometimes I'll play some mindless DS game (like Solitaire) to tire out my brain. Reading has also proven to put me to sleep too. Or I just close my eyes and try to think of nothing (try lol) and hope I fall asleep. But none of it's been working.

    How do you get to sleep when you can't? Does your LDR affect your sleeping schedule into insomnia sometimes too?

    Well, it's important to keep a schedule for yourself, as that's the biggest thing that helps with a sleep cycle. Most doctors say to not shift more then 1-2 hours of difference per night for the time you go to sleep.

    Personally, I always do relaxing things before bed. I might read or do some internet surfing, but I usually light candles or incense, I usually take a shower at night (it relaxes me), and since that involves then lotioning/massaging my skin, etc, it helps relax me to get to sleep.

    LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


      I have terrible insomnia myself and usually end up taking something like Advil PM to make me drowsy, but I don't recommend it for everyone. It usually takes the average person anywhere from 6 to 7 minutes to fall asleep and the best way I've found is to either force your mind to go blank or think relaxing thoughts, aka just daydream. I find the more tired I get and closer to sleep I get my thoughts either quit or start crossing into other things so they stop making sense and by that point I don't care.

      A warm bath before bed with some scented bathsalts might also help, too. Relax your muscles, get a calming scent like lavender, and just soak in silence or to soft music. It's important to get a decent night's sleep as I've read insomnia and bad sleep schedules can screw up other aspects of your life and affect your body in more ways than one.


        I have a problem with insomnia as well. It's usually because my SO is on my mind a lot.

        "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

        Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


          Meet the Insomniac Queen! And I was like that before I met The Boy, but the 5 hour time difference has just exacerbated it.

          Warm milk, warm baths, soft music, counting sheep.

          When we love, it isn't because the person's perfect, it's because we learn to see an imperfect person perfectly.

          True love does not worry about the distance between, for the heart and soul travels through one's words

          When two people are meant for each other, no time is too long, no distance is too far, and no one can ever tear them apart.

          1 universe, 9 planets, 7 continents, 194 countries, 50 states and 10 provinces...and I had the privilege to meet you.


            Aw, that sucks, hon

            ...being used to having someone next to me in bed, suddenly falling asleep on my own turned out to be REALLY hard for the first few months, and it did affect my daily routine...
            I still lie awake once in a while but it's definitely a lot better.... dunno if your inability to sleep can be caused by an empty bed as well as late night talks?

            As many others have said, I started relaxing myself with a hot shower before bed.. it did help, but what helped the most was having my BF's t-shirt to cuddle. I've had some of my BEST naps next to him/curled up on top of him in a sofa and his scent still has the same effect on me. I'm easily affected by scents and his just calms me down like nothing else can I sure hope it doesn't sound too weird or corny..... But maybe that could help you too?

            I also find a cup of tea in the evening very relaxing and sometimes drifting off on the couch to a meaningless tv program can help me fall a sleep quickly once I finally decide to drag my half-conscious butt to the bedroom...

            I sure hope you come across some sort of solution to your problem.. lack of sleep can really screw things up..


              i have some insomnia too, but more used to it now, i like watching our SO n i pictures or reading some of the text of the day we sent to each other, watch tv or even listening to our songs play list...


                I never can fall asleep right away, it sucks!! But what I usually do to help myself get to sleep is listen to music, and just daydream about my SO and how much I love him until I fall asleep


                  What I've been doing lately is meditating. I listen to meditation oasis podcasts. The deep rest one puts me to sleep. A bath before bed is also a great idea. Good luck!


                    Originally posted by Luisina View Post
                    I also find a cup of tea in the evening very relaxing and sometimes drifting off on the couch to a meaningless tv program can help me fall a sleep quickly once I finally decide to drag my half-conscious butt to the bedroom...

                    I sure hope you come across some sort of solution to your problem.. lack of sleep can really screw things up..
                    I suggest decaffeinated tea as tea does contain caffeine. Not as much as coffee, but it's detrimental to the process. Most use something with chamomile in it as it's a relaxing agent like lavender and vanilla. I know my SO has some tea that's designed to make you tired, I don't know the brand or name, he just calls it "sleepy time tea".


                      I wish I knew the answer to this. I have terrible insomnia. I can be tired and just can't sleep. Oddly enough, my insomnia is much, much better when I'm with my SO. Maybe it's a comfort thing?


                        Both my SO and myself have shocking sleeping paterns. Throughout our relationship we have been in different situations regarding shifts at work, uni, unemployment, holidays.. the whole shebang so we have had nights where im in bed by 9pm and others where we have talked all night until i can hear the birds outside and my flatmates waking up for work. So usually my wind down routine regardless of the time consists of music, namely Boards of Canada, Explosions in The Sky, Air and other beautiful calming music. I just lie back and let my mind clear, sometimes i think of my SO, and i just drift off.


                          Must be a common thing :P with my hectic schedule and working out I definitely need my sleep. However, I definitely do not get it. When I am talking or Skyping with my SO especcially I just dont wanna stop talking to him! I think a few night we were up till 3 or 4. I usually handle it better than him the next day so I feel bad about keeping him up but he doesent mind lol

                          It just seems like my mind takes forever to quiet down so I can sleep. I have used sleeping pills once or twice to get me there. Another thing that helps me is placing a pillow between your legs that usually helps me finally sleep peacefully
                          " Love don't run....Love don't hide...Love don't turn away or back down from a fight.
                          Baby I'm right here..and I and going anywhere"

                          Mitch and Stephanie July 14, 2011


                            The first few weeks I had a hard time getting used to sleeping in a bed all alone. But fortunately I was completely DRAINED at the end of my working days in the lion park, so I didn't really have a hard time falling asleep. As time went by and as I began traveling down the East Coast of Australia, always sleeping in a new bed and constantly being on the move made it easier not to long for my SO to wrap my arms around every night ... although I have muttered a few grown-up-words under my breath when I've been in dorms with couples sleeping together in the same bed - OBVIOUSLY mocking me! >:l

                            Now, after settling down in Sydney I have gotten 'used' to sleeping alone again, but.... hehe.. erm, it DOES happen from time to time that I end up cuddling with one of my pillows.. So.. bleh... with only 2½ weeks to go before I'll be together with my SO again, I really just can't wait to fall asleep next to her again! Sleep is just better, when you've got someone special to bother with your snoring ;P


                              I used to have sleeping problems. Sometimes I still do.

                              I'm really tired and go to bed, but I can't fall asleep. For hours. If I even fall asleep at all. The thought that I have to get up early the next morning doesn't help either.

                              My SO is the complete opposite of me. She can fall asleep as soon as her head hits the pillow.

                              I never had any real sleeping problems when being together with my SO though. I'm not sure why, but it's a wonderful feeling.

