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How can I go through this without hurting anyone too bad?

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    I'd have called the cops on my father for threatening animal abuse.
    No..I dont think he would do that. He just says that when hes angry about his girl who want to go away and might make her stay with that or something.
    I would like to take my kitten with me but I think thats just impossible. Its so expenisive and he would like the heat there :-/ I dont want to bring him to an animal sanctuary. I want that he gets a good family but the best would be if my parents would want to keep him. Its a nice place he can go out into the garden, to the forest..ect.. grr....SHIT SITUATION IM IN!


      Originally posted by KiwiLove View Post
      All this makes me just so sad.
      I think there is only one way/option for me.
      I have to leave.
      *hugs* I agree. You have to leave.


        UPDATE 2

        I am in contact to an Australian Immigration & Trade Service and the lady looked through school options which would fit with my passed apprenticeship. I have decided to do a Certificate in Business which takes 6 months. Now we will apply for my student visa which effective for the time I am in school and after the 6 months if our relationship is still as we would have expected we can apply for another visa for me.

        Yesterday evening I went home and sadly it got out of control again.
        My mother asked for how long I want to go and I told her I wouldnt know it exactly which is true but I also said that because I didnt want to say FOREVER.
        She then said I am insincere because I were always so nice to her and now I do the completely opposite!
        After that she attacked me on my neck. And I left, again. Its just NOT working AT ALL. And it will never work.
        She also sent me mean sms`but I dont feel like write this here.


          I'm so glad to hear that you spoke with someone about the visa and are getting that all squared away.

          I'm really sad for you though at your mother's behavior. It's to the point now where I think you should not even have physical contact with her. Her attacking you is just inexcusable. You have done nothing wrong. I can't believe that she is acting this way towards you. It's just unreal.

          Just try to be strong a little while longer until you are with your SO and then, I would definitely re-evaluate how much contact you want to have with your parents.


            Originally posted by KiwiLove View Post

            After that she attacked me on my neck. And I left, again. Its just NOT working AT ALL. And it will never work.
            She also sent me mean sms`but I dont feel like write this here.
            Hey Dear--- Sorry to hear that your mom feels that attacking you is going to prevent you from leaving... maybe it's time to just stick with phone calls... no point to put yourself in harms way just to try to reason with them. Obviously your mother doesn't respect you at all.

            Glad to hear about the visa stuff... you'll be just fine once you get to Australia! Keep strong and keep faith! *big hugs*

