hi everyone, im new to this site but thought itd be a great help with my new LDR relationship. Ill explain so me and my girlfriend have been together for 2 years before this basically living together the whole time. She recently moved back home with her parents 2 days ago but we are still Dating/together, She did it for health reasons and so now shes 3 hours away. Im not new to LDRs i was in one for 3 years in 2005 to 2008. Im just asking for some advice to cope/deal with losing that constant physical touch everyday and knowing shes allways "there" and how i can cope and yes me and her are talking over IMs and Emails and phone atm. Weve talked about wanting to live with eachother on our own but...i have a bad habit to think about the possible things going wrong like the "what ifs" and it scares me and worries me.
Any help or ideas or stories would be awesome thanks
Any help or ideas or stories would be awesome thanks