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I feel dumb for asking...

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    I feel dumb for asking...

    As most of you know, I haven't met my SO yet. So I kind of have a dumb question. It has to do with the sound of voices.
    Someone told me that webcamming was truer to their actual voice, compared to the phone. The thing with us is that our quality isn't always the best all the time, so it kind of distorts the voice, which I'm sure most of you know.
    My SO sounds completely different on the phone--he has a softer voice, and his voice on cam is a lot lower.
    Basically, my questions are:
    Which, in general is the closest to their actual voice in PERSON?
    Has anyone experienced where their SO's voice sounded identical as to on either phone/camera?

    I'm pretty much just wondering if I'm going to go into a shock or something when I first hear his voice when I meet him at the airport. I'd just like to know for right now as well which of his is closer

    I feel silly for asking this, I put it off for a long time but I've been because I feel truly dumb for asking this. But I've never met anyone online and then in person before! Haha.
    Thanks for taking the time to read my jumble, and thank you even more if you respond!

    Well, we met CD first, so I'm technically not qualified to answer the question but: in comparison, I don't really feel a difference. And our connection, or rather, the connection on his side, is pretty damn terrible-often both phone and webcam wise. But then again, maybe that's because I have in person memories to compare to.


      I haven't noticed a difference via phone or webcam. It really depends more on the quality of the connection/background noises going on.

      As for in-person, it sounds the same, but it definitely touches my heart more, if that makes sense. His voice in person can give me goose-bumps. That doesn't really happen on the phone.


        Originally posted by Rach321 View Post
        His voice in person can give me goose-bumps. That doesn't really happen on the phone.
        That is interesting... I hope the same happens with me! And yes, it does make sense.


          I've known my SO since we were 7 years old, so we've grown up together and seen each other change. I don't notice a huge difference between the phone or webcam, or either of those and real life. Of course, real life convos are so awesome. My SO has a lisp when he talks and I don't notice it on the phone or on camera as much as in person, though it's not a terrible lisp to begin with. I think it's cute lol. Sometimes I can't hear him as well on the phone, but it may be a bad reception zone that one of us is in at the time.

          "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

          Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


            Well honestly when I met my SO I thought I was talking to the wrong guy he sounded different than he did on the phone or during web cam ^^;

            but if I had to pick which one was closer I'd say phone, sometimes when you're on web cam the mics might not always be the best whereas the phone which was meant for talking works perfectly fine. Again it just depends on service and connection really.

            Met: 8.17.09
            Started Dating: 8.20.09
            First Met: 10.2.10
            Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


              With my SO, it's sort of a different story. He has a deep voice so he alters his pitch to be heard on the phone and webcam. When we met in person I was a bit surprised at the difference since I was used to the 'higher' voice he used on the phone. But I'd have to say webcams give a better idea since there have been times on the phone I get mistaken for my mother and vice versa when our voice pitches are very different and we talk in different ways.


                Obi still freaks me out a little when he calls me on the phone because he sounds way different! It's not a dumb question at all. He sounds different IRL than over skype too, but because the way he speaks is the same, it wasn't too difficult to make the transition.
                Secretly, he sounds hotter over skype but don't tell him I said that!
                Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                  That's not a silly question--don't feel dumb!

                  For us, we used IMing and video calls until we became official (i.e. after we met for the first time) and then phone calls were thrown into the mix (and are probably the most prevalent now). It's a hard call (pun maybe not intended <.<; ), but I think that phone calls would be truer to his voice in-person. For video calls it seems like we get weird interference, distortions, or dropped calls more often than with the phone. I think the phone also shows nuances more like when he's starting to get a cold or his voice catches a little because he's upset about something (or that could also be that over time I am really in tune with things).

                  When we met for the first time, I was surprised that his voice was actually higher than what I had heard on webcam or imagined his voice to be like when we were typing to each other (because that was probably the most prevalent way we talked before)--it took a little getting used to. Though, now that I think about it, I also think that his voice was slightly different from the norm because he was nervous (and is deeper than that when we talk now).


                    it wasent much of a differance minus her accent being slightly thicker in person then when i talk to her on the phone


                      Enrique's voice is deeper over the phone. Unfortunately it makes him harder to hear too xD. When I first met him in person, I definitely heard a difference, but it wasn't so bad that I suddenly thought he was replaced by another person or something. He still sounded like him, his voice was just a little more high pitched :P. His voice is almost the exact same over skype as in person.

                      My voice, on the other hand, is higher pitched over the phone XP. I sound really girly and I hate it @_@. In person, my voice is actually surprisingly deep :P. I sound a bit like a boy going through the beginning stages of puberty xD. Don't know how I sound over skype, never bothered to ask.


                        My boyfriend's voice sounds very calm on the phone and louder on camera. I think it's somewhere in between the two, lol.
                        ~"Happiness is not the absence of problems but the ability to deal with them"~


                          I think his voice over skype sounds the most similar to his voice in real life, but over the phone, he talks with a stronger accent like he does in real life.


                            Sounds just like he did on the different..has to do with mic and such..I just adore his deep sexy voice...mmm
                            NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                              i loooove his voice over the phone.. makes me fall asleep...

