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Does leaving when you visit get any easier??

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    Well i have been doing this LD thing for one year and 5 months and i think it does get easier to say goodbye. Now that doesnt mean it becomes easy lol but it gets less sad. Goodluck love and my advice it to just embrace the crying its normal we should be sad. Sometimes i start getting down before i even leave forthe visit lol


      I've done the goodbye at the airport twice now... the second time seemed just as hard, if not harder then the first. Maybe because the visit was short, I dunno, I felt completely numb leaving the airport without him, then bawled my eyes out when I got back to the flat... and everything in my room reminded me of him... bad times. Knowing when the next visit is does help though. I felt really down until dad gave me my birthday money to buy the ticket.

      <3 The day we met : 10.31.2009
      <3 Our first Date: 11.04.2009
      The Day we went long distance: 08.08.2010
      <3 He came to England: 12.27.2010-01.07.2011
      <3 My trip to Ohio: 5.29.2011-6.09.2011
      Our first Christmas visit: 12.23.2011-1.7.2011
      Distance closed: 2.29.2012!!!!!!!!


        That sounds like a good idea planning our next visit while I am there... He asked me to come for his birthday weekes before i visited him in Feb. Then while I was there he asked me If i wanted to come for the 4th of July and to go see fireworks in Boston and do other stuff that day of course I was like YES!! LOL. I am really not good with byes, he noiced I was quiet on the way to the train station, so he started bring up good memories about that trip and it made me smile... This was funny, we out one day went to the mall and other stores, so while we out and about i was wondering why he didnt grab my hand to hold it and I guess he wondered that same thing... Long story short we were waiting for each other to grab our hands, so he just took my hand and held it I so miss the little stuff like that...


          We have never had to say good-bye without having a fixed date (and tickets!) for the next visit. I don't think I could do it, I probably couldn't make myself leave.

          It doesn't get easier as such. Saying good-bye to someone you love will always hurt. But for me anyway, I learnt to deal with it better. We have been LDR for over a year now and by now I know that I will see him again. I'm sure that the distance is not going to break us up, no matter how hard it is to be apart.

          During the first visits, after we had become LD, I was usually already crying the night before I/he had to leave. I felt so guilty about it, because I felt I wasn't enjoying the little time we had together, but couldn't help it. I also used to cry everytime he'd write me an e-mail or text, for at least two days after visits.
          I still cry at the airport/station and it still hurts so damn much every single time. But I've definitely learnt to cope better.

          Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


            I'm usually okay with good byes because we don't treat it as a good bye, but instead as a 'see you later.' The first few minutes without him is the hardest for me but I know that I'll see him soon and try to make the best of the good bye.


              I def. need to find away to cope when I leave, otherwise I will just drive myself crazy and not enjoy the little time we have together at the end of the visit... I wanna enjoy the end of the visit as mush as possible.. I also count the days that I have left with him which I know I shouldnt do, but I cant help it though.


                No, unfortunately the goodbyes never get easier. If anything, they get worse each time. But, the only thing that may be somewhat good is you expect it and you're not thrown for a loop as much as the first time where you never know how it will be. I cry...A LOT after my boyfriend goes back to school and I usually mope around for a few days, but then I get back to my normal, happy self after a few days. It hurts so much to see him go back, and I've yet to see him cry though. I'm sure it's hard for him, too but he just wants to be strong for me. I try not to cry in front of him...usually fails.

                "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

                Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


                  We both always get very emotionally upset and sad. It's usually always hard, but every time you do it, I feel like you just get back into your routine faster. It does get better in that sense. The grieving period always gets shorter and shorter but the intial shock is always there, almost like what I refer to as: "peeling off the band-aid". I hope it gets better. The first couple of visits suck but don't be discouraged because of it!


                    Thanks nic&matt!! I am def. not getting discouraged.. I actually see him again in 32 days, and I cant wait!!


                      I would say that it gets harder initially leaving them or them leaving you. I just left his place on Monday and it was the hardest it has been yet.
                      " Love don't run....Love don't hide...Love don't turn away or back down from a fight.
                      Baby I'm right here..and I and going anywhere"

                      Mitch and Stephanie July 14, 2011


                        Definitely not easy at all but at the same time, I feel like I'm starting to get used to it I guess. I try to look at it in a more positive way.
                        I usually start getting all sad 2 or 3 days before we have to say good bye, but this last time I didn't cry the day I left. I just kept thinking to myself that we will get to see each other again and things will be fine, so why be sad?
                        I don't know if it's just me but time goes by so fast, it's scary some times... It's been almost 2 months since I last saw him and although I miss him more than anything.. The day I get to see him again just keeps getting closer

                        I'm not telling you it's going to be easy.
                        I'm telling you it's going to be worth it.


                          Thanks heaps blueeyes for the topic, I just got back home myself from visiting my guy for the first time and really struggling. I spent like 24hrs travelling so I'm pretty jetlagged too. I'm quite an emotional person so I've been crying so much and feel like I've been run over by a bus. We don't have any confirmed plans for our next visit too which is really hard, he says he'll come over in june/july, that nothing is stopping him but I'm not sure how that will happen, he has a lot to sort out.

                          I don't want to hijack the topic but going with what has been said I was just wondering how do you all cope when you get back/your SO leaves and you're back on your own?
                          I'm really lonely at the moment and feeling so clingy, I'm back to living on my own and finding it so hard, I was with my guy pretty much 24/7 for a month and with his son for most of that too. I don't really have many friends, times like these I wish I did have people to catch up with so I wasn't on my own for such long periods of time. Feels crazy now how I used to love having so much time to myself.
                          Money Savers a LFAD group for people to share money saving ideas, tips, links, etc.


                            Sometimes I feel like it gets easier and I am becoming sort of a pro at this lol and other times I take a big step back and it gets super hard. It's always going to be hard but I think sometimes we have better goodbyes than others.

                            Madly in love with Michael


                              For me, it doesn't get any easier. I've been doin this for quite a while, and everytime, I still cry my eyes out in the airport. I get over the shock of him leaving or myself leaving faster than the start of the goodbye's, but I don't think it gets easier. As many people said, you just get used to it.


                                It is so hard for me to leave him. The last time I left my boyfriend I was crying like a baby and it was so hard for me to even look at him. It is always so hard for me to leave him or to see him leave me. I don't think that it will get easier, but I think that we will get used to it eventually.

