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Have you SMILED today?

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    [QUOTE=Luisina;94085]Well, I work with kids aged 1-6 so I can't help but smile on a daily basis! kids' logic can be hilarious... jeez, sometimes it's like they're from some parallel universe I love it.. [QUOTE]

    lol I work with kids during the summer, I could be having the worst day of my life and they always end up making me smile somehow. Their parents can make me smile too - when they come to pick their kids up at the end of the day XD


      Of course thinking about my SO makes me smile 98% of the time. Today especially I was driving back from a music lesson and had a very intense opera blasting in my car. When stuff like that goes down I sing really loud and conduct with one hand. At a red light I looked over that this young guy was giving me the most confused look. It was priceless!


        I smiled lots of times today...I think the biggest one was when my SO walked up to my desk to show me the new part he got for the machine he's building...he's really like a kid in a candy shop when it comes to this project . His excitement is infectious.

        "You know it's love when you want to keep holding hands even after you're sweaty."
        -- Anonymous

