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Little things you didn't expect to miss?

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    Little things you didn't expect to miss?

    Before we went LD, I'm sure we all thought about the big things we'd miss about our SO. But what are some smaller things that didn't occur to you until you were away?

    I get really sore while I sleep (because apparently I'm an old woman) and I never really thought about the fact that once I moved, I wouldn't have anyone to rub my shoulders or crack my back whenever I needed it.

    I also find I really miss the way he smells. He works at an ice cream shop so he always smells really tasty, like ice cream and especially like waffle cones! I walked by an ice cream place a couple weeks ago and the smell of waffle cones coming out of the place gave me like a sense memory of him that hit me really hard.

    His stupid jokes, his laugh, ... so many things I guess, which I find annoying together with him, but apart from him I miss.
    Also always miss his smell.


      Haha I know what you mean about them being annoying when you're with him! He always blows raspberries and I always tell him to stop a million times, haha. But then once after I left, we were talking and he said "If I were there, I'd blow raspberries right now!" and I just laughed and said okay. He was like "Wow! You must really miss me if you'd let me do that!" hahaha


        I miss the forehead kisses and his laugh mostly. Especially his laugh. It's just infectious and wonderful.
        "We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love " ~ Theodore Seuss Geisel.


          I miss him playing with my hair, the kisses he would give me on my cheek, the way he would caress my face. When we would be in his car i miss when he puts his hand on my knee.


            I MISS EVERYTHING! specially his smell n hugs!!! blah i miss him so much!!!!!!!!


              I really miss watching my little sister and SO play Call of Duty, I miss his willingness to help me make my bed and clean the kitchen, I miss him going to the store with me...I pretty much just miss everything<3 but 22 days until i get that all again!(:


                I miss seeing her pale body snuggled against my black duvet. She always looked so beautiful.


                  I miss everything about him, but I really miss his smell and him putting his arm around me and me lying my head on his chest.


                    The way he smells. I wear his cologne more than I wear my perfume, but it just doesn't smell the same on me. The way he kisses me on my nose, cheek, and forehead. The way we wrap our legs together when we lay down. When he's a jerk and messes with my OCD's. The way he loves my hair being down and steals my scrunchies. His effing heartbeat. Even when he rubs his stubble on my shoulders.


                      I miss the way he kisses my ear continuosly to make me laugh (it tickles like crazy!). I miss his scent, not his cologne but just his natural scent, it's so addicting that I could hug him all day just to get a whiff. I also miss the way he was always asking me to put my hair up in a ponytail 'cause he loves the way my bangs frame my face. :3


                        i miss going on dates!! lol


                          I miss going to the bathroom or whatevs in the middle of the night or morning and coming back to bed with her curled up in the duvet. Heh, and I miss tickling her ^^


                            I miss the way he says my name. We do talk on the phone/skype, but it's not the same.
                            I love how he says my name and it makes me so happy to hear it.

                            And honestly (but don't ever tell him that) I miss how he wakes me up. Obviously when he does it, I'll complain and yell and tell him to stfu and let me sleep and I do hate getting up (with or without him). But him waking me up is still the best possible way to be woken up.

                            I miss how he complains when I don't finish my tea...

                            Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


                              I miss his scent SO much when he's away, as well as his lisp when he talks, how he'll randomly put his arm around me just whenever, and being able to feel his chest rise and fall while he breathes when I'm leaning on him when we're cuddling together.

                              "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

                              Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.

