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I'm with my boyfriend because he complements and completes me (and by all accounts feels equally fulfilled with me). I couldn't ask for a better companion in life; he's everything I need rolled into one person, and when we're together the world seems like a much brighter place somehow
My SO and I haven't closed the distance yet, but of course we are planning to do so in the future and we're committed to each other. I believe that when couples from LDR finally closed the distance, it would be so sweet and you'll not take each moment for granted. We both have seen each other twice, once in his country and once in my country, and knowing that we'd need to be separated again by distance just made every second together magical for us even if we had little arguments. In my opinion, I wouldn't want to stay in a relationship that I don't think will have a future. I also think it's important to give and take, you can't be the only one putting in efforts to make the relationship work, because it won't work if that's the case, as they say, it takes two to tango.
I know you're young, and I'm young too (20 years old, SO is 24). But it doesn't stop us from making plans for the future, thinking that "it's too early." If two people really love each other, they will make every effort to make the relationship work and overcome the physical distance.
He's my best friend and loves me with his whole heart =) We have the best times together and I can't imagine being with anyone else. We both believe in our relationship and know we'll be together in a few years, we just have to be patient =)
I'm not sure how I could not be with him. As we were getting to know each other, it just dawned on me that it would eat me up if he met some other girl. I connected with him in a way that I never could with anyone else. I just had to meet him in person and after that, there was no way I could let him go.
My SO and I haven't made plans on closing the distance even though he keeps wanting me to move lol. This is our time now to see if a relationship is right with each other. 10 years ago we could have been a couple but, I was already in a relationship...now the timing is just right. I felt back then that there was something strong between us, I'm just hoping that its still there. We only reconnected about a month ago so there is a lot of catch up to be made. Its like getting to know each other all over again. I am taking things slow but, there are times i get thoes butterflies and the heart starts racing...Right now I feel like it is worth it, things happen for a reason..there has to be a reason why we are back in each others lives after all these years.
Things happen for a reason especially when you never expected it
Honestly? Because one day, I want to marry this man. And he feels the same.
We are both 20, and marriage is a very far off thing for us still (Hello, totally at 35 at least!) But his life and mine fit perfectly together. Our families are so much alike, everyone gets along (including the in laws). We have very compatible dreams in life, and our morals and philosophies are almost identical (if off-the-wall...) Heīs the most attractive man Iīve ever met, and he canīt grow facial hair and doesnīt snore (snoring and hair are deal breakers for me). AND I can spend more than a week with him without wanting to pry his liver out with a rusty spoon (having bpd, this is a BIG deal). Everything just... fits. Itīs a natural match, and I can see no reason why we shouldnīt be together for always.
"In order to attain the impossible, one must attempt the absurd."
-Miguel De Cervantes
Because he's worth it. And, he thinks that I'm worth it
If I was looking at this from his point of view idk if i'd think it was worth it, but since he does it makes his already amazing self even so much more amazing.
I was in an LDR before this one, he never tried to meet me, he never tried to get a job he never tried to do anything to meet me. luckily if i hadnt met him,,, i never would of met my lovely SO now, we have made plans for the future, im only 20 hes 32
but i know this is what i want and so does he. its not wrong of u to want to feel like ur a big part of his life.. i made sure with my SO that i was a big part and that im really wat he wants.. u just need to ask him, dont be aggressive with asking... just try and ask him what his future plans might be.. and if that includes u. most women over think these things, not all men show their feelings like we do. if ur both 19 then maybe he doesnt want a LDR, maybe he just wants to party and be a teen. i mean im not sure, i was 18 when i found my baby, and ive not regretted it a day in my life. if u dont think its worth it anymore, be sure do what u need to do for urself to be happy (=
Best of luck hun!
I see what you mean. We're both 19 too... we do not fave "formal" plans of closing the distance although he does say he will come back when he is done with school (the reason why he lives away). We are too young to formally plan marriage. All we say is we'd like to be together in the future and get married, but it's yet "cooking". It is pretty normal not to have your future planned at this age. We are young and we have to learn. You cannot be sure if you want to marry or be forever with a guy if you do not try being his girlfriend for a time. This time of being in a relationship is not a waste of time, it's a stage in which you will prove if what you feel is real and how much you really want to be with this person. Perhaps you may find out you like him more than you think....or that you don't.
At this age I can't tell my SO is my future husband but I do know I would like him to be. I have strong feelings towards him and I think it was worth trying a LDR...although I had plenty of doubts in the beginning. What if I was losing time? But then again, it is not like it's different with CD. People date and break up, the same time is "lost" but you still gain the experience. When relationships are already 4+ years (and depending on the age of both), THEN the future plans must get serious, because otherwise it does start to become a waste of time. I've known of people who have broken up 10 or 12 years after being in a relationship and then they never get married, and that does suck :P
If you have real feelings towards your SO and you trust him, then it is worth trying, as any relationship, LD or CD is.
I had never laughed as much, enjoyed myself, or felt as relaxed and comfortable with another person in my life until I met my SO. I don't know how to describe it .. except to say that it was like taking a deep breath for the first time in my life.. and feeling complete trust and peace. I have absolutely nothing to offer him that he could possibly ever need, yet he wants me. We have been best friends for 14 years, he has seen me at my absolute worst, knows all of my flaws and weaknesses, and yet he loves me.. not in spite of them, but, because of them.
Everything I know, and anywhere I go, It gets hard but it won't take away my love,
And when the last one falls, when it's all said and done, It gets hard but it won't take away my love
Me without Him is like Son of Beast without the loop.