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How I Cope... What's your tricks?

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    How I Cope... What's your tricks?

    So after this weekend visit, we're both really missing each other. Throughout the time that we've been LD, I definitely have my weeks where it hits harder than others. Here are my tricks, or just what I do when I'm really missing him.

    1) Romantic Movies- Nicholas Sparks, Rom Coms are my go to right after a visit or when it's been a really long time away (my two worst times)
    The last time it was a while, I watch Sleepless in Seattle, When Harry Met Sally, and another within a few days. The time when we went the longest without seeing each other I went through I week where I watched The Notebook like 3 times in a row. Right now I finished watching Dear John and now I'm eying The Last Song on Netflix.

    Does this help? This may do more bad then good on my emotions, but if the movie reminds me of our relationship, like in When Harry Met Sally, The Notebook, and Dear John I find myself smiling a lot and remembering how in love we are. I find this good medicine for the lonely heart. Rating:7

    2) Working Out: When I'm really missing him, my workout routine becomes more consistent. I work out or run and tell myself if I can go this far, then I can overcome the distance and be with him in the end. Sometimes if I'm doing a hard workout, I have to get my mind off the aching (and stop looking at the time left) and focus on something else. Sometimes as a way to do this, I think about a scenario with my boyfriend and play it like a movie in my head. (We have a lot of funny experience pre-dating and during.) I'm realizing this sounds a little insane now, but working out really establishes a mind over matter mentality and lets me escape to a place where I'm with him. Rating: 8

    3) Forced Dreaming: Okay, so this is another weird thing I do when I'm REALLY missing him. Right before bed, when I'm laying down and my boyfriend has just said goodnight, I begin to create scenarios in my head. I create this vacation we're me and him are enjoying each others company on a tropical island, or joking around in a photo booth at an amusement park. Basically I think about exciting dates we haven't been on yet, but I could imagine us having a great time doing. See I have A LOT of sleeping problems so it takes me a very very long to fall asleep (especially here at college where everyone is so loud at night) so this can actually help me fall asleep. Sometimes these scenarios will carry over to my dreamland, and sometimes their lost by the time I hit a deep sleep mode. Rating: 7

    4) 365 and focusing on me- So last semester, the whole distance thing was really hard on me and I did some things I am not proud of and just overall was not the person I wanted to be (and was extremely unhappy.) I thought a lot of my unhappiness was being homesick, but in reality it was being love sick (I didn't want to be home, I wanted to be with HIM.) This semester as a way to focus on making every day a positive day and trying to find the beauty in every day (with or without him) I decided to join 365. My 365 Project. This project had done WONDERS for my personal happiness and has truly been a great thing for me so far. Some days when it gets late, my boyfriend will ask me why I haven't posted a picture yet and it makes me so happy to know he's interested in my day!

    Also to help me cope, I have been trying to be more active with clubs on campus. I was pledging a sorority, until I realized it was not for me and now just joined a wonderful club-- Invisible Children. I'm also planning on joining the Yoga Club . Basically, I'm just doing things that will better me as a person. Although these things are party selfish, they really clear my mind and keep me feeling positive!Rating: 10!

    5) Writing For the majority of my lifetime, writing has been one of my greatest indulges. Poetry is usually my favorite, but today I randomly started (what will eventually be) a novel out of the blue! Whether I'm writing about my love or about nature, this really gets me feeling better about whatever I'm feeling.
    Some of my writings are on my blog but the story isn't yet posting material. Writing to vent can be writing something structured or just venting on here, but either way it works!
    Rating: 9

    6) Look at photos! Ah, I am so guilty of doing this when I miss him! I actually just FINALLY changed the christmas bells background on my computer to a collage of pictures of me and my boyfriend. A lot of people like to edit pictures with love quotes and the like, but I just like to skim through them to remember how much it's worth it!
    Rating: 6

    7) Music! Another thing that may do more bad than good. When I'm missing him, I'll play a lot of songs like "Can't Smile Without You." This always gets me missing him more than less!
    Rating: 4

    So I'm going to stop here. Feel free to add or respond on what I already wrote!
    ~"Happiness is not the absence of problems but the ability to deal with them"~

    Music is what I turn to a lot also, but I agree it can cause your heart to ache a little more for the SO <3 I basically try and find something to keep me busy
    "taim i ngrá leat mo anam chara <3"

    Kitten: -laces fingers together- our souls are one <3
    Keith: -blushes and gazes at lovingly- forever and always <3


      Aww I loved your suggestions! Definitely bookmarking this thread.


        Definitely yes to the working out, music, and the imagined scenarios, hehehe. As for pictures, I prefer going back through my own memories. Maybe it hasn't been that long yet, or I just have an incredibly good memory, but I can still recall things about our time together, and other things like how it felt holding his hand. I love taking pictures, but hate being in them, so there isn't a lot looking through my pictures will help me with!


          I play alot of videogames... We have a private Minecraft server that we both play on and a ton of games that we are both playing together like WoW, Pokemon and Halo. It helps keep my mind off the distance because when we play together even if it's not online he feels closer to me.

          Love this thread!!


            My battery is about to die, and i cant read everything, but i just wanted to say this is a great thread start

            ill be contributing soon!

            I dont't think we've met before, so welcome to LFAD
            Don't be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again.
            And meeting again, after moments or lifetime, is certain for those who are friends.
            ~Richard Bach

            “Always,” said Snape.


              I don't really have a hard time coping. It sucks somedays but I'm never down about it. I work lots though which I guess makes time fly by quicker.



                I used to work out alot before I met him and now when I know I wont be talking to him as much I start my routines over. I really need to do it even when we can talk actually lol


                  I always try to distract myself, but it mostly doesn't work.

                  Our Skype talks do help though. Makes me feel a bit closer to her.


                    Great thread!

                    My best coping mechanism? I took my life off pause and started living life.
                    NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                      Originally posted by Karringtyn View Post
                      Great thread!

                      My best coping mechanism? I took my life off pause and started living life.
                      Reading this makes me very, very happy!

