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how far?

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    We're about 4200-ish miles apart. I'm near Philadelphia, he's in the Helsinki, Finland area.
    It's working out very, very well. I don't mind the distance too much, since there's not a lot we can really do about it yet, and we talk just about every day, but I do look forward to eventually closing it
    We see each other about 3 times a year, but that can vary. Never less though.
    Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


      3000 miles apart. We see each other about once every three months and for a week or so at a time. I am able to visit longer since I'm not working so in June I get to visit for two whole weeks! Yesterday my SO suggested I move out there for the summer if he could find me a job! I am mulling over the idea but have obligations at home sigh


        how many miles away are you from your SO?
        500 miles

        and how is it working out?
        Couldn't be better! Unless we lived together, of course.

        how often do you see each other in person?
        We usually get two to three weeks together at a time with three to four weeks between each visit. We also take vacations together, and will be closing the distance by moving in together in a new city in the coming months.

        "If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.”
        - A. A. Milne


          710 days. That's the day he turns 18 and can move out
          Things between us are great, between our parents (the people who would potentially allow the relationship to continue in person) not so much
          I've only seen him once since we started dating


            We are about 2000 miles apart. We see each other 4 to 5 times a year, but when we do see each we stay for some where between a week and a month. So it's never too short. It's going fine, it just gets aggravating as I'm sure everyone else on this site knows.


              785 miles away. i live Nevada and he lives in Colorado.
              we have our hard times, we have our good times, we have times we think we wont make it through, but we always do.<3
              last year i started dating him in march, i saw him once the rest of that year, for christmas and new years.
              he is coming down for along weekend in 13 dayys, then coming down again in June for my high school graduation. Then i am planning on visiting him (for the first time) in July for his birthday<3


                how many miles away are you from your SO? 270 miles
                and how is it working out? We're still in love as ever, but the distance is honestly hell.
                how often do you see each other in person? We've been long distance since August. In that time, We spent 3 months apart, saw each other for 3 days for Thanksgiving break, then another month apart, then a month together for winter break. This time, it was going to be apart for 4 months, but I came home for a weekend during his spring break to see him. So instead it was 1 1/2 months apart, and now another 2 1/2 months apart, until our summer together.
                There is no possible way for us to visit each other while we're at school. The bus company upstate just recently made a more direct route between us, but with travel time, and the only time we have off being weekends, it'd be less than a day together (and it's cost $150 for it, broke college students)
                ~"Happiness is not the absence of problems but the ability to deal with them"~


                  how many miles away are you from your SO?

                  Roughly 623 miles and a 13 hour drive. I live in Louisiana, he lives in Florida.

                  and how is it working out?

                  Well we don't talk as often as we used to, but that's due to his job and can't be helped. So it's working out, there's just speedbumps everywhere.

                  how often do you see each other in person?

                  I last saw him the second week of February of this year, it was the first time we met since we began dating over a year ago. No idea when we'll see each other again, probably next winter if we're lucky.


                    currently it is about 8000 miles (im in florida and he is in afghanistan), the ld is temporary. we both live in florida but he is in the army.

                    it is working out pretty well. communication is hard at times but we are making it together.

                    before he went to afghan, he was stationed in kentucky so we saw eachother once a month, when he gets back it will be a couple times a month.


                      We're about 360 miles away. We've seen each other 3 times since he left, I'm visiting him this coming weekend and maybe again in early May, but then he's coming home at the end of May for the we're temporarily closing the distance! All and all, we're handling it very well. Some days it's more difficult than others, but I'm proud of us. It's so worth it, and we love each other so much. =]

                      "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

                      Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


                        We are 1,784 miles apart. We see each other once a year. It's very hard on both of us, but we're making the best of it.


                          I live around 2,000 miles away from him... and it's working out all right so far (will be better when I"m closer). We saw each other twice last year.


                            I hate when people ask me this because they tell me it's not long distance, but.. just under 20 miles. It takes 40 minutes to drive and 30 by train and bus. I know it's not far, but I'm 16, and he's 15. We need parental consent to see eachother and we get to meet up for about 5 or 6 hours about twice a month. Which is a pretty good deal. I hate when people tell me it's not long distance though. I count long distance as when you can't see that one person every day, when you can't hold them, or kiss them all week, when you can't be with them for more than a few times a month. No matter how far the miles are, the pain of being apart is the same.
                            Although this distance breaks my heart,
                            And it's unbearable when we're apart,
                            I know that it will all be fine,
                            As my heart is yours,
                            And yours is mine.. <3


                     This link is cool it will tell you how far apart you are from your SO all over the world. It does it in a straight line or 'as the crow flies'.

                              how many miles away are you from your SO?
                              3260 miles, NH to Cambridge UK, 7 hour plan ride then 2hour train ride.
                              and how is it working out?
                              We've been at this a very long time.. lol..We've been best friends for 12 years and we talk everyday and have video chat dates once a week.
                              how often do you see each other in person?
                              we usually see each other every 6 months or twice a year, always for at least 2 weeks, but in late 2007 we were hit with family deaths, job loss, and illnesses that kept us apart 3 years and 55 days. That ended this past Christmas when he was here for 18 days. Now we are back on our every 6 month schedule with the tickets for the next trip already bought.

                              Everything I know, and anywhere I go, It gets hard but it won't take away my love,
                              And when the last one falls, when it's all said and done, It gets hard but it won't take away my love


                              Me without Him is like Son of Beast without the loop.


                                160 miles for us - translating to about 3 hours drive/train ride. It's not so bad but there's other complications, his parents not wanting me up there, train tickets aren't expensive - but I can't really afford them and I can't always catch a ride. Sometimes we can see each other every three weeks, other times it could be a month or two.

                                It's working out ok I think. We have our rough spots but we're still together and still working things out as we go along.

