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the little details that makes them them...

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    the little details that makes them them...

    So my mother is going grocery shopping tomorrow and she said she wants to try a recipe that Alex's family does (sour cabbage rolls). Well, Alex sent me the recipe. ...but no measurements... For instance, it says, "add water and vinegar to the pan" but it doesn't say how much ^^; It says, "Back at 325 until done" ^^; but how to tell if they are done?

    So I asked him all these questions tonight and his response was, "However much you feel. You cook how you feel! ^^"


    but, for all his scatter brained thinking, I love that man. he's amazing and sweet and I wouldn't want him any other way (I finally got what I needed from his sister). and that he feels so strongly about cooking makes me squeal just a little but because it's so cute.

    what are those little things about your SO that you just love (but can, occasionally, be just a tad bit annoying)?

    Hmm, thats a tough question. xD I guess it's his geekiness that I absolutely love. I find it adorable that he gets so excited about some new game coming that he really wants to play or how he does all these noises and shouts at the games while he plays them. Sometimes though he gets to into the game and forgets about me XD

    First Met Online: May 08
    Became a Couple: 4.11.09
    First Visit: 7.27.11 - 8.11.11
    Second Visit: 9.15.12 - 9.23.12
    Third Visit: 7.6.13 - 7.14.13


      when she fights sleep when were talking on the phone and its her bedtime even if she hasent slept so well lol its cute and adorable but im in a bad mood thats the only time its annoying, or frusterating especially when she hasent gotton much sleep


        He reads too much. Actually, I love the fact that he reads, but there are times when he gets so into it that he forgets to do other stuff. XD Such as the story he's supposed to be working on... Hm.
        "Once the realization is accepted that even between the closest human beings infinite distances continue,
        a wonderful living side by side can grow, if they succeed in loving the distance between them
        which makes it possible for each to see the other whole against the sky."
        - Rainer Maria Rilke

        "An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet,
        regardless of time, place, or circumstance.
        The thread may stretch or tangle, but it will never break."
        - an ancient Chinese belief


          When he talks he gesticulates a lot. It's not always the same gestures (obviously), but they're all sort of in the same way.
          It's plain adorable.

          Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


            When he talks he gesticulates a lot. It's not always the same gestures (obviously), but they're all sort of in the same way.
            It's plain adorable.

            Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


              Probably his positivity. That he lets nothing get to him and he seems to be able to smile in any given situation.
              Sometimes I actually hate that, guess it's because I can't be so positive myself, I'm not even gonna try.
              No matter how much I dislike it at times, it's what makes him... him.
              He's so easy-going and always puts me first, instead of saying what he wants himself. He does everything I ask of him (even includes if I want to go somewhere far away, even to a different country) and believes my every word.


                His logical mind. I need that to balance me out because I can be overly emotional at times (yes, I admit it), but it can drive me insane when I'm really upset about something and he just lays it out all logical and practical where I can't argue.


                  Him going social dancing! Argh. Everytime I text him he'll be "Oh sorry I'm at a dance right now, I'll text you back later?" Ahsjlkdjasklaskdjskal! WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS DANCING OMG. He does it in the aisles while shopping too. Or in the parking lot. He'll dance on the street if it makes him happy. He'll bring me to a social dance and ditch me there and go dance with other girls (I'm not complaining about that, I don't exactly care most of the time), and expect me, a TOTAL BEGINNER, to find my way around. But I have to thank him for introducing me to dancing (which I absolutely love), and I adore his happiness and geekiness when it comes to dancing. I WON'T EVER WANT HIM TO CHANGE (despite the occasional annoyance). :'D


                    the way she rubs her nose when she blushes is the most adorable thing i ever did see


                      My boyfriend is very stubborn, but somehow I find it cute because he knows what he wants.
                      ~"Happiness is not the absence of problems but the ability to deal with them"~


                        My SO is sooooooooo clumsy! I swear I come home every day and something new is broken. hahahaha I always tease him "Have you broken something yet today?"


                          When he feels like he has to help everyone!


                            My boyfriend is really into computers and is really nerdy. (I am nerdy, too!) When he talks about computer science-type things and I have no clue what he's talking about, oh boy, it's the cutest thing ever!

                            "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

                            Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


                              I love when he gets excited about something. When he really gets into a subject he can talk about it for hours and think through every little detail. It's fascinating because he goes more in depth than I would ever think to...except when I'm exhausted and don't have the energy to follow along. Then I just smile and nod.

                              Also, the little expressions of love he comes up with. He tells me he loves me a lot, but doesn't ever say why or go into it much. But his actions more than compensate. Like, he kept all the notes I put in his care package, and we were making cookies this weekend and he stopped me from making the last cookie so he could make a heart-shaped one just for me.

                              "You know it's love when you want to keep holding hands even after you're sweaty."
                              -- Anonymous

