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Crybaby! Is this normal?

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    i was able to talk to him briefly after litterally losing it. There's a lot more to why I went crazy today. His friend on facebook called me ugly and made some bad accusations about me. and he wouldnt answer any of my text messages. so I got super depressed. And, I then found out something I posted on his wall offended the girl. She thought I was talking about her sister (which I was, but it was an inside joke between him and I) so in my own defense...she read way too much into the video. It literally did not mention a name or a person, or a human being for that matter! It was betty boops cartoon "swat the fly". That is all. And it is a metaphor for basically ANYTHING getting in your way. So she wrote that I hate Oaxaca, and I hate Oaxacan women, I'm ugly, etc. My friend told me she sees how possibly someone could take it the wrong way so I apologized to the girl.

    So basically I only was able to talk to him for 15 minutes. Which was me telling him what happened, because I thought he should know. And then I had to ask him why his cousin wrote a bunch of crap about him and her best friend (who has done nothing but cause problems in our relationship) dancing together at some party the cousin is having. She was very conniving about it. using her initials as to not be blunt about it, or really let me notice. So I asked him who she was talking about, and he was honest and said it was the girl I hate (for very good reasons-shes been trying to break us up for the past 6.5 months). He is not allowed to be friends or speak to her, nor does he want to cause she sucks. So anyhoo, then I got to complain about the cousin and when I was done complaining about her, demanded he stood up for me, and tell her to stop being just so blatantly disrepectful.

    And then POOF he had to leave. so now I feel even worse because he never even got to tell me if he is feeling better. (He came online about 1 hour after I sent him a text message about why he is unable to go to the internet cafe to at least IM me, and that I was really pissed off and emotional and told him that it is not okay and it is not working out for me to not talk to him weeks at a time. Days-understandable, but not weeks!) He didnt tell me when I'd hear from him again. I didn't even get to talk to him. im soooooo fruuussssstrrrrrrrrrraaaaaatttttteeeeeeeeeeedddddd dddddddddddddddd


      I hope everything works out :/
      "taim i ngrá leat mo anam chara <3"

      Kitten: -laces fingers together- our souls are one <3
      Keith: -blushes and gazes at lovingly- forever and always <3


        That's a good example of why I hate Facebook. People act like they're still in high school on there sometimes. Block the people causing you trouble as they're not worth the minutes you've spent bothered by them. FB drama is the dumbest drama to be a part of.


          i didnt even know international fb drama was possible! lol I keep having vivid flashback TO HIGH SCHOOL where the same thing happened to me. does blocking people prevent them from writing on your posts to other people's walls? I actually got so annoyed and frustrated with Everything, I kind of sent a demanding text message to him, to pick a time, or pick a day and stick to it, so when I do talk to him, I am not just sorting out weeks worth of issues that have been building up and driving me crazy, when i actually do talk to him.

          I think if we don't set a date or time, or at least plan the next time we talk, I am going to keep getting really frustrated, which is really not good for either one of us. :-\


            Would it be possible/easier for the two of you to email or write each other letters? When my SO and I first got together our schedules were completely opposite so we never really had time to talk on the phone together or even IM because we weren't often online at the same time so we used to email each other tons. I still email him sometimes when he is busy too and even if he doesn't respond it helps because I know he read it and I know he knows what I wanted to say. I've been thinking about taking up writing him physical letters too, even if he doesn't respond, it'll make me feel better knowing that I said what I wanted to, and he knows.

            I hope the two of you are able to set a date and a time. I think that would help tremendously. I know it's hard, but you just have to trust your SO and [try] to be understanding. I hope communication improves between the two of you soon though.


              Originally posted by OliveOyl View Post
              i didnt even know international fb drama was possible! lol I keep having vivid flashback TO HIGH SCHOOL where the same thing happened to me. does blocking people prevent them from writing on your posts to other people's walls? I actually got so annoyed and frustrated with Everything, I kind of sent a demanding text message to him, to pick a time, or pick a day and stick to it, so when I do talk to him, I am not just sorting out weeks worth of issues that have been building up and driving me crazy, when i actually do talk to him.

              I think if we don't set a date or time, or at least plan the next time we talk, I am going to keep getting really frustrated, which is really not good for either one of us. :-\
              Stupid people exist everywhere, so yeah international FB drama can happen. Blocking a person on FB means they can't see your wall no matter what your settings are, they can't see your comments on any mutual friends' posts (such as if you were to comment or write on your SO's wall) and you can't see what they write. They can't even message you personally.

              Like Mara mentioned, maybe it would be a good idea to communicate by e-mail if your schedules are that conflicting or one of you simply doesn't have the time. That way when something bad happens you can tell him "right away" in a sense and he can read and respond when he can. Half the process of getting over something is venting it out in some form, whether you blog about it, write it on paper and toss it, or e-mail it. The other half comes from the reply. It takes time to settle into a schedule and it can often change and re-change depending on circumstances, but at the very least you'd have some reliable form of communication that wouldn't require you waiting up at all hours to try and catch him online or anything.


                That's why I have a love/hate relationship with FB. I do love it, and I have never had any FB drama. But, I know it's out there. I agree with others, block the people. I have blocked people, that I would see on my SO, FB. Long story but a girl thing and would upset me, he blocked her too. That's probably where my hate part of FB can be. If my SO wasn't LD, it would be totally different.

                I hope you guys are able to have a good talk and work everything out. Set some guidelines what expect from eachother. Like I said, ours is talk first thing in the morning and always before going to bed. But, always in contact. If he's at work, I will still txt him, even though he is busy and can't txt me back. Just little random notes of my day, or a random I love you. And he will just see later. He likes it and so do I.


                  Hun, your schedule was disrupted, and this was one of your pillars you leaned on for support. It's ok to be upset and remember that one time isn't a pattern - keep reminding yourself that. I would also remind yourself how hard it is on him - he loves to talk to you, and I'm sure it's eating him up to not get to talk to you like regular, either.

                  LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


                    I actually went to bed last night feeling a whole lot better because I finally just vented all of my frustrations out, and asked him to pick a day and stick with it. I feel like im in Kindergarten, because they always talk about providing children with consistency and predictable routines (im studying to become a teacher). but, i think that is just a human need. I took the advice and blocked them...well, I blocked 2 of the 3. I blocked the two girls who are ssiters, and haven't decided whether or not I want to block the cousin?! Obviously I'd like to somehow eventually get a long with her if they are family or whatnot....I dunno, I don't want to cause problems with him and his cousin....but then again if she just kept her mouth shut, I wouldnt have an issue with her. :-\


                      oh, and re: snail mail....It takes a reaaaallllyly long time to send mail to him. I sent a package and it ended up opened, dirty, broken, water damaged... lol it is a rough trip. I don;t know how often he checks his email, because we used to email a lot, but he never would check it so id just repeat everything over IM or on Facebook chat. lol


                        If he checks Facebook more, send him a private message there instead. That way you're not putting it out in public, but he still can receive it. As for the cousin, I think trying to get along in person is more important than trying to get along online. A lot of people do not act the same in person as they do on social networking sites or the internet in general so it may not be as bad. Blocking them doesn't mean you can't get along, it just means you don't want to deal with menial bullshit from them when you don't have to.


                          haha good point. I blocked her, then felt bad and unblocked her, but now I have to wait 48 hrs to reblock her. Im so indecisive! Thanks so much for your help

