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So close, no matter how far...

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    So close, no matter how far...

    Hey guys! N00b here.

    Anyway, I just returned from the US last week visiting my girlfriend, and I'm not going to lie (as most here probably knows already) it's been hard. And this leads me to the question I have for you all - what do you do to remain close in spirit to your SO? Besides calls on Skype etc. Maybe you have some experiences you would like to share or something, who knows. I'm kinda new at this.

    PS: Sorry about the blatant Metallica ripoff.

    Sometime, when I'm doing really bad, I lay down at night, close my eyes, and pretend that Brianna is in my arms. I play out how we'd talk softly for hours, she'd look up and I'd give her a slow kiss. A lot of the time it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside, but sometimes it makes me even worse, lol.

    Maybe this will help? Iunno, but I figured I'd give a bit of input

    Welcome to the forums, and keep your spirits up(:


      I have a little stuffed turtle that my SO gave me that I cuddle with. I also like to write him love letters by hand. It makes me feel closer to him for some reason. That's all I've got! It's super hard for me to cope most of the time, but those little things can help somewhat.


        When I get really sad. I will just sit and replay the memory of our last visit. Of course theres the little bringing in sad again, but we have the best time together and really makes me smile too.

        Probably not real helpful. I have been with my boyfriend for about 9 months. And I am real bad at this. The longer we are together, and closer we are. I have a harder time. Although, I always keep him close to my heart. And have scenerios in my mind, of what it will be like once he moves here!


          I don't get a lot of contact time with my guy, so whenever I'm feeling really upset and can't reach him (usually late at night) I'll lay in my bed in complete darkness, pretend he's right next to me, and just talk as though I'm actually telling him my problems. I even pause for comments I figure he'd make and respond to them, letting it go until I feel better. I've also kept an IM log from the messenger service we use that goes back all the way to January of 2010, a month before we began dating, and I re-read the old conversations. Sometimes they make me wish for the days when we had better and more constant contact, but most of the time it cheers me up because we tended to joke around a lot so the conversations make me laugh. I also have a picture of him as my cellphone's wallpaper so I sort of feel like he's there with me a bit, if the matching dogtags I bought us don't do enough of the job.


            Welcome to LFAD

            to continue with your quote, "forever trust in who we are, and nothing else matters" (gotta love metallica )

            in all seriousness though,it is never easy; or at least for me it isnt easy. My SO and i were CD for over 4 years before we became LD. We have a 10 hour time difference, and our first visit was 11 month after he moved. Those 11 months were very very hard. Did i mention i live in a part of the world with crappy limited internet too? The only thing that kept me together was trusting us both as individuals to be strong enough, and as a couple to be mature enough..
            Faith in eachother is so important!

            To keep our intellectual and emotional bond alive, and nourrish it , wetry to enrich our lives with many experiences and share them together. Wether its reading new things, trying a new sports or just opening yourself up to new horizons; wether you do it face to face, at the same time, or through emails and letters, it definitely brings us closer to one another

            good luck with your journey !
            Don't be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again.
            And meeting again, after moments or lifetime, is certain for those who are friends.
            ~Richard Bach

            “Always,” said Snape.


              Welcome to the forums.

              I've found the key for me is finding out what my SO really likes, and then doing it. Hearing the joy in his voice is what helps us stay together. I also make sure we spend time together as a couple, and having sexy times helps as well.

              LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


                Personally I love to do things for him, like think of a creative way to send a caring message, work on the scarf I'm making for him, write a letter, write/make a card, or make him talk about his day(Because he's far too good about being my psychologist, and I often forget to ask him how he is). It makes me happy to care for people, and especially it makes me happy to see him happy.


                  i do a bunch of thing like everyone here too... i like to write in our diary it helps me in so many ways... by the way i dedicated that Metallica song to him n he is learning to play it for me ... n Welcome!


                    Learn to be patient. There are going to be alot of waiting in this, waiting for phone calls or to talk to your SO. Its going ot be hard, but if you guys are really in love, then you already know that its worth it. Trust is another important factor. You two have to trust eachother, cause if you don't that can break you apart. Next is communication. Your not with your SO and they're not with you, so they didn't know what you did that day, or how you feel, unless you tell them! You have to communicate and be open.
                    As far as fun stuff, be creative, pictures, stories, online games, webcam, karoke, whatever comes to mind, movie date nights ect
                    I love you Nathan <3
                    5/25/09 <3


                      Welcome to LFAD!

                      When I have those moments, I work on my Finnish. Its incredibly difficult for English speakers to learn, and it forces my focus. Also, my guy gets so proud to hear what I've learned
                      Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                        I'd say I will txt him and tell him I miss him and he does the same...and of course look at the ring he gave me which is a constant reminer of how he feels about me
                        " Love don't run....Love don't hide...Love don't turn away or back down from a fight.
                        Baby I'm right here..and I and going anywhere"

                        Mitch and Stephanie July 14, 2011


                          I listen to music that reminds me of him and write letters <3
                          "taim i ngrá leat mo anam chara <3"

                          Kitten: -laces fingers together- our souls are one <3
                          Keith: -blushes and gazes at lovingly- forever and always <3


                            Picture messaging. Phone calls and texting are mainly what keep us going, but we'll also sometimes send each other pictures from things that happen in our day. Like, I'll send him a picture of the weather here and he'll show me what it's like over there. Or if we get dressed up to go somewhere we'll send a picture to the other person to show them how hot we look.

                            I find pictures like these make us feel more involved in the other person's life and a little less far away.

                            "You know it's love when you want to keep holding hands even after you're sweaty."
                            -- Anonymous


                              Besides talking through Skype?

                              We send a love letter package each month which contains a letter and a usb stick filled with videos and pictures.

                              I sometimes also include movies which I think she might enjoy and some music.

                              You can also send emails and e-cards.

                              Just go through the list on the LFAD homepage. They have quite a few activities listed there.

