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So close, no matter how far...

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    Originally posted by Micah View Post
    I have a little stuffed turtle that my SO gave me that I cuddle with. I also like to write him love letters by hand. It makes me feel closer to him for some reason. That's all I've got! It's super hard for me to cope most of the time, but those little things can help somewhat.
    I have a teddy bear my boyfriend gave me that I do the same thing with haha. He sprayed it with his cologne so it smells like him and it's like he's right there with me. Physical reminders of you can go a long way with your SO. Letters, cards, handmade gifts and such can really make the distance seem a little easier to handle. Good luck and welcome to LFAD!


      Thanks for all the replies! I'm definitely full of inspiration now.

      Oh, and sexy times? Duely noted.


        \m/ Metallica ROCKS!!!

        It's late and I'm too tired to formulate a response to your question, but I just love the thread title!

        (I'm a member of the Met fan club, actually!)


          - I wear some of his clothes
          - When I do get the chance to talk to him, I try and get us to talk about the things we're going to do when we're together, so when we're apart it's pretty much ALL I think of to keep me going.
          - We both have internet plans in our phones so we use pingchat.
          - We send kisses, voice messages and text as much as we both can.
          - I've started a blog for us both to use although it only lasted a few days!
          - If I know a day is going to be particularly tough, I write out a list in the morning of things to do during that day to keep me busy. With things like spend an hour or two exercising, reading etc. Play some video games and for me revise for my driving test. Just anything to keep my mind focused on something.
          - Try and spend time with other people.
          - There's been a few times where I've hit rock bottom but have gone for a drive in the car with my friend and have ended up giggling away with her.
          - Just surround yourself in people that will support you.


            - I wear some of his clothes
            - When I do get the chance to talk to him, I try and get us to talk about the things we're going to do when we're together, so when we're apart it's pretty much ALL I think of to keep me going.
            - We both have internet plans in our phones so we use pingchat.
            - We send kisses, voice messages and text as much as we both can.
            - I've started a blog for us both to use although it only lasted a few days!
            - If I know a day is going to be particularly tough, I write out a list in the morning of things to do during that day to keep me busy. With things like spend an hour or two exercising, reading etc. Play some video games and for me revise for my driving test. Just anything to keep my mind focused on something.
            - Try and spend time with other people.
            - There's been a few times where I've hit rock bottom but have gone for a drive in the car with my friend and have ended up giggling away with her.
            - Just surround yourself in people that will support you.


              Originally posted by ioanna View Post
              Welcome to LFAD

              to continue with your quote, "forever trust in who we are, and nothing else matters" (gotta love metallica )

              in all seriousness though,it is never easy; or at least for me it isnt easy. My SO and i were CD for over 4 years before we became LD. We have a 10 hour time difference, and our first visit was 11 month after he moved. Those 11 months were very very hard. Did i mention i live in a part of the world with crappy limited internet too? The only thing that kept me together was trusting us both as individuals to be strong enough, and as a couple to be mature enough..
              Faith in eachother is so important!

              To keep our intellectual and emotional bond alive, and nourrish it , wetry to enrich our lives with many experiences and share them together. Wether its reading new things, trying a new sports or just opening yourself up to new horizons; wether you do it face to face, at the same time, or through emails and letters, it definitely brings us closer to one another

              good luck with your journey !
              What she said. Share things... my bf loves to watch movies (i dont really care that much) but i like to watch them with him.. so what we do is we start the movie at the same time and watch it together while on call thru skype.. now maybe u cant do exactly this.. but hence why i quoted her...


              read the same book, link videos to each other.. there are tonz of activities u can do and just hear out what the other person thinks and discuss them etc.

              Another thing... my bf and I met thru and online game.. which we still play. I find Online games to be an amazing way to spend time with some1 u love who's not right next to you, since you can both do things together and achieve things.. then talk about it.. etc.. so A lot could be accomplished.


                I'm listening to this Metallica song now!

                My fiancé snuck his favourite jumper into my suitcase before I left Canada so I curl up with it and take a deep breath. For the times when there's only email (which has been a lot lately) I keep a small notepad and pencil in my pocket to write down everything I want to tell him so I don't forget anything.


                  [QUOTE=Jrapp;99435]Sometime, when I'm doing really bad, I lay down at night, close my eyes, and pretend that Brianna is in my arms. I play out how we'd talk softly for hours, she'd look up and I'd give her a slow kiss. A lot of the time it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside, but sometimes it makes me even worse, lol.

                  i do the same thing lol.

                  i have a book that i write to my so in everyday. it makes me feel better. i try to look at the positive things about him/our relationship, that usually helps as well.

