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Your Favorite Part about your S/O or bf or gf?!

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    My boyfriend is an incredible musician, and can be rather sensitive <3
    ~"Happiness is not the absence of problems but the ability to deal with them"~


      I'm going to participate in all of these threads even though we are not together.. haha oh well..

      He is very smart. His intelligence rolls off him with ease. He always has a quote off the top of his head for a situation, and it usually comes from a book. He loves to read, and reads for hours and hours at a time. He is a movie buff and has seen almost every movie imaginable. It just makes every conversation with him engaging and interesting. If I took anything positive away from our relationship, one of the things was most definitely my improved vocabulary and my grammar, as well as the inspiration to read and to write poetry again. I needed to get back into that.


        It's hard to pick one favorite thing. I know people always say "He's an amazing guy.." but he really is.

        He's a phenomenal cook. All of the men in his family are. I lucked out! Other than that, I love his patience and honestly. Honesty is probably the most important one. Even if it hurts, he is always telling me the truth.. The BRUTAL truth and I love it. I trust him with everything. Plus he's gorgeous and smart.. That doesn't hurt.


          Strangely enough I love his feminine side. He has 3 sisters, 2 girl cousins and his mom living with him, so he's great with girly things XD He loves shopping and reads my Cosmo and can even watch my girly shows, and he loves cute things and isn't afraid to be cuddly in public, and sings to me all the time, and writes poems and draws pictures... It's awesome.

          He isn't afraid to take risks and have fun, no matter who sees, and makes sure to live everyday to it's fullest. He's inspiring.


            the way she can make me and everybody around her laugh hysterically, shes very easy to get along with, shes a great cook, shes very very smart she took a Psychology class once and knows the area in the brain where its damaged that causes Parkinson's disease mmhmm, very proud and blessed to have her in my life. she's very sweet, loving and caring, she can write songs and stories really well, she has gone through so much shit in her short life but has managed to survive it all and still be the sweet loving woman that i fell in love with


              I love everything about him He has a weaknesses but for me it's not a weakness. He's perfect in my eyes
              "Love wins everything especially fear."


                My SO has the biggest heart, he's strong,passionate and knows his own mind. I love how he makes me feel,that he supports me no matter what. He's just perfect for me
                As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


                  The fact he is has a nerdy side that compliments my own, but if I'm to be honest... I love how attentive he is to me. Typically, it's something that would drive me up the wall in pas relationships, but with him... I always feel loved, and that's a wonderful feeling.


                    I love my boyfriend! He is the sweetest guy in the whole world, and he is usually very patient with me. I've got some nasty things in my past, and he has always been very understanding in helping me deal with them, which is just what I need in a boyfriend.


                      I don't think that I'm able to pick just one part.

                      I love everything about her.


                        I really do love everything about him! I love how he sees something broken, immediately goes to fix and will work on it til it is fixed. I love how he is such a hard worker. I love how he has so much faith in me. Whenever I have a challenge or worries, he will always tell me how he know I can do it. Then when I do he will always tell me how proud of me he is.

                        I love when he randomly calls me in the middle of the day to tell me He loves me!


                          I love that he can cheer me up even when I don't want to talk - on those horrible days that never seem to end. I love when we get to just be lazy together, and I can lay around on the couch, wrapped up in his arms. I love that he is organized, and always willing to make time to help. I love that he is the more romantic of the two of us, cause I am total crap with the mushy stuff. I love kissing him, and when we go on long drives together. I love his crazy chia-pet-esque hair and how he's always smiling...

                          I'm really missing him.


                            My SO is truly the most amazing man that I have ever met. He has so much faith in things that I'm not even sure I can do. He supports my dreams and wants me to accomplish them and be successful in them. He makes me feel so special just with a simple look or word. There's not just on thing about him that I love. I love everything about him. I feel like I'm the luckiest girl in the world because I have him.
                            "I'll hold you in my heart till I can hold you in my arms again."

                            "It's supposed to be hard! If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The what makes it great! -A League of Their Own

                            Met: August 22, 2010
                            Made it official: September 17, 2010
                            Got engaged: January 15, 2012
                            Our First Visit: November 18, 2010-November 28, 2010
                            Our Seventh (and Last) Visit: November 10, 2012-November 24, 2012
                            Got married: November 21, 2012
                            Big Wedding Date: May 25, 2013
                            Closed the Distance: June 2, 2013


                              Originally posted by MrsExPrez View Post
                              I'm going to participate in all of these threads even though we are not together.. haha oh well..

                              He is very smart. His intelligence rolls off him with ease. He always has a quote off the top of his head for a situation, and it usually comes from a book. He loves to read, and reads for hours and hours at a time. He is a movie buff and has seen almost every movie imaginable. It just makes every conversation with him engaging and interesting. If I took anything positive away from our relationship, one of the things was most definitely my improved vocabulary and my grammar, as well as the inspiration to read and to write poetry again. I needed to get back into that.
                              Oh that's good! He's one of those guys that can describe how you feel or a situation with just one word or a quote. Like for example, you have trouble describing why you feel this way and he just says it out loud and it's like "YEA THAT'S WHY I FEEL THIS WAY" ... or hmm I hope you're not confused .... heheh LOL


                                I love how my SO is able to make my worst days amazing once I talk to him. He is always able to put a smile on my face.

