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How and when to skype someone with a 13h time difference? please don't skip :'(

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    How and when to skype someone with a 13h time difference? please don't skip :'(

    So my bf is moving 7715 miles away from me (for 2/3 years) in a couple of months..
    We have to Skype like every day
    But how can we do it with the time difference?
    I'm looking for tips, ideas, examples, personal experience, anything like that
    Please help me I really don't know what to do :/

    Oh and btw were both 14/15 so we go to school
    It makes it even more complicated lol

    It might be a little unrealistic to skype every day especially if the two of you are working different schedules. Me and my SO are 8 hours different and we only get to skype on weekends when both our schedules fit. I find that only seeing his face once/twice a week gives me something to look forward to and get excited about.


      My SO and I have a 13-hour time difference (well, it's 12 now because of the DST). It's kind of difficult to skype especially if both of you are working/studying and the schedules are total opposites. One of us will have to stay up late or wake up early just to talk.
      "Once the realization is accepted that even between the closest human beings infinite distances continue,
      a wonderful living side by side can grow, if they succeed in loving the distance between them
      which makes it possible for each to see the other whole against the sky."
      - Rainer Maria Rilke

      "An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet,
      regardless of time, place, or circumstance.
      The thread may stretch or tangle, but it will never break."
      - an ancient Chinese belief


        My SO and I have a 12 hour time difference.

        She's going to uni and I'm going to school.

        We only Skype once or twice a week, on the weekend.


          It will be hard to skype everyday. My SO and I don't skype everyday because my internet during the week is really bad and won't hold a connection. We use a lot of emailing and IMing. Its not so bad only talking on skype on weekends. Snow_girl is right, it gives you something to look forward to every week.


   probably aren't going to be able to skype every day. The only option for that is to do it when the person that's ahead first wakes up in the morning, but then they'll have to wake up extra early just to do that. It's not really a great choice.

            I know right now only skyping once a week seems horrible, but really it's not that bad. When my SO first left we only talked on the phone once or twice a week, and that was okay. You get used to it. Plus, I know that there's people on here that actively choose to talk on the phone only a couple times a week as they have more to talk about that way.

            "You know it's love when you want to keep holding hands even after you're sweaty."
            -- Anonymous


              we are 9hr difference but we still skype when we can or want, usually weekends when is his night n morning for me...


                There's a 16 hour difference between my boyfriend and I (15, now with daylight savings), and we manage to skype once, sometimes twice every day. I see now my situation may be an exception, but it is possible. He is in college full time and working part time, but he's a polyphasic sleeper (more later).

                We skype in my mornings, after he comes home from school, for 30mins to an hour, before I go to work. Of course, not all that time is spent talking as I have to get ready for work, but it still is nice to have him there, telling me about his day while i'm running around in my room. After I leave he continues about the rest of his afternoon/evening.

                I said earlier that he's a polyphasic sleeper. He does not sleep full nights, just 6-7 half-hour naps spread out throughout the day. That makes it possible for us to skype when I get home from work for about 1.5 to 4.5 hours, depending on whether or not I hang out with friends after work. Even when he does sleep full nights, he gets up around 7am for school/work, which still gives us about 1.5 hours before my bedtime at 11:30pm.

                I hope you guys can figure something out for yourselves. All the best! (:


                  really what u should do is talk it out.... get to know your schedules.. at what time will he be home.. and compare it to yours.. what time will u be on... write it down if that makes it more visible or if you think u might forget..

                  unfortunately i wish i could help u more but my Bf and i only have 1 hr difference now due to daylight savings so... we can spend all day together on skype

                  generally texting makes things better when u cant be in front of your PC all the time.. will he have a phone plan that lets him connect to his skype account or MSN or AIM... he can txt u at any point of the day...or night... do you have a phone plan?? if not maybe both of u should consider getting one.... with this.. if u both find out u have 15 mins to txt to each other... take the time to do so.. :P

                  at the start of every semester in college.. my bf lets me have his schedule.. so i know when he's busy or not.. and yet, i still text him while he's in class if i really miss him a lot...

                  also i know both of u are in high school still.. but if you have a free period to talk to him take the time...


                    I'm with everybody who thinks skyping everyday isn't realistic. My guy and I have a 11 hour time difference (and a little over 10,000 miles distance) and we definitely don't skype everyday, life happens and that'll effect how much you can use skype. Also I don't know if you both have good internet providers but skype uses up a HEAP of downloads, sometime when I've skyped with my guy I've used about 800mb in a day. Also technology as great as it is, it can mess up. I'm sure everybody here has many stories of when technology has stuffed up. For the last 2 weeks my guy's phone line and internet has been playing up and we're lucky to talk 20minutes a day.

                    The time difference can be really tough and you're both probably gunna have to make sacrifices to make it work. I'm sure over time you will find a routine but don't have too high of exceptions because if things don't work out that way, you'll just be disappointed.

                    A side note, don't completely change your life so you can talk to him, you need to keep your life going too, still go out with friends, they'll help if things ever get hard.
                    Money Savers a LFAD group for people to share money saving ideas, tips, links, etc.


                      I agree with Insanity that you shouldn't completely change your life for your relationship. We remind and encourage each other to hang out with our own friends. I take the time to do so after work and over the weekends. He makes plans with friends in the afternoons if he's not working.

                      If you're worried that skyping with him will take up too much time, do your homework/study together while on skype. There's no need for much conversation, just like sitting next to each other studying in a library. You can also plan your next visit or learn something new. It's still spending time together doing something productive. I agree that sacrifices will have to be made, and both of you will have to be very flexible with the schedule if one of you isn't able to get online at the same time.

                      The time difference can be tough, but take the time to figure out each other's schedules and you should be able to work around it. We didn't think it was possible either, but if we can make it through my full time job (10 hour work days), his full time college and part time job, our individual social lives and a 16 hour time difference, I'd say it's possible for you too. (:


                        I don't believe Skyping every day is unrealistic. I also have a 13-hour time difference with my SO and we have set aside at least an hour of time to talk every day. Sometimes if we have stuff going on during our allotted skype time, then we warn each other about that and we don't skype during that time. However, we do manage to set aside time during his evening after dinner and my morning before I go to teach. My advice would be to find what works for you. My SO and I are 22 and 23 so things might be different schedule-wise (ex: I don't have to go to school early as I did in high school) but see what you guys can work out.
                        Sarang Hae <3


                        "I never had a dream come true, 'til the day that I found you."

