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A lot has happened in the past week.

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    A lot has happened in the past week.

    Well... I haven't been getting on here lately because there's a lot that happened with Kyle. I'm not the type of person that talks about their problems, I usually keep everything to myself, that's probably not a good thing to do, but that's just the way I am I guess...

    Kyle and I have been getting into so many stupid fights lately and it was getting to me. I have no idea why but we were arguing a lot and in the end we just kept hurting each other. Last Thursday, I didn't know what to do anymore and thought everything was getting out of control so I decided to break up with him. It was definitely not what I wanted to do at all but I felt it was the right thing to do. The relationship was going really bad and every time we talked I felt like we ended up fighting and treating each other horribly.

    [I don't want to make this a long post or anything. I don't even know if anybody cares but I didn't want to come back here after everything that happened and just not say anything]

    But anyways.. We talked on Sunday and he asked me if there was any chance of us getting back together. I told him to give me a couple of days to think about it. I knew I missed him soooo much but I didn't want to go back to all the fights and the negativity. We had a looooooooong talk Tuesday night, trying to figure out what to do. We do love each other, but being in a long distance relationship (and I'm sure all of you know) is very hard. In the end, we decided to get back together and try to make things work. We'll see how it goes from now... I hope it works out for us.

    I've been very busy with school and with everything that went on I didn't have the energy to get on here ... I know I wasn't gone for that long but still I kinda missed this place!

    I'm not telling you it's going to be easy.
    I'm telling you it's going to be worth it.

    Sometimes, I think the breaking and rebuilding is what makes relationships stronger.

    If you both know what you need to work on, and are willing to do it to be together - I think that's great! I wish you both the best of luck.


      Thank you so much And yeah I feel the same way, sometimes breaking up and getting back together could make the relationship stronger but I'm a bit scared because this is not the first time it happens. I just wish we could have fixed things before having to even think of breaking up :/ hopefully it won't happen again...

      I'm not telling you it's going to be easy.
      I'm telling you it's going to be worth it.


        My SO and I argue all the time. We fight about anything and everything some nights. It's hard and sometimes I feel like I can't handle it anymore, but I know that in the end things will be so much better. I feel like we argue because we have nothing better to do. We talk about everything through texts during the day, so at night when we can talk on the phone, all we do is argue because we can't think of anything to talk about.

        I'm not sure what you and your SO were arguing about, but maybe it's partially because you don't know what else to do?


          Welcome back... best wishes to you and Kyle.
          Love is patient and kind. It does not envy or boast; is not proud, rude or self-seeking. Love is not easily angered and keeps no record of wrongs. It does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

          ~*~Love never fails~*~ 1 Corinthians 13


            I agree with the rebuilding after me and my SO's last huge breakup we seemed to have matured and are more ready for everything. We think things out more and little things do not get to us as easy. It strengthened our relationship in many ways and made us appreciate what we have even more. Sometimes it takes this to open your eyes to problems you refused to confront and instead put off to the side to ignore. It allows you to open yourself to better communication and strive to resolve all your problems together with a lot of communication. I wish yall the best in the new chapter yall have started ^-^
            "taim i ngrá leat mo anam chara <3"

            Kitten: -laces fingers together- our souls are one <3
            Keith: -blushes and gazes at lovingly- forever and always <3

