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Have you met in person?

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    Have you met in person?

    The more and more I read on these threads, I really want to know something.

    How many of you have actually met and spent time with their SO?

    I haven't met mine yet. We have been emailing/talking for 1 year 4 months. I officially went on the paper of being his "girlfriend" 4 months ago (hahaha, thats how he put it..)

    So I am just curious how many are offically in my situation of being so deeply in love with someone that you haven't met?

    That song by Michael Buble I Just Haven't Met You a fun song for me, cause I take it as i know you, i just haven't met you yet!

    I met him He only lives 300 miles from me, and I can see him regularly. I met him after a month together. I had people willing to pay :P. It was that or let me go to Los Angeles by myself only a few months after turning 18 xD. My mom is weird :P. Oh well, we met and it worked :'D. I don't know how to describe it. It's exciting, but scary as hell at the same time. My heart was beating so fast the first time before I met him. I thought I was going to trigger an asthma attack O_o. I know it's not the same for everyone, but in my case I could kinda tell with the first time that my feelings were absolutely genuine, and that he was exactly who he portrayed himself to be.

    Year and a half later, he's 20 now and I'm 19. We're less stupid, but not by much :P. Love is no less :'D!


      Rane and I have met in person, but that was after 8 months of dating only online. I think I can speak for both of us though when I say that we were both totally crazy in love long before our first meeting.


        I have met my boyfriend. We were talking online for4 or 5 months. I made the leap to go meet him and flew to Ireland. It was nerve wrecking of how things would be in person since we clicked so well talking online, but we were both amazed at how comfortable and natural it was. We have been together for a year and a half now and couldn't be more happy and in love. Although the LD is extremely hard, it's better knowing that I am with him and that it is going to change real soon...that is what keeps me going!


          I have met my fiance. We met after talking online and on the phone for 4 months. We knew each other before that but online from an online game. I sadly thought he was a she. I was always joking around with him about stuff. He was the one who made the move to IM and eventually phone calls. And the phone calls havent stopped. We spend at least an hour a day talking on the phone and have no for close to a year. Met face to face 3 times and soon to be 4 (sqee im flying to see him in 3 weeks) and im moving to be with him forever in June. We are going to start planning our wedding after I get to Michigan.

          Dont get down though because you havent met. It will be all the more sweeter when you finally get to.


            I've met my boyfriend. Granted, it took a year and a half, but he got so desperate to meet me. He begged his parents for money to go on a "study trip" here in America(he's in Singapore) and in August of 2009 I went to pick him up at the airport. I was SO nervous. I thought he'd change his mind, that meeting me would make him think twice about us. But no, he came toward me, I waved and ran under the little ribbon thing and hugged him. I guided him around the place, and he told me to move to his other side so he could hold my hand properly. Then we stopped walking and he turned to me(he was really tired!) and told me to kiss him, so I did and it was the best moment of my life.

            But he spent a week here. Without my family knowing. I spent every second I could with him. Most people say there's some awkwardness when you first meet. I say no. We worked together perfectly, like we were just picking up where our IMs and video calls and texts had left off. He felt like my boyfriend- not a stranger who I met on the internet. Now, he's going to be in the mandatory National Service thing for two years, so I can't see him till he's out, but I'll be alright.

            Every second spent waiting was worth that one week of happiness.


              We're 1 year and 4 months into our relationship and we haven't met yet. Its just not able to happen with us right now, we'll probably have to wait up until another year to meet. We're both in school and have limited funds and my parents also have no idea about the relationship between us, so its unlikely we will meet before summer next year. Next year, he's only got 3 classes in highschool, so he can get a job and save up. He's hoping to come to england by this time next year, he's especially excited about coming to my prom =P


                I met him in person a couple of times first- he was travelling and stopped in the town where my parents live. My mom met him and told me that I should come home for the weekend (I was away at college) because she had met the "perfect guy for me". I was in a relationship at the time, but I was due for a visit home, so I went and had a 10 minute conversation with him. I was intrigued by him, but really didn't think anything of it because I don't really "see" other guys as attractive when I'm in a committed relationship. Then my boyfriend and I broke up, and he was staying in Paris, so my Mom and I went to stay with him for spring break. We spent a few days with him. At the end of the trip, we held hands and gave each other a hug- which was the most amazing hug I've ever had , but we never talked about being together.

                After I got back home, we started emailing and chatting through IM. Those emails/chats are really what showed us that we had a real connection. I met him again 4-5 months later in person, and we started dating. This was about 9 years ago. The first go-around didn't go so well for us. We got together and broke up again several times before we realized that we weren't ready for a committed relationship. But he told me once that he dreamed of showing up at my door some day and giving me a big bouquet of flowers and telling me he wanted to spend his life with me. We stayed in contact and developed a really strong friendship (pretty much all over phone/email- we didn't see each other all that much during that time). But about two years ago, he showed up at my door and said that he wanted to spend his life with me, and we've been together ever since.

                So, that's a long response to your question. Before I met him, I don't think I could have believed that somone could truly fall in love online. But since I met him, I know I never would have known him like I know him now if we hadn't spent so much time emailing, chatting on IM, or talking on the phone. Those things are what really caused me to fall in love with him.

                I really admire the patience of those of you who have to wait a long time to meet their SO! I don't know if I could do it! But you must have something really, really special to be able to remain so connected with one another.


                  I haven't met Alex yet unfortunately. ^^: however, we're going to meet on May 29th!! ;DD I'm so excited~! >w<


                    I haven't met Megan in person.. yet. I might see her this summer <cross fingers> or it will be this winter for the first time.
                    "Distance between two hearts is not an obstacle...rather a beautiful reminder of just how strong true love can be." ~ Anonymous
                    "Since love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul." ~ St. Augustine
                    "True love is rare, so when you find it don't let it go just because of a barrier you can't cross". ~ Ray H Wall

                    Chris and Megan - November 3rd 2009- (Break from June 15- )July 18th 2011.


                      Originally posted by Marian View Post
                      I haven't met Alex yet unfortunately. ^^: however, we're going to meet on May 29th!! ;DD I'm so excited~! >w<
                      OH my goodness that is soooo exciting!! I hope you have the time of your life. How long have you been talking with eachother?


                        Originally posted by Rach321 View Post

                        So, that's a long response to your question. Before I met him, I don't think I could have believed that somone could truly fall in love online. But since I met him, I know I never would have known him like I know him now if we hadn't spent so much time emailing, chatting on IM, or talking on the phone. Those things are what really caused me to fall in love with him.

                        I really admire the patience of those of you who have to wait a long time to meet their SO! I don't know if I could do it! But you must have something really, really special to be able to remain so connected with one another.
                        You have a great story! I also believe that the online talking and the phone calls are what causes people to fall deeply in love, and i think CDR's miss out on that.


                          Originally posted by polkapiggy View Post
                          We're 1 year and 4 months into our relationship and we haven't met yet. Its just not able to happen with us right now, we'll probably have to wait up until another year to meet. We're both in school and have limited funds and my parents also have no idea about the relationship between us, so its unlikely we will meet before summer next year. Next year, he's only got 3 classes in highschool, so he can get a job and save up. He's hoping to come to england by this time next year, he's especially excited about coming to my prom =P
                          I have to admire you both..that is a long time to wait before you meet!! But how amazing it will be when you do!


                            Originally posted by totalspiffage View Post

                            But he spent a week here. Without my family knowing. I spent every second I could with him. Most people say there's some awkwardness when you first meet. I say no. We worked together perfectly, like we were just picking up where our IMs and video calls and texts had left off. He felt like my boyfriend- not a stranger who I met on the internet. Now, he's going to be in the mandatory National Service thing for two years, so I can't see him till he's out, but I'll be alright.

                            Every second spent waiting was worth that one week of happiness.
                            I have often wondered if there would be ackwardness when we meet, so i am glad to hear you say that there isn't. You have a very sweet story also! 2 years is a long time, but it sounds like ou guys will make it and it will be wonderful!


                              Originally posted by punkpain View Post
                              Met face to face 3 times and soon to be 4 (sqee im flying to see him in 3 weeks) and im moving to be with him forever in June. We are going to start planning our wedding after I get to Michigan.

                              Dont get down though because you havent met. It will be all the more sweeter when you finally get to.
                              CONGRATS on your wedding!! How amazing that will be!!
                              I do get down sometimes on not meeting him yet, but I do often think about how awesome it is going to be when it FINALLY happens!!! Thank you for the encouragment

