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Had to say goodbye twice..

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    Had to say goodbye twice..

    My SO and I met for the first time March 8th till the 19th.
    Or so it was suppose to be.

    The visit was absolutely amazing. There was no awkwardness or anything in the first hours together. We were completely comfortable. Or as much as he could be. We were together the whole time except to go to the bathroom or take a shower. Or when I would go walk American Idol with my mother as he did -some- homework and or some kind of computer work until he joined us on the couch.

    When March 19th came around we had to take him to the airport by 7pm. We left and got there a little after 6pm. We thought we were fine. I hugged him and kissed him and we said goodbye and we left our separate ways. I turned my DS on and bit my lip so I wouldn't cry in front of my parents. 20 minutes later we went to Salvation Army for some shopping and I wondered around the store alone with tears in my eyes. When I calmed down I found my mom and we looked at clothes. My SO sends me a FB message, which goes to my phone and asks "Do you have my phone?" my heart dropped and went into panic mode. A bit after, he sends me another saying that he missed his flight, because of security taking too long and us leaving too late. He missed his flight by two minutes. So, a little more than a half hour later we finally arrive at the airport to pick him up. He booked a flight for 3pm the next day, Sunday. We spent our extra night cuddled up on the couch watching a movie alone. It was nice<3

    The 20th, the next day, we woke early to a rainy day with thunder and all. We left two hours early and we had to say goodbye all over again. On the ride I was fine... kind of. I couldn't look at our intertwined fingers. I was fine though. Until I saw the airport. I choked up, but no tears. We get out of the car and embrace and I felt horrible. I felt the lump in my throat when our lips touched and couldn't get the words goodbye out. I smiled and waved as he walked away. I cried on the way home, playing my DS, the pounding rain drowning out my sniffles. I calmed down long enough to get into the house and into my room where I broke down and cried hugging the pillow that smelled like him.

    I'm crying right now having just typed this out. I think about it all the time since that day. I had to type it out somewhere.

    Has anyone else had to go through two goodbyes in two days?

    i haven't experienced this kind of pain, but I am sorry. I know it must be hard. Hang in there, it gets easier with time. I am glad your trip was amazing!


      I know it's hard, but try to look at it from a positive perspective too. You got an extra day with him unexpectedly, which is awesome. And you know that even though goodbyes are really tough, they're not forever and sometimes they're not even for as long as you expected. Hang in there!


        When the SO took me to the airport we said our goodbye and I went to go through security, only I got told I was in the wrong cue so had to walk back out and up to him and go around and in the other way kind of thing. So we ended up saying goodbye twice.

        Not the same as what you went through but it dragged it out a lot longer than what I wanted it to be.

        It will get easier though I promise you


          That's gotta be rough! I've never been in a situation like that, but as goodbyes tear me up when I have to deal with them, I can imagine how hard it must have been to do it twice, so close together.

          But, as someone else said, try to look on the bright side, and focus on the things you can be grateful for, and remember it's not a forever goodbye. The pain will pass.


            Sort of. It happened on purpose though. It wasn't planned but a last minute decision. Frank and I were at the bus station waiting for my bus to come. I was bawling. And Frank was sad too. I did not want to go. As the bus was sitting there waiting to leave, we were sitting in the car and I convinced Frank to spend one more night with me. We were 2 hours from his house and 3 hours from mine, so we spent the night at a hotel and I had to leave the next afternoon, but we got to spend that extra day together and we had fun. When I had to actually leave, I was still bawling when we said goodbye. I think it was worth it though. I'm lucky Frank let's me do crazy stuff like that.
            Read my LDR story!


              I guess look on the positive side that you were able to spend one more night with him? Im glad you had an amazing visit ^-^ That sucks it was extra heart wrenching in the end though :/
              "taim i ngrá leat mo anam chara <3"

              Kitten: -laces fingers together- our souls are one <3
              Keith: -blushes and gazes at lovingly- forever and always <3


                Originally posted by Michelle View Post
                Sort of. It happened on purpose though. It wasn't planned but a last minute decision. Frank and I were at the bus station waiting for my bus to come. I was bawling. And Frank was sad too. I did not want to go. As the bus was sitting there waiting to leave, we were sitting in the car and I convinced Frank to spend one more night with me. We were 2 hours from his house and 3 hours from mine, so we spent the night at a hotel and I had to leave the next afternoon, but we got to spend that extra day together and we had fun. When I had to actually leave, I was still bawling when we said goodbye. I think it was worth it though. I'm lucky Frank let's me do crazy stuff like that.
                Hehe something similar happened to me, too The boy was supposed to fly home that afternoon and we were getting ready to go to the airport. I really, really didn't want him to leave. Well, I was drying my hair in the bathroom, stressed cos we were sort of late when he came in and was like "Hey, what do you think, would you like to go for a walk?". I was like "????? ummmmmmm what on earth are you talking about, we're late, we SO don't have time...?!". Turns out he'd changed his booking whilst i'd been showering! And we got to spend some more time together. Awesome surprise! Oh, and we did go for that walk, and it was so nice hehe.
                (He said he was tempted to go to the airport with me and then show me the ticket But he just couldn't do it. Fortunately! lol)
                I still cried when we said goodbye, but then again I usually do

                P.S. Hi everybody! I'm new here and really glad I found this place! Looking forward to meeting you all!


                  Awww I'm sorry hon ull be fine, I was like u n I guess a lot of us brake down on the good byes , I haven't say bye twice , I barely met my SO las Feb 14 n I cried so bad at the airport n last like that for days, now I'm back in my routine but its harder to miss him now that know the feeling of being w him. I hope u get better soon


                    Thank you everyone! This made me feel a ton better.
                    I've been doing fine since Sunday and lay in bed thinking about all the things we did.
                    I get sad, but at the same time I am happy.
                    We will see each other soon, hopefully. <3


                      I had a similar experience, though the second 'goodbye' wasn't face to face. Halfway through my visit my SO had to return to work and so we said our goodbyes then. Well, more like he said them and I pouted like a brat, but all the same. I stayed roughly two more days before deciding to change my plane ticket to leave earlier since he couldn't come back and the morning of the day I was leaving (ironically Valentine's Day) I called him and told him I was leaving, he apologized for not being able to see me off, we talked, and then I hung up to catch a cab.

                      I know in a certain perspective the extra day seems almost like a bad thing, but you were able to have just a bit more time and I'm sure you were appreciative of every minute. In a way you get a double-tap of pain but at the same time you were granted what a lot of folks would most likely literally kill something or someone for. Hurts now but you'll be able to look back on it with fondness soon enough.


                        I completely understand how you feel, because I went through basically the exact same thing. On me and my SO's first visit, I was taken to the airport and of course we started crying hard, not wanting to leave. The entire time I was going through security and waiting for my flight, we were texting each other and saying we need to turn back. My plane was delayed too late for my ride to pick me up after the flight, so I had to go back to her place to stay another night. We were so happy for it to happen, but it made the next day so much harder to say goodbye.

                        It’s still so very hard, but I know once I’m able to move to her, or can afford to visit more often, it’ll be so much better. :]


                          I'm sorry, but try to be as positive as you can. I know it's easier said then done but it will help.


                            I've kind of been there. When I finally met him in person, I ended up staying an extra like, three days so I got to spend a few hours short of an entire week with him and it was amazing. The day I was leaving (Christmas Eve,) the bus was over-booked so they said I may have to take a later one. First of all, I didn't want to do that because I would get home much later than I planned and I didn't want to put off leaving. I know that sounds mean, but we were preparing for the goodbye already and it hurt so much more to prolong it. By the time I finally got on the (original) bus, I was bawling my eyes out into my SO's chest. Then, I looked at him like an idiot and saw a freakin tear rolling down his cheek. That made it way worse and I was damn near hysterical. I seriously hope I never have to go through that again. This last time that I saw him, we were cutting it close to me catching my flight so I didn't have time for a long goodbye, thank goodness. That honestly made it a lot easier, even though it still sucked.

