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What's the best thing ever happened to you during your LDR? ;)

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    What's the best thing ever happened to you during your LDR? ;)

    Hi everyone!

    I'm new here and I thought I'd post this thread topic though I'm not even sure whether it has existed already.

    Anyway, this is the second time I'm having LDR and this one is definitely a lot better than the first. I had my first LDR about 2 years ago...I had to study in Australia and leave my long term (ex) bf for a year. I was dating him for about 7 years and thanks to the LDR I found out how unhealthy our relationship had been although we lived in the same city. Our LDR opened a lot more about the flaws in our relationship and how we were not compatible with each other! It ended before my studies were done.

    After completing my course and returning home, I started to get close with my then friend whom I had actually met when I was in Aust and he was also an international student. He had returned home to his country 7 months before my homecoming. His first visit was in Oct 2009, and the second was in Sept 2010. Meeting once a year and enduring the goodbyes are not easy but we are coping with them and he's planning to visit me again in June.

    For me, the best thing in my LDR is to learn and realise that distance doesn't matter and that LDR can work. It all comes back to my personality and his, and whether we are compatible with each other. We've had hard times obviously, but we've managed to communicate by any means possible, we love each other so much and we are making our best efforts to finally close the distance for good.

    It's time for you to share your thoughts now. Good luck with your LDR! Cheers!

    the best thing that happened during my Ldr was when me and my nathan were struggling during the mist of our relationship, and we were admitting how hard it is, he was getting depressed seeing other couples and just it was hard but we talked and let it all out and made a stronger commitment that day. We found we would rather be together than with anyone else, and even tho it was a hard conversation to have im glad we had it cause it made our relationship strong
    I love you Nathan <3
    5/25/09 <3


      I think the best thing is happening right now.
      We were both in a really bad place having to be seperated when we thought we were going to be together forever after already going through the LD thing. But from nowhere we both picked each other up and we just became so focused on us and that our relationship was the most important thing. I'm so amazed at where we are at right now neither of us are scared anymore of the time we have to spend apart, we're making plans for when my man gets here, and we're planning on getting married while he's here. He said he doesn't even care if it is legal or not, he wants to make up for lost time and just wants us to have the experience of getting married while he's here in the UK.

      We both feel so strong and so focused on us and it's just made us feel so much more in love. It's shown how comitted we are to each other and made our relationship a thousand times stronger. That has to be the best thing that's happened in our LDR.


        To kiara_silver and Jonesonaboat, thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. It's amazing to hear what other people and my SO are pretty much in a difficult position too right now as he has started working at an onshore oil rig where phone coverage is hard to get and we are unable to chat regularly. We just constantly miss each other so much and often during the night I find myself thinking deeply about him and feeling lonely. We always assure each other that things will be a lot better eventually and often we have to get past the difficult times first before finally closing the distance for good. Our relationship now is stronger than before.


          The best thing that ever happened to me during my LDR is the fact that I am able to stand up for myself. When I was younger, I use to take a lot of crap people and I wasn't able to defend myself. Even a couple of years ago, I was hesitant on defending myself. Now due to being influenced by my boyfriend's personality, I am able to defend myself and I don't take much crap anymore. My honey is very witty and doesn't take crap. So I've picked up some personality traits from him. I've also become more assertive and more independent. I feel that I can handle life on my own! He's made me into a better person and helped me prepare for the real world. I'm very fortunate to have him in my life!


            Good on ya! See...even LDR can teach us a lot of things, which makes it not so different from the regular relationships. I'm happy for you!


              The best thing that has happened in my LDR is that it's forced me to realize that I'm an important person in my life. I tend to have quite low self esteem, which makes it hard for me to believe that anyone actually likes me. But he's going through all of the pain and hardships of an LDR because he thinks I'm 100% worth it, and he'll call up and say "today I'm having one of those days that I really miss you." It proves to me that there isn't any kind of secondary motive, or that he's just with me because it's easy; he really, truly wants to be with me. It's an amazing feeling.

              "You know it's love when you want to keep holding hands even after you're sweaty."
              -- Anonymous


                I think the best thing that happened to me during my LDR with Aaron was learning to take chances and step outside my comfort-zone. I was always such a careful sort of person, and didn't really start living until I ended things with my ex-fiance, and started accepting experiences I might have rejected before. One such experience came three months after I ended my engagement, and just two days after I would have been married to my ex: I met Aaron on a silly Facebook app, of all places. I took the chance of starting to talk to him, starting a relationship with him just two weeks later, meeting him for the first time, taking a bus to NC to see him and meet his family (I had never traveled alone), experienced my first time with him, moved to be with him just three months after we started dating, got engaged not long after we closed the distance, and eloped...I really grew during our relationship and LDR (albeit it was a short-term LDR due to the circumstances at home for me and the fact we wanted to be together). I became more confident and independent, got out of an abusive situation and learned to set boundaries with my family, I learned how to stand up for myself and not back down, I experienced what it truly means to love and be loves, I became more mature and responsible, and I learned the value of a good risk and opportunity, and even how to be spontaneous and let myself enjoy the moment without worrying about the next. I risked everything, but gained so much more in the process.


                  I think that the best thing that happened during my LDR was when I decided to move to Australia to live with my SO. It meant that we would not have to live with being apart from eachother again because I know I would not have been able to leave him.
                  <3 Genevieve <3s Shea <3


                    i got a cute shiny ring actually, I got 2 goood reminder everyday that im working really hard towards my happily ever after :-P Im cheesy, yes i know!


                      Hehehe... the feeling that someone need me, and i am attached to him

                      He made me stronger and weak at the same time, made me feel like a woman and feel pretty (hehe i never had good self confident!) i feel safe and loved even if he so far far away.. and its a good thing!


                        so many best things....but nothing beats her telling me she loved me for the first time, we were so scared to tell each other cause we were afraid each other didnt feel the same but i was so happy when i told her "I love you so much.....and i really do....not just as friends either...." and she said "i love you lots too, more then you even know!" amazing moment


                          Being in a LDR has allowed me to build a complete, fulfilling, and productive life without his daily physical presence, so when I'm with him my life is a billion more times incredible than it already is! I think it was a very good thing for us. However, I am thrilled that the distance is ending permanently in a few weeks... It's getting reallll old.


                            I think the best thing that happened to me is learning how to compromise. I'm a person who is very "set in their ways". I know how I like things done, and that's how I want them. But since my SO has come into the picture I've learned to lighten up and be more relaxed about things.


                              The best thing about my LDR is that I was given a second chance. My SO and I briefly dated in undergrad. I broke off the relationship for many silly reasons (commitmentphobe) including the fact that he lived about 2 hours away.

                              Two and a half years later (and a few times in between), he still wanted to try our relationship again. He helped me through some tough times my first semester of grad school and I realized that none of my other relationships had worked out because I kept comparing those guys to him. So, after he visited during winter break of last year we decided to try to be something more. A week after that decision I bought a plane ticket to go see him for Spring Break, and became his girlfriend. It's been almost 15 months since then, and I thank God everyday for having another chance to be with the love of my life. And for him being smart enough to realize I was only being a silly girl for those years he had to wait!!

                              By the end of the summer we will probably be back to the same distance away as we were in undergrad. And I must say two hour drive sounds ten times better than the 5300 miles away he is now! True love can conquer everything, even a foolish girls insecurities and distance.

