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Advice how to keep a long distance going till I actually get to him?

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    Advice how to keep a long distance going till I actually get to him?

    I really like this guy he likes me lives in UK I live in Chicago funny thing is...I always wanted to live there after schooling and I thought it was strange. We webcam every night basically. Ha and well the second strange thing I don't know if I should let fate take credit...but he asked what my favorite colour was and I said Blue, and than my favorite flower, I said rose. And he had a tattoo of a blue rose on his foot that he had for ages and it wasn't like he got that the second I said it. So that was also weird. ANOTHER strange reason is I had a dream a month or so ago before I met him/web camed him ? I had this thing about love and relationships I said fuck it all even long distance. But in my dream i was running in a town at night i came to a street with houses there was two doors I wanted to enter a white one at one house which was closest to me so on my left side and on the right a few houses down was the same door but in black. I wanted to go to the black one but I thought going to the white one would be better too. Then I saw the garage open and a blonde green eyed guy (which is what he looks like, it was a clone!) sat in a chair with red ribbon around him and I went to him and I was like I'm glad your here! and he said you hurt me...and I thought he meant the song i wrote about giving up on love and everything because of my ugh past lol. Then he said I have to go, then I got on my knees wrapped my arms around his torso and begged him not to leave me. and he started to float up from the chair and I called my two closest friends and they appeared smiling and grabbed onto me and pulled him back down and he stayed and we all laughed and celebrated.
    And tonight before he slept we were saying good night and he was telling me of his awful cold which he was coughing and sneezing, poor baby. Anyway he said he took my advice of drinking orange juice and then I said gosh I wish I could give you cuddles. He said well I can feel them cyber cuddles he said. I laughed. and I said well maybe we won't be cyber forever. kind of trying to get that question or statement in the air to see what he'd say and he said maybe we won't be xx and went off to sleep. Two months now I have been trying not to like him but so many signs have been punching me in the face..HELP lol

    So wtf should I do? Go for this? See what happens? Give up? Am I crazy? Lol

    The main thing that I think you should do is to be honest with yourself and with him. I know it's hard to tell a guy that you like him, but sometimes it works out for the best. No one can tell you whether or not to go after someone. The only person that can tell you whether or not to do that is yourself. However if you're asking if long distance can work, just look around the forum. There are many cases where it has and is continuing to work for many people. Welcome to the forum!
    "I'll hold you in my heart till I can hold you in my arms again."

    "It's supposed to be hard! If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The what makes it great! -A League of Their Own

    Met: August 22, 2010
    Made it official: September 17, 2010
    Got engaged: January 15, 2012
    Our First Visit: November 18, 2010-November 28, 2010
    Our Seventh (and Last) Visit: November 10, 2012-November 24, 2012
    Got married: November 21, 2012
    Big Wedding Date: May 25, 2013
    Closed the Distance: June 2, 2013


      Before my SO, I was always the one to stuff crushes away. Believing that it would bring far too much trouble, that they wouldn't like me back, that it was crazy I liked them without getting to know them first, yadda yadda yadda...And so I did.

      But, and maybe it had some to do with my circumstances of meeting him realizing I only had 3 months to spend with him...I just went for it this time. I didn't think it was possible that he liked me, I prepared myself for rejection, and I said it. Actually, he ended up telling me that in the beginning he didn't like me, but it was after he proposed we start hanging out as language partners that my kindness made him like me(He'd randomly said he had a sore throat, and after it wasn't better for a week I bought him pears and honey and made him go boil a drink with it).

      We didn't have my previously imagined long friendship before falling for each other, but I'd say our friendship aspect is also coming along pretty well. Its equally about the friendly companionship as about the thought of his kisses.

      So yea, you never know what is going on in their head until you take the chance and try it! Whether or not you're ready to do so, as Meg has mentioned, is entirely up to you.


        Thanksss, I've read a lot and I think I can do it. I just have bad trust issues, but when he asked me to trust him I felt like it wasn't so hard to hand out the key I guess. I'm not saying I'm in love...yet lol but I mean dreams random stuff it just makes me want to at least try. So Thanks!!! <3

