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i can't decide on whether or not to tell him :S

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    Guess what happened yesterday as my SO and i were talking on skype!i sent him a video of me crying when i was having one of those lonely nights, i took the video two weeks ago and soo i had forgotten the stuff i said in there.After watching the video he goes like have you been unfaithful to me? My heart skipped a beat! He continues have u cheated on me? and i go like what do u mean? Is it because am crying or what?And he says am serious that's what the video says! OMG u must be kidding me!!!!i watched the video again and i realised i had said no such thing!He then starts laughing and says i was just trying to pull your legs!!!!! I freaked out


      Originally posted by Shana View Post
      Guess what happened yesterday as my SO and i were talking on skype!i sent him a video of me crying when i was having one of those lonely nights, i took the video two weeks ago and soo i had forgotten the stuff i said in there.After watching the video he goes like have you been unfaithful to me? My heart skipped a beat! He continues have u cheated on me? and i go like what do u mean? Is it because am crying or what?And he says am serious that's what the video says! OMG u must be kidding me!!!!i watched the video again and i realised i had said no such thing!He then starts laughing and says i was just trying to pull your legs!!!!! I freaked out
      Shana - that was your opportunity to say something. What made you decide not to?

      When we love, it isn't because the person's perfect, it's because we learn to see an imperfect person perfectly.

      True love does not worry about the distance between, for the heart and soul travels through one's words

      When two people are meant for each other, no time is too long, no distance is too far, and no one can ever tear them apart.

      1 universe, 9 planets, 7 continents, 194 countries, 50 states and 10 provinces...and I had the privilege to meet you.


        Seconding BabyGund's question as well as wondering exactly how he thought faking that sort of confrontation would be even remotely funny.


          I had a kind of similar situation, even though it was just a kiss, and my SO and I were not together. I didn't tell him for a bit, but I felt too bad and I decided that I didn't want to start a LDR based on a lie. So I took the risk and told him about that accident. I took his time to think about it, and I was so scared to having lost him, for my stupid mistake! But then he forgave me, and I am so happy to have shared with him my weakness, so that our love can be sincere and 100% true. No lies.


            Hi guys,
            i went off for samtym am bak.And i did it! I told him....finally.But he's hurting real bad and am hurting too.It wasnt easy bt i feel i did the right thing and am soo glad u guys helped me out.Am soo grateful!He didnt break up wid me;he still wants us to be together because he cant live without me.But he keeps crying and i can see the hurt in his eyes!Its soo painful to see him go thriugh all this.I dont know how to assure him enough, how to make him TRUST me again over the distance.Plsss help me on how to ease his pain and how to strengthen our relationship again.


              Hi guys,
              i went off for samtym am bak.And i did it! I told him....finally.But he's hurting real bad and am hurting too.It wasnt easy bt i feel i did the right thing and am soo glad u guys helped me out.Am soo grateful!He didnt break up wid me;he still wants us to be together because he cant live without me.But he keeps crying and i can see the hurt in his eyes!Its soo painful to see him go thriugh all this.I dont know how to assure him enough, how to make him TRUST me again over the distance.Plsss help me on how to ease his pain and how to strengthen our relationship again.


                I'm glad he wants to stay with you, that's the first step. The hard part now is getting any trust lost rebuilt and you're going to have to ask him about that one. What does he need from you right now, what information will he need from now on until he feels better about this, is there any action you could perform, any words you could say that might make him feel at least a bit better? Take things slow, be very patient, and do your best. That's all that can be asked of you, is that you do your best.

