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I knew I found my soul mate when...

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    I knew he was my soulmate when he accepted,embraced, and threw himself into my life's dream of living abroad permanently a reality. Our life is going to ROCK.


      I knew I found my soulmate when I realized that he supports me in everything that I do, even if I do get in over my head sometimes. He believes in me more than myself sometimes, and he's always there for me when I need him, and he knows all of my "baggage" and still accepts me for who I am.



        I knew I found my soulmate when ... one Saturday, 3 weeks into our relationship, I had a huge fight with my mother. It was such an emotional time for me. I went home, feeling depressed, when surprisingly, he was online even though it was 2 am for him, maybe it was later. We spend the whole night together with him comforting me and having a lot of fun just talking. That night, I knew he was the one for me, even though at the time, I haven't realized I love him.

        And ever since that day, everyday, lots of things reminded me that we are meant to be. <3 Even just a small text or him making random noises. XD


          Is it weird if I say that I'm not really sure when? I mean, there's not something in particular that made think I found my soul mate. I would have to say it was only with time. Some of the things that made me realize though were probably how we clicked from the moment we started talking, how a friendship grew into something else... something so amazing even if we didn't know each other in person, then loving each other for who we truly are and always being there for one another... oh and having the connection we have really makes me think that this is meant to be

          I'm not telling you it's going to be easy.
          I'm telling you it's going to be worth it.


            I knew I found my soul mate when...

            ... When he did not make fun of my loving The Lion King, but professed it was one of his favorite movies - and then we watched it.


              ... when he not only dealt with all my ups and downs, but loved me for all my incredible amounts of imperfections. And not judging or comparing me with the rest of the world and just loving me for who I am.


                When she bought me a Doctor Who calender for Christmas last year even thought she despises everything Doctor Who and will never understand my obsession with it's awesomeness

                But jokes aside, she has seen me at my worst, at my weirdest, my happiest and my saddest. She has seen me do things that would embarrass me if anyone else knew and yet through all this she still loves me just as much as ever. I can act however I want in front of her without worrying about what she will think. We are completely comfortable together, and she supports me in all that I do and aim to achieve. Our connection is so strong. This is how I knew I found my soul mate. <3


                  I know I've my soulmate when I can finish his nerdy trains of thought, and it's extremely thrilling to me.

                  Case in point (tonight, when discussing Star Trek: TNG, in particular First Contact)

                  Him: *snaps fingers* Now, what was his name again? The guy who created the first warp drive engine?
                  Me: Zephram Cochrane?
                  Him: Yes, that's exactly it!

                  We are such nerds.
                  My heart belongs to a pilot!


                    :disclaimer: I believe in soulmates in the sense of people who mesh with your soul, not necessarily the one perfect lover. Thus, I think I knew he was one of those people when I told him one of my deepest secrets, and all he said in response was to comfort me and tell me he's grateful to be trusted in that way.


                      I knew I found my soulmate when...

                      ...I was upset and crying and he held me in his arms and listened to me talk and made me laugh by making me to sing "Hakuna Matata".

                      ...we realized that we both had watched the same embarrassingly cheesy soap opera (Passions) during high school and then we sang the theme song together.

                      ...I realized that I felt more comfortable, more loved and supported, more like myself when I was around him than I ever have in my life.


                        when i spent one whole summer doing nothing else except talking to him for more than 12 hours. and thats literal.


                          When not long after meeting her we could talk for hours on end about the craziest lil things.


                            I knew I found my soulmate when I saw a fiery passion in him about the smallest things. He was exactly like me in that respect. And like a few other people said, it wasn't just one thing, it was sort of the collective. How everything fit perfectly like a puzzle piece. It's almost something that you can not describe.


                              When we had been dating less than two months, and he spent $250 on his cell phone just to talk to me while he left for three days. It was an accident but nonetheless sweet


                                When I found myself researching about ldrs (guilty!) before I even admitted to liking him.

