I wish I could remember the exact statistics but I was shocked when I learned in my govt. class that people who get a degree in college (at least within the US) is NOT the majority. It seems our generation is so bombarded with the idea that a degree is a MUST that we forget that that's not necessarily the case. Neither of my parents have a colleg degree and yet that have supported me and and my 2 sisters just fine and we're not 'scraping' by for money and my parents both seem comfortable and happy with what they do. Likewise, my older sister graduated with a degree in Environmental Sciences, a pretty useful thing to have in this economy it would seem and yet she's barely able to find a part-time tutoring job, and my cousin graduated with a degree in journalism, but now she's a manager for Walgreens where she is paid pretty amned decently and yet she found that job simply by working her way up from the bottom-a place ANYone could have started at with or without a degree.
I'm not saying a degree isn't useful since they certainly can be a huge leg up in obtaining a career. But you need to remember that just because someone doesn't have a degree doesn't mean they won't be able to find some way to support themselves and live happy, comfortable lives (and there are smart and not so smart people everywhere, with AND without degrees). Graduating with that sheet of paper isn't going to make finding a steady job a piece of cake, you're still going to have to work and really search and maybe start low on the food chain; it doesn't make you any better of a person than someone without one.
I'm not saying a degree isn't useful since they certainly can be a huge leg up in obtaining a career. But you need to remember that just because someone doesn't have a degree doesn't mean they won't be able to find some way to support themselves and live happy, comfortable lives (and there are smart and not so smart people everywhere, with AND without degrees). Graduating with that sheet of paper isn't going to make finding a steady job a piece of cake, you're still going to have to work and really search and maybe start low on the food chain; it doesn't make you any better of a person than someone without one.