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    I wish I could remember the exact statistics but I was shocked when I learned in my govt. class that people who get a degree in college (at least within the US) is NOT the majority. It seems our generation is so bombarded with the idea that a degree is a MUST that we forget that that's not necessarily the case. Neither of my parents have a colleg degree and yet that have supported me and and my 2 sisters just fine and we're not 'scraping' by for money and my parents both seem comfortable and happy with what they do. Likewise, my older sister graduated with a degree in Environmental Sciences, a pretty useful thing to have in this economy it would seem and yet she's barely able to find a part-time tutoring job, and my cousin graduated with a degree in journalism, but now she's a manager for Walgreens where she is paid pretty amned decently and yet she found that job simply by working her way up from the bottom-a place ANYone could have started at with or without a degree.

    I'm not saying a degree isn't useful since they certainly can be a huge leg up in obtaining a career. But you need to remember that just because someone doesn't have a degree doesn't mean they won't be able to find some way to support themselves and live happy, comfortable lives (and there are smart and not so smart people everywhere, with AND without degrees). Graduating with that sheet of paper isn't going to make finding a steady job a piece of cake, you're still going to have to work and really search and maybe start low on the food chain; it doesn't make you any better of a person than someone without one.


      I graduated college with a Bachelor's degree. It's been 18 years. I just got a bill in the mail yesterday again about my student loans. I kept racking them up...and continuing on...when I really didn't want to. And guess what? I was working at BURGER KING at the time. I learned all my hard working skills,,,and attitudes at that place. Best job I ever had and that is NOT sarcasm...I truly mean it. That job taught me patience and customer tolerance. Is college for everyone?? NO!! Am I less than a person because I TOO am "just a waitress?"....I graduated towards the top of my class, and any IQ test I score very high at.

      I REALLY hate comments like the one you made. I really do. Because I have heard it so much of my life..."Oh are JUST a waitress and you could have done so much more with your life...go back to college and do more."

      I AM doing what I love. I am doing what is the best fit for me.

      Don't WISH better for me....because the money I make can blow most peoples paychecks out of the water. Is it hard work? Absolutely. But I wouldn't have it any other way.

      When I switch careers it will be because I want to, not because I am "Just a waitress!"

      Support your love...don't be so quick to "judge"..I HAVE been there...done that.

      /Rant over.
      NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


        I agree with everybody who says college isn't for everybody. Maybe it's not what he really wants to do, wouldn't you rather him do something that made him happy.
        I get you're looking into the future but money isn't everything. If my SO wanted to do something which paid crap but he was happen then I'd be fine with that and so would our (future and his current son) children. Children need happy, healthy parents more than materialist things.

        Just be there for him and let him know you love him no matter what, dropping out can be a really hard thing to do. When I dropped out after 2yrs of uni I felt like a complete failure but I'm now back again doing a different degree with better support structure.
        Money Savers a LFAD group for people to share money saving ideas, tips, links, etc.


          I considered dropping out of Uni myself last year. I am now in my 3rd year of my degree, but 4th year overall as I went straight to Uni from high school and took a random mixture of papers since I didn't really know what I wanted to study before starting over the year after. I wish I had taken that year out for a gap year as I am now sick of Uni. I just want to get out. Hopefully I will complete my bachelors mid year next year and get out of there. I have no desire for any postgrad study. At least not yet. People always say that people should do postgrad to get better jobs but there is no point if your heart isn't in it, and it's the same with undergrad. Like others have said Uni isn't for everyone. As long as he doesn't end up unmotivated to look for jobs, and staying home on the couch all day I think it should be okay.


            Originally posted by OliveOyl View Post
            Hence, I don't believe its correct to call people in higher education dumber than people who are "too smart for it" like previously mentioned.
            You misconstrued the intent behind my comment. Basic education is key, no one's gonna contest that as the modern world requires you to know your ABCs and 123s, however American society right now is also encouraging all these early-on educational videos, books, games, what have you so that by the time kids who have been taught with this stuff enter school, they already know the basics of reading and writing or what have you and it BORES them. These kids will then be those that act out. Fast forward towards college. A lot of colleges have a teaching curriculum that is designed to start from the basics and work up to the advanced. Those who are advanced already will find it an aggravation to have to prove they already know how to do something and many times will drop out or screw up out of carelessness/ego. Does that apply to everyone? No.

            So to clarify I did not imply the dumber of the population involves themselves with higher education and the smarter out of the gene pool go get jobs without them based on their brain mass. Depending on the field you don't need much more than your IQ and the desire to work hard and prove yourself even in places like coffee shops or burger joints. As long as you can do your job and there's room to advance and the company will LET you advance, then you're fine.


              I never said I wouldn't stick by my SO. I'm completely with him, and of course, want him to be happy. We'll just see what he decides to do, and I'll support him no matter what. I'm sorry if I offended anyone with my thoughts.


                My boyfriend is also considering dropping out of college, and I support his decision whatever that may be 100%. My brother tried college 3 times, it just never worked out for him, I really believe that college isn't for everyone after seeing what my brother went through. There are still a lot of 2 year programs that people can get into so they can start working right away. I told my boyfriend whatever choice you make, make it because it will make you happy, not what everyone else wants you to do. Because all I want is for him to be happy.

