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Things keep changing and getting better and yet harder...

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    Things keep changing and getting better and yet harder...

    Keeper (my nickname for my BF) and I realized we cannot bear to only see each other every other weekend.

    we've morphed into this pattern and over this past weekend we agreed to make it a formal agreement

    alternate weekends I go up for one night (either friday or saturday)
    on the other weekends I go up for 3 nights. (friday saturday and sunday)

    It's cheaper and easier for me to go to him as i like to drive it and he hates to drive and he would have to stay at a hotel because of my dogs....

    this is nuts... but it's how we can cope...

    we have agreed he will sign another one year lease in August... so we are looking at about 16 more months to be in the same state (and probably the same house).... but knowing we will be able to see each other every weekend makes it easier...

    Keeper gave me a beautiful necklace and bracelet on Friday when I went to see him....a symbol of our commitment to each other.... makes it much easier.

    this is a man who states he does not need daily contact and yet

    he wants a morning wake up call
    he texts me daily
    we skype almost daily
    we talk almost every day
    we email daily

    I saw him Friday and yet today I was able to tell him FOUR MORE SLEEPS and we will be together... and we have a weekend coming up with NO PLANS how nice for us...

    he did take me to meet his grandmother (she raised him and is in a nursing home) and asked me to be his backup contact as there is no one else.

    yes I am scared... OMG what am I doing... it's LDR, it's age gap, it's a morph from an affair with a FWB.... OMG.... how crazy is this?

    it's crazy.... but it is what it is....
    We come to love not by finding a perfect person,
    but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.

    Life is crazy. I've come to find there is no 'normal', especially with relationships. You do what you have to in order to be happy, you take the good with the bad and just learn to appreciate the former more, and sometimes you do things on a whim without concrete plans. It adds variety whether that's a good thing or not.


      That's the fun with life and relationships...the twists and turns, and the things that make us unexpectedly happy

