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Possibly getting kicked out for visiting my SO

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    Originally posted by LadyMarchHare View Post
    Then again I don't think you ever get over fearing your parents' authority even when it's been nulled.
    Ain't that the truth!
    My heart belongs to a pilot!


      Just follow your heart. Even if you have to step on a few toes to do so.


        Originally posted by princessmeg1328 View Post
        To me, dads always seem to be a little more protective of their daughters than sons. Just keep in mind that your parents are doing what they think is best. I know you're 18 and technically able to do whatever you want, but they just want the best for you. Maybe if you prove that you are responsible on this trip, they will lighten up and be more willing to meet your SO in the future.
        I know they just want to protect me, but a lot of times it's ridiculous. I'd get in trouble if I gave a girl my number for homework help, and it took me forever to get them to let me have a sleepover at a friend's house. I think they'll definitely will want to meet him after the trip. He didn't want to meet any of my sisters' boyfriends (now husbands) til AFTER they got pregnant.


          Originally posted by Horizondreaming View Post
          While echoing what everyone else is saying, try to show them the responsible aspects you're taking. If you're going no matter what, give you mom the number and address of where you will be staying in case of emergencies. I want to suggest giving them the number of your guy, but that's only if you trust your parents not to abuse that information.

          My brother once got threatened to be thrown out because he bought a motorcycle. My mom went ballistic. When he got a tattoo, she went at him with a shaving razor... Luckily, for me... my brother broke some things out of my mom. When it comes to things of a romantic nature with a man involved, my dad is the tough cookie and not beyond the reach of double standards.

          Approach him confidently, but politely state what you're planning.

          Good luck, chicka!
          That's what I was planning to do in the first place. I have the address, his cell phone number, his house number, and I'm sure I could get his mom and dad's cell numbers if I asked. I think I trust my mom more with that information than my dad so I'll give it to her and if he asks about it, then she can show him.

          Wow! My mom's lost her temper before, but with my oldest brother (hit him with a baseball bat. It didn't hurt him at all though). And my dad's more calm unless you really make him mad. Most of the time he'll just lecture you for hours. Maybe even days.

          I'm still thinking of a right way to tell him. I still have a month and a half before the trip, so I still have a little more time.



            Originally posted by Itsmy6 View Post
            I'm 23 and highly scared to tell my mom I want to go see my SO. I know I'll get the usual 20 question quiz and I'm not ready for that right now.
            The 20 questions suck, but we have to go through it at one point. My mom really didn't care, but since my SO is 4 1/2 years older than me (I was 16 when we met. He was 20/21), my dad gave me hell. And then told me that a LDR isn't real and he'll probably cheat on me. Nice right?


              Originally posted by LadyMarchHare View Post
              21 and you should've seen the fit my mom pitched when she learned her baby didn't have her v-card anymore. I know most parents mean well, but they can be pretty frightening even when we're adults. Then again I don't think you ever get over fearing your parents' authority even when it's been nulled.


                Originally posted by Sav88 View Post
                Just follow your heart. Even if you have to step on a few toes to do so.
                Thank you!


                  Originally posted by lovetakestime12 View Post
                  I've never gave my parents any reason to believe that I was irresponsible, and I always watch my surroundings so I don't get into any trouble. I have told my mom I was going, I just need to tell my dad now. After I tell him I'm gonna tell them when I'm going, how long, and I plan on leaving the address of the place I'm staying and numbers. I always let them know where I am when I'm out.

                  I wasn't planning on keeping the trip I secret, so that's why I told/am telling them.

                  I'm glad you took that step to show her that you can take care of yourself, and she doesn't need to worry. I have 4 other sisters, and all of them are afraid to travel because of the rules our parents gave the girls. I'm the only one who has ever done this kind of thing.
                  Well... my sisters never really go anywhere by them self for sure because they were too scared and of course obedient girlie girl haha (nothing wrong with that btw), i never did anything bad too, always play good girls at school and avoid troubles as much as i could.
                  Its just.. every one had their own way.. so like others said in here.. just follow your heart! be brave!


                    So I finally told my dad. I wasn't kicked out, and he seemed more hurt than angry. But all in all, he's okay with it (I guess). I have 11 more days until i fly out. I want to thank you all for your advice, love, and support.


                      Originally posted by lovetakestime12 View Post
                      So I finally told my dad. I wasn't kicked out, and he seemed more hurt than angry. But all in all, he's okay with it (I guess). I have 11 more days until i fly out. I want to thank you all for your advice, love, and support.
                      Glad everything went ok with you! dont forget to kiss your dad say you love him... (please do so...).


                        Originally posted by lovetakestime12 View Post
                        So I finally told my dad. I wasn't kicked out, and he seemed more hurt than angry. But all in all, he's okay with it (I guess). I have 11 more days until i fly out. I want to thank you all for your advice, love, and support.
                        Yay! Have a fun trip!

