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Your SO's parents?

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    Your SO's parents?

    Have you met them? Do you like them?

    I honestly can say I can only deal with Parker's parents if I absolutely have to. To me, they're just selfish people. I'm asking for like 2 days with Parker for my birthday on a weekend, and I can't even get that. I don't feel like I ask for much from them. His mom actually told Parker that my birthday was an "inconvenience" for her. And if I wanted to stoop to her level, I could do the same and say she's an inconvenience for our relationship, but do I? No.

    Sorry just a rant. But goodness, I can't stand them right now. Everytime I visit them, (and hence, he's only visited me once out of our 3 meetings), she's so overly-nice. But I know how she treats Parker, and I don't like it a bit.

    I LOVE Ben's parents, I've been to Ben's house a few times now for a few days each time, and I really got a long with them, especially his mom. His mom is so sweet and nice to me, we have each other's numbers, and sometimes we'll text each other just saying hey and hoping that I'll get to come up to his house again soon, she always says how much she likes that I'm dating Ben, it means a lot to me


      You're lucky. His dad has more than once asked Parker why he can't date girls in his town. And his mom has embarrassed me on numerous occasions. She has her mind set that we are, or will, in fact, have sex. I'm saving myself til marriage, and Parker knows this, and respects it. But several times, she has offered him condoms, and he told her everytime that I'm saving myself. But this is what really upset me: On the night before I came down for his prom, she has his dad go out and buy some condoms, and forces Parker to take them. And when we were downstairs innocently watching TV, about every 5 minutes she yells down, "Parker! What are you doing!?" It's so embarrassing! I don't understand what makes her think that my goal is to get him in my pants.


        I've never met my SO's mother but from what all he's told me it's better for her if we never do. I'm not gonna namecall but she's very immature, she loves to party and drink and bring home guys. Her current boyfriend's a male stripper who tried beating up my SO last summer when he came to check on her when she went into the hospital for a diabetic episode. According to him she's very 'ghetto'. I can't ever see us getting along especially knowing what I do about how she treated him throughout his childhood, but that's fine. They don't get along to begin with so it's not that important.


          I've met my SO's parents. They seem like extremely nice people. Unfortunately I don't know them very well yet. I'm really shy when I first meet people, so we didn't talk much... I'll have plenty of time to catch up when I move down to his home country!

          My SO loves my parents/family/etc.


            I wouldn't know how we get along yet. They actually don't know about me yet. As for my parents. they i would say tolerate him? They haven't met yet but they'll meet when he's here so im hoping for the best. But he's so lovable im sure all will be fine.
            I love you Nathan <3
            5/25/09 <3


              @juliaentwined In his parent's defense, they're probably just trying to look out for their kid too. My mom bought me and my siblings all a box of condoms when we first started dating. She just gave them to us and said "be responsible". I didn't think she was trying to get at anything, just trying to look out for me. Babies are hard to take care of you know?


                I understand his mom wanting to do so. However, it's rather annoying considering that Parker has told her numerous times that I'm saving myself until marriage. And the fact that she gives him the condoms, then goes insane because we're downstairs watching TV and thinks we're having sex. Isn't that sorda contradicting the message she gave just by giving him the condoms? She won't let him stay at my house because she thinks we're going to have sex, as well. Which would never happen with my parents around anyways. It hurts that she thinks that all we want to do is have sex. And to think that I would do it with parents even in the house? That's not classy by any means.

                I'm not just basing my dislike of her by this incident. She's very rude to Parker, as well. Yet, his brother is the star of the family. Parker is basically her puppet and I hate it. And she even told my mom that she wasn't going to take time out of her schedule to drive Parker up here. I'm asking for about 6-10 days out of 365. I don't feel it's asking too much. And considering Parker is almost 18, he could handle it himself, but she won't have it. She wouldn't even let him drive about 20 minutes away to the prom venue.


                  My SO's parent's are great, and treat me as part of the family already His mom wanted him to propose on his last trip actually (he didn't), and they are making me go to his little sister's graduation party so I can meet the rest of the clan, as "it's important"! Honestly I think the reason they like me is that I am the one person who can control him to some degree lol I stop him picking on his little sister at any rate. They have always been so great to me, and I don't feel as awkward as I thought I would around them. His grandparents are wonderful too- his grandpa reminds me of my grandad, so it makes me happy to hang out with him now the rest of the family... not so much looking forward to meeting them... all at once *shudder* I'm bringing a flask to that event.

                  <3 The day we met : 10.31.2009
                  <3 Our first Date: 11.04.2009
                  The Day we went long distance: 08.08.2010
                  <3 He came to England: 12.27.2010-01.07.2011
                  <3 My trip to Ohio: 5.29.2011-6.09.2011
                  Our first Christmas visit: 12.23.2011-1.7.2011
                  Distance closed: 2.29.2012!!!!!!!!


                    Doug's parents are lovely. I felt very welcome in their home and now they're willing to put up with me for 2 years- so must mean they do like me! I mean, I still feel I didn't get enough time to really bond with them but since I'm going back in June I'll get to have loads of time to chat.


                      His parents are great. I was soooo nervous about meeting them, but they made me feel super welcome. His father is really laid back and easy to talk to and his mother is just so sweet. He always passes the phone to her when I call so she can say hi. It's such a relief that we get along b/c our closing the distance plan involves me moving there and thus spending a lot of time with them.


                        I met them once for dinner and I really liked them. I have always been terrified of past boyfriends parents, but not this time (must be a good sign) He says they are always asking about me and how I am which is nice.


                          I've never met my SO's parents and I really don't hear much about them, but from what I know of how their son turned and how he treats people I'm sure they must be very sweet people and even with how shy I can be I really can't wait to meet them some day. ^^

                          Met: 8.17.09
                          Started Dating: 8.20.09
                          First Met: 10.2.10
                          Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


                            I love Anthony's mother! I see how hard she works to support her children and she does not get the credit she deserves from any of her kids. Anthony doesn't get along with her most of the time he's at home. I think she is very generous and sweet, and she really likes me a lot. Anthony's father hasn't been in his life since he was very young. In fact, Anthony resents him for that, and I don't blame him. The rest of Anthony's extended family really loves me a lot (and I love them, too), too and treats me as one of the family. All of them except for his older sister like me.

                            Anthony loves my family, and they love him! He fits in perfectly with all of us and he enjoys spending time with my family.

                            "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

                            Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


                              i havent met them yet but i have talked to them on the phone and probably will meet them when i go back over there in August, and yeah i do like them Im not married to Denise yet but they consider me a part of there family and i do as well, im even allowed to call them Mom and Dad

