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Didn't want to end up like this :(

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    Didn't want to end up like this :(

    I just had a fight with my boyfriend and it made me realize some things.

    First of all , i'm sorry if i make any mistakes , i'm not really good in english.

    Me and my boyfriend have been dating for 4 months now , and it's been great. We met around last christmas , and then i came back home and we texted alot , talked on msn and stuff. We had so much in common , i started liking him alot. After only a few days , we were already in a relationship. It was P-E-R-F-E-C-T ! We live 5 hours of car apart , but the longest we went without seeing each other was 3 weeks , so we see each other quite often. The problem is, this relationship , over time , has turned me in someone i hate. Recently i've realized that me and my boyfriend have really different values , opinions , etc. He would say things that make me soooo angry at him . Some of his opinions are so strong and different from mine , i even wonder if i would of gone out with him in the first place if i knew him better. I also feel like he always have to bring me down , make me feel like he's better than me. Recently he told me that he realised hes the one that is always right when we argue about something . I hate it . I told him about it , and he just don't see the difference between me and him , and he just don't get it when i get mad at him. I've been jealous and paranoid recently , always accusing him of loving me less because he never find time to skype or text me . I would even think of leaving him . I get so angry at him for random reason , i just wonder if the relationship is worth the pain. I do love him , a lot , but there is always that little voice inside of me telling me i'd be better off on my own . But then , when i think of leaving him , i can't breath and i start crying. I always tell him how i feel , and how i feel i'm always making effort to talk to him and he doesn't , and i don't know how much money i've spent in bus ticket to go see him , and he never did come visit me , only when he had free ride. I keep all my money to go visit him , while he spend is money on a new cell phone or other stuff. I feel less important to him than he his to me. This relationship has been drowning all my energy , and i don't know what to do. Then , we see each other in real life and i fall in love all over again , because he so sweet and kind when we are togheter. But as soon as we separate , i feel alone and jealous again. I started being really jealous the day he admitted he cheated on his first girlfriend. I tought i'd be okay with it , but then everytime I see him talk to a girl on facebook or something , I always wonder : what if ... I always feel the need to test his love for me . This is not me , i've never been like that , I always tought i was better than that , that i trusted people more than that . And this relationship is turning me in a crazy jealous girlfriend , and i hate it.

    I know this post isnt the most coherent , but I had to get this out of my system. Does anyone have any advices on what to do when you realize you've become someone you hate in a LDR and that your boyfriend seems like he doesn't quite care that much about you ? And that you are quite opposite from each other ?

    My mom always taught me that the best people to be with are those that bring out your best qualities. If you still really want to be with this guy, even though he seems to bring out the worst in you, then you're going to have to make a conscious effort to rise above the situation and work on bettering yourself.

    However, it sounds to me like that would be a lot of work, especially on top of the fact that you are finding out how little you actually have in common anymore. I'd weigh the pros of being in the relationship against the cons, decide how much you really want this to work out, and go from there.


      he best people to be with are those that bring out your best qualities.

      I never really think of this , but I find it so true. Thank you .

      I will do the pro's and con's of this relationship , even tho i know that in both situation , with or without him , there will be pain.

      Thanks for the advice


        I was told that the person you're with is supposed to make you better, to make you act better, and to make you love yourself more, and if this doesn't happen, you're with the wrong person.
        i'm not telling you to stick with him or to break up with him, i'm just saying it's not healthy to be feeling this way, and to be the one making so much of an effort to make things work.
        Relationships are lovely things because they make you happy, they give you an extra reason to get up in the morning, they give you butterflies, they make you want to improve yourself to show your other half that you deserve their respect.
        i hope your boyfriend starts treating you a little more nicely

        Distance doesn't matter when two hearts are loyal to each other.


          It sounds like the more you learn about him, the less you two actually have in common enough to be in harmony with one another. Plus I think his attitude about always being right is something that could really hurt you down the road, if he will not admit to his own mistakes how is he going to accept your mistakes and either forgive them or learn to deal with them? If that is how he really is then maybe you should reconsider the relationship or at least where you want it to go because while some bad habits can be changed, you cannot change a person entirely.

