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I doubt anyone else is like me :-(

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    I hope I get the job too! Im sorta iffy about it because I never knew I'd be qualified to work at a Vet Clinic. I just went on the website and emailed the place and I said "I'm going to Columbus State and I'm trying to get into the Vet Tech Program, and I graduated from High School in June of 2009. I was wondering if I could work at your facility because I need a job and I want to work with animals." Then someone replied within 10 minutes from their mobile email and siad "if u r interested come in and fill out an application." I replied and asked them if there is a chance I could get hired. But no one replied...

    I just hope when I go in tomorrow I will either get an interview scheduled that day or they will hire me on the spot. I just dont wanna fil it out and never get a call back. They open at 7am tomorrow, and I am gonna go there at 9am. Maybe I should go around 7:30am...idk

    What do you think?


      You're definitely not alone.

      Many of the things that you and Taija mentioned apply to me as well. The only time I get out of the house is when I go to school and lately, I've been missing class a lot. I'm barely doing the assignments or studying, and the only people I talk to (other than my SO) are my parents (rarely), and my cousin since he's in the same class as me. But other than that, I have no real friends to hang out with. I've never had a job cause I was picky about working in places like Fast Food restaurants and the sort, but lately I dropped the "being picky" thing and I'm still not getting one so my motivation just drops. (I tend to give up fast when it comes to that).

      But, I really hope you get the job cause, like Taija said, it would definitely help to have something to keep you busy every day.

      Good luck!


        I have anxiety issues too, it's hard and ittakes time, but you can work on it.


          I just wanted to say that I'm like that too. Although, I've come to accept that's just the way I am. I like solitude and time to reflect and think about whatever comes to mind. I'm not super social and I don't really "get" going out and doing things. Everytime I hang out with friends it costs me like $40... I'm not really cheap, but I'd rather spend $40 on a video game, couple of dvds, or go grocery shopping and try a new recipe.

          I really only go out if it's something I have to do or I'm in the mood for (which is rare). Even if it's something I know I have to do, I'll talk myself out of it. I have a hard time just getting my foot outside the door. Once I'm out I'm fine, but it's that little push to get me out. :/ I'm not really sure what it is... It could be partially a fear of the unknown and partially boredom. I have a pet peeve of wasting time, so usually I'd just rather be doing something else. Although what I perceive as not wasting time could be seen as time wasted to others lol

          Apart of it is that I'd rather stay in and chat with Ray, but I like doing that. ^^ Maybe I'm picky with the people I like to spend my time with. Ray makes me happy, so I tend to talk with him as much as I can. I'd rather surround myself with positive people than ones that complain or like drama. Which unfortunately is most of the people I know. :/

          My family worries sometimes that I spend too much time indoors. I don't know why tho... I'm happy and it's nothing new. I've always spent a lot of time inside and sometimes don't go out for weeks at a time. The things I enjoy just happen to be things I can do indoors.

          Fortunately, Ray's the same way in that he's a homebody too. It works well for us ^^ All this I guess to say is that I think it's normal to have some anxiety and to be content with staying inside. Some people like to go out and be social, others find enjoyment elsewhere. ^^

