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my LDR girlfriend randomly dissapears

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    my LDR girlfriend randomly dissapears

    well we have been going out for not even a month i dont think (horrible with dates, had to save her birthday in my phone calender) and the only way we can talk is through MSN, she is in Australia and well im half the planet away in lil old england, i know the time difference is huge, but both of us have horrible sleeping patterns and we only sleep for about an hour a day, but more and more recently she has been dissapearing without a single word of why or even telling me that she feels tired, its tearing me apart because i dont know if shes fallen asleep, if something has happened to her or what, i dont know what to do, im just worried one of these days she wont come back.......

    aww just tell her you want to hear from her, and that you worry.
    i know how it feels when you can't get hold of your SO

    Distance doesn't matter when two hearts are loyal to each other.


      aww just tell her you want to hear from her, and that you worry.
      i know how it feels when you can't get hold of your SO

      Distance doesn't matter when two hearts are loyal to each other.


        i have told her so many times that i worry about her, but every time she dissapears she never tells me anything, and when i spam her trying to get an answer because im almost crying all i get back after about an hour or two is "..." i just wish she would atleast warn me before dissapearing, like for example i spammed her, an hour later she gives me the whole "..." again, i started talking to her asking if she was ok and she hasnt replied back to me, im just worried if she is avoiding me


          How old are you guys?


            im 17 and she is 18


              Originally posted by atmosdefiler View Post
              im 17 and she is 18
              Based on this, I would take the way she's acting as a sign. I think you need to talk to her and tell her that it hurts you when she just disappears and you don't understand why she cannot say something as simple as, gotta run, talk to you later, or if you guys are in a conversation to let you know that she'll be away from the computer for awhile.

              I don't think spamming her is the right way to get this message across, but I do have to wonder how she's feeling about your whole relationship as this behavior (to me) would be a sign of a bigger problem.


                .....i...i have told her that it hurts and ive asked her countless times to tell me if she if going to dissapear.....*sighs* now im starting to wonder whats really wrong with her


                  Not to be the downer, but are you sure she's committed to a relationship?

                  I just know that when someone pushes at me constantly, despite if I was in the wrong or not... that pushing pushes me further away, and less likely to want to talk.


           not sure anymore, she says she is, she says she loves me but after hearing all this im just not sure, hah god im crying now


                      Take a deep breath and calm yourself. You won't know until you talk to her... You just did not give a lot of insight into the relationship.


                        well weve had no problems so far, yes weve had the occasional stupid fight but nothing major, she has said she loves me more than any other guy and that she really wants this to work despite the distance, weve even talked about the future and about me moving over there when i have the money and i finish college and possibly university


                          im sorry if i am only troubling all of you, its just me being paranoid i guess, thank you for all your help


                            Originally posted by atmosdefiler View Post
                            im sorry if i am only troubling all of you, its just me being paranoid i guess, thank you for all your help
                            You're not being a trouble at all. I agree, that it sounds as though she may not be really that committed to the relationship. It sounds like she's talking the talk but not backing up what she's saying with actions.

                            I doubt anyone here wants to see you hurt or unhappy, but a relationship, long distance or not, can't be one sided.


                              How long has this been going on? I've had this same experience before(almost), and it just turned out that he wanted a bit of space to think about things... It only went on for about a week and a half though, so if it's been any longer for you, then I'd take it as a sign, and I know you probably don't want to hear this from anyone of us, that she may not be committed to this relationship... I hope everything turns out okay, though..!

