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My small mistake might now be the end :(

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    My small mistake might now be the end :(

    I wanted to get into the introductions thread and say hello first before coming to you all for help and advice, or even just support. I met my fiance in September of 2008, and we have been madly in love ever since despite the rocky relationship we've had. We live 950 miles apart - he is in South Carolina and I am in Wisconsin. He is a former Navy SEAL and now owns a computer shop (and is a pro-gamer) and I am a second-time college student (former band teacher turned nursing student). We both have been having a lot of stress outside of our relationship, and there has been a lot of stress in it, but I wouldn't give up a second of what we've had, even with the bad.

    So where to start... we keep in touch primarily by talking on Skype and through gaming. He works from home, so we can be on almost all the time. My job was recently eliminated so I really don't work - I just am in school anywhere from 1-3 days a week depending on the week. When it is good in our relationship, it is VERY good and it is as if nothing can come between us or stop us or anything. But then, when it's bad... you get the picture.

    I don't even think it was that big of a deal today. And he didn't tell me until after stewing for 12 hours about it. So what happened? We play World of Warcraft. We took a few months off to play another game, but discovered there were some major flaws in it that we couldn't look past anymore so we returned to the game he introduced me to (prior to meeting him I wanted to get into gaming but didn't know where to start). So, he asked me to duel him so he could try out a new piece of gear or something. So, we did. We've done this multiple times daily and I have never won. Today, my hand slipped on my keyboard and I won the duel against him. He instantly ran away from where we were in-game, and sold the gear he was wearing. I had to go for awhile for lunch, but when I returned he was refusing to speak. It wasn't until just now that he told me that he had never been so humiliated. Turns out that guys who have known him all this time were whispering him, telling him "You just got pwned" and other embarassing things. This all took place this morning before 11 am ---- it's now 12 hours later.

    There have been times that he's made me so angry because of his actions in the game that I've wanted to leave him, but I haven't. There have been several times that he's hurt me in some way because of the game, but I've looked past it. Now, he finally is going through what I've been dealing with for the last year and a half. This is the only time I've done something. He does something like this to me monthly. But he's trying to play the innocent victim. Part of me is irate at him, but at the same time, he mentioned that he's debating about just going offline and staying offline. It's like every two or four weeks there's been something that's happened that people are telling me to leave him for. Even when we first met, his ex-wife returned to the picture and physically attacked him with his old knife from the SEALS. The following month his mother died -- after that his sister in law was trying to get him to give her the house and then after that he almost lost the house because of an overdue mortgage payment.

    What really gets me is that there are so many reasons I could have left him all this time. So many. But I didn't because I knew that we were better than that and stronger than that. I knew we could get through anything, even being separated for the two years I have left of nursing school after this (it took 3 years to get into the program, and the month I was accepted is the month he proposed). I admit that I am younger than him, 13 years, but there are so many times, including tonight, that he acts like a 5 year old. And what gets me is that he's thinking about leaving me because my hand slipped on the keyboard and I beat him. I just don't get it. I've spent the day apologizing rather than studying. My grades have already slipped because of him (I first wanted to go on for my nurse practitioner after my BSN/RN, but with my grades lately, that probably won't happen). I just wish he'd stop toying with me like this. I finally was able to talk to him about several things that have been on my mind with him tonight, because to be honest, I don't know if he'll be there when I log online tomorrow or not.

    This may have been the last time I will have ever spoken to him. I don't even know where to begin on a breakup or fixing this or anything. I've never had a relationship with anyone, local or long-distance, last this long. He really is/was the one. he's my soulmate, but I don't know if he's willing now to even come back to me. And of course he always does something petty like this the night before an exam.

    So where was I? I guess some advice would be needed, especially from anyone who is a gamer or a man. I didn't intend to even try to beat him - my hand just slipped - but he claims it was deliberate. I can't believe he's acting this way over one duel in a game. If not advice, some solace or something to just help me move on. I hate waiting for him to make up his mind on this.

    wow..i am not a gamer or a man, so I don't really have any advice for you, but I don't understand, probably because i am not a gamer, why its such a big deal that you won? This reminds me of the string I was on once with a different relationship that I had prior to the one I am in. Being on an emotional string like that is NOT fun. I put up with so much from him, but then realized it wasn't love. If it was love, it wouldn't be him stringing me along. The situation is different from yours, but just thought I would give you my two cents.

    I really hope that you can work things out. Good luck


      Hi Arizona,
      I'm going to send you a private message. I don't know if I can be of help- your situation sounds difficult, but I'd like to try.


        Does former guy gamer count? I use to play online games so much I didn't have a life, but after I graduated from highschool, I gave them up due to a horrible internet connection for ten months while I went to college. Currently I don't play any MMORPGs and am happy to overcome this.. otherwise I don't know how I would be able to handle a relationship plus a game.
        To begin, Its just a GAME! So you won a duel against him and he got mocked... it happens in all game AND there is nothing wrong to losing to a girl. I've lost to them too and well, instead of running away feeling like a loser I just stay and sucked it up. Since he is such a hardcore gamer (I take it he raids a lot) I would approach this carefully since he is probably so amerced in the game it has become a second life for him.
        Maybe you could try working together to complete in games quests and duel less often?
        Maybe RP together? If your into that
        Maybe raid together?
        imo... Your relationship should not fall apart just because of what happened in a game. Life is not a game, there is a lot more to life than that... a lot more beautiful things.

        Also, be aware burnout is a factor to consider sometime in the future. I went through it and it isn't fun... not being able to play a game you are literally addicted to. But once burnt out so to say he will realize how much the world outside has to offer. Don't push him on this... it will happen on its own time.

        I hope this helps; just think of this more like ideas to a possible solution rather than a solution itself.
        Last edited by archangel; March 23, 2010, 12:52 AM. Reason: grammar
        "Distance between two hearts is not an obstacle...rather a beautiful reminder of just how strong true love can be." ~ Anonymous
        "Since love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul." ~ St. Augustine
        "True love is rare, so when you find it don't let it go just because of a barrier you can't cross". ~ Ray H Wall

        Chris and Megan - November 3rd 2009- (Break from June 15- )July 18th 2011.


          Thanks both of you. He's been gaming for about 20 years, and I got into it a year ago. We're max level in Warcraft, and we tried that other game for awhile but returned to Warcraft this weekend. He used to say a lot, but lately hasn't even told me his thoughts about what was going on in the other game. We used to raid almost daily in Warcraft but got burnt on it. He never told me he was planning on doing the PvP part of the game with me. I had mentioned it, but had also mentioned that I wanted us to get back into raiding. I enjoy gaming with him, but it seems like these last couple of months he's been more bent on doing his own thing in there, and lately without telling me what. I just found out that he has a third Warcraft account that he's been playing. I had been avoiding that game because I was under the impression that he left it too. And finding out that he's been gaming behind my back just hurts.

          As for pushing him, when I hung up the call tonight on Skype, after we talked for a half hour, I just resigned myself to what he decides. He told me that he doesn't know if he'll be online tomorrow or not, or at all this week. About two months ago he logged off on me in the middle of the night after a bad night in game. For him, it's the basis of his business. 3/4 of his customers come from playing Warcraft, and he has business contacts from friends that work for Blizzard (he was a GM for the game at one point, and beta tested it) to high level execs at NCSoft. Personally, I can live without gaming, but as his business is based on it, he needs to. It used to be that our relationship came first. Then it was that we did the gaming to give us something to do together. Now, since December, it's been about being top on the server and being better than everyone else. The night he logged off on me - when he did come online I mentioned that I was angry at him for doing that. He didn't realize that his logging off over a game would upset me like that. I had trusted him and thought that he knew that I would be there when something bad happened and vice versa. I don't know - maybe now I'm just venting.


            I'm really glad you pwned him. Guys think they're so BA at games and girls just can't play, it makes me really happy when girls beat those kinds of guys. Besides, it's not your fault his gear sucked and you were better than him. Tell him to get better armor and cast better spells or whatever he does. Tell him to upgrade some of his stuff and you'll be down to a rematch if he's not scared to be pwned again!

            Jokes aside....

            Well. My SO now was playing WOW, and he plays his XBox. I made it very clear to him that his game was never to become a priority over me. He knew this would end the relationship. And while at one point the game did become a big deal to him, it never took priority over me. I dated a guy in the past who played EverQuest. There were many other reasons that lead to the breakup but the last big thing that just finally sealed the deal was the game. He spent much more time with the game than he did with me towards the end.

            Sounds like he has a problem. I don't get guys like this. Really?! It's just a game? I just cannot understand why they take it so seriously. It's beyond my comprehension. And the most humiliating thing in his life?! That's really hard to believe. Sounds like someone needs a WOW intervention! It sounds like he's let the game take precedence over you which SHOULD NEVER EVER happen. I can understand being in love, but really if he's considering leaving you over you beating him in a due ON WOWl......I just don't even have words for that. That is beyond ridiculous and he really needs to get a grip on reality

            And you should not wait for him to make up his mind! I can't stand when guys do this girls! Stand up, be strong, it's your life, you are in control!! If I were you I'd say game or me! It's not like you'd be saying you can never ever ever play the game again, but I and top priority not some stupid game. **emphasis on GAME** Ya know it gaming can be an addiction just like any other addiction. It begins to take precedence over ALL else! It'll ruin jobs (which sounds like it's sort of part of his though) it will ruin marriages, relationships, social lives, etc etc everything that any other drug addiction would. You need to let him know you are not down with being second to the game. Let him know it's completely NOT OK for him to considering ending things over A DUEL ON WOW! I mean really he's your fiance, what if you were married, would he write "She beat in a duel on World of Warcraft." On your divorce papers?! You need to sit him down and talk to him and ask him to please get a grip on reality and let go on some of his seriousness of the game. You shouldn't have to apologize for what you did. You shouldn't FEEL like you HAVE to apologize for that. And in no way should he MAKE you feel like you have to apologize for that. You were just having fun, PLAYING A GAME, and even then doing what he asked to do, test out his gear. Well test results are back YOUR GEAR SUCKS! IF ANYTHING he should be THANKING you!!! You just saved him from being in battle with some total stranger who would have total pwned him!

            You really need to think about what you want in a relationship. Think about what you are getting. And talk to him.
            (I feel real strongly about this sort of stuff because I've had first hand experience of the game ruining a relationship. And he was kind of controling and almost turned everything around to make me feel like the bad guy and the one constantly apologizing.)

            FYI for all those gamers, I know not all gamers are like this and I know many can lead a perfectly normal balanced healthy life with the game still being a big deal to them. I also know there are many couples on here that have found love through games. I have no biast against gamers.....just those that let it take over so much of their life, they have none other than the game and allow it to ruin relationships (romantic and family/friends)


              Wow...I don't quite understand why your SO is stomping his feet and throwing a fit. I'm sorry but YOU are his first priority. WoW shouldn't even COMPARE to you. My SO and I played WoW together for a VERY long time. We never ever had this kind of issue. We raided and dueled and PvPd and everything else you can think of. He has beaten me and I have beaten him and his gear score is better and then mine is better, but in the end WHO CARES? Sadly pixels can't give or get you anything IRL. A game is a game is a game and I can't understand how it is people play games like they are RL. You need to make sure he understand WoW is a game and who the heck cares if his friends are picking on him for losing a duel? I'm sorry but being someone that played WoW also, I can't understand how he can allow a game and being joked with have this kind of impact on YOU and your relationship together.


                Well, I'm a gamer, but not a man. My boyfriend and I game sometimes (though my computer kind of keeps us from gaming way too much together) but he's never gotten upset about things like that, then again we've never dueled. Your boyfriend does sound like he needs to gain a lot of maturity, and winning was no 'fault', even if your hand slipped, it's a game. If you'd done something horrible like gone and had sex with another man I could see him deciding to break up with you, but if he's considering it simply because you beat him in one duel in WoW and his friends were giving him flack about might want to consider getting away from him. I can't tell you that's the best thing to do, but it may be the only thing to do to make him wake up or to move on yourself. Either way, I encourage you to think about yourself first, this time. Hope things get better for you.


                  I'm neither a gamer, nor a man, so I don't know if my two cents will be any worth. I can understand a relationship being rocky because of the issues you mentioned with his ex-wife and family and, of course, he can't stop playing because it's his job. I think you need to figure out where the problems mostly come from... you put it in a way that makes me think things are otherwise good. If it's mostly the gaming (losing to you), I'd simply stop playing with him. It's different if he had a bad day at work, because then it's not directly related to you. I do know that you're not at fault here (IMO he is behaving childishly), but a game is never worth risking a relationship. I'd try not playing for a while and see how things go... if there are other issues outside of gaming, you might wanna think again about staying with him.


                    Lot's of hugs girl!


                      Quick Update: I managed to talk to him the next day, undisturbed, in a relatively private room at school where no one was interrupting me. While he didn't apologize for his behavior, he did cool off when I had reminded him of the night that he had logged off on me "because he just wanted to be alone" (for the record, I wouldn't have known he had logged off if I was actually able to sleep that night). And I told him how much that hurt me that night and how I really was ready to break things off at that point but didn't because I had faith in us.

                      We're still together, but unless he starts putting me before this game, then it's just going to stay a long distance friendship. Already last night he kept me up for over two hours after I told him that I needed sleep (I get to drive for an hour and a half to school in a few minutes). I stopped wearing our rings. I just assessed what we had, and for the short-term, it's still enough to go by with, but I just don't know if in the long-run it will work out or be something that supports me. At one point I had wanted to go on for a masters or doctorate in nursing, but because of the difficulty of the program, and emotions over him, I have not been pulling the grades that I used to pull - his only support has been joking with me when I've told him I've gotten a C (which is the bare minimum grade allowed to continue in the program). I'm just at a point where I need time for me and school, not him and his game. I had really wanted it to work out, but after a year and a half where I saw him going from being the most amazing and considerate man I've met to just... a boy, then I'm not as attached to the idea of the relationship as I once was.

                      Thank you all for the insights above - unless you've been in a long-distance relationship, you just don't see what it's about. You all seem to know the frustration of the distance and the frustration of sitting on Skype for hours on end all in the name of spending a few precious moments with the one you love.


                        My boyfriend and I used to play WoW together all the time. He was always better than me, but I did beat him in a few duels, which was never a big deal because it's a game. You did nothing wrong in this particular situation and he is acting VERY childish. We enjoyed playing WoW together because we had the opportunity to work as a team, and I think there are some benefits to playing games together in and LDR, but if he can't handle it then perhaps you two shouldn't play together. Gaming is supposed to be fun. I know how seriously people take it in game, and almost always it is way over the top.
                        Neither my boyfriend or I play WoW anymore. We tried Warhammer for a bit but didn't enjoy it as much, and pretty much left gaming, although we still sometimes play things like Left 4 Dead. I think the fact that he's sneaking around with secret accounts is a bad sign. If he needed space he should have been able to ask you for it.
                        These games can be very addictive. While he may need to do it for his business, it sounds to me like he's in over his head. And I don't mean to be harsh, but I think this behaviour says something about his lack of maturity.
                        Regardless of what he decides, I would absolutely not put up with him weighing your entire relationship on a game. If he breaks up with you because he lost a duel, then you're probably better off.


                          Isn't the point of duelling to try and win? If you won it meant you were the better player (keyboard slip or no) and what is wrong with that? Sheesh, I thought only 5 year olds got angry when they lost fairly at a game.


                            Perhaps I'm not understanding? I'm trying to figure out what you think you did? Maybe not being into those kinds of games at all, I'm just not getting it. uh...won a game? You didn't let him win and he's pouting? Wow...he's an ex-Navy Seal? I'm not laughing...but yet...really???? An ex-Navy Seal that stomps around and pouts when he loses a game? And threatens to not talk to his girlfriend again...because she beat him in a game?

                            Please step back and look at this from outside of your relationship! As much as he might be into games, they aren't life, you know? Personally, I've never been married, but I think if you're planning on marrying him, there are so many stresses that life is going to bring you that this behavior would really scare me. He's saying that he wants to marry you for better or worse, and now he's threatening to break-up with you because you won a game. This isn't really 'forever'-type of behavior and if he's acting like this over a game, perhaps he shouldn't be playing them. I'd pull yourself back and realize that this is 100% not your fault and not let him ever make you feel like you did something wrong. If he's willing to throw away your relationship over this, then I think that's giving you a big clue to your future.


                              Lol.. I dueled my boyfriend twice and killed him in WoW the other day. He didn't get mad at all. BUT their has been times i killed him over and over just to be funny.. he would get mad. It shouldn't be made into some huge deal though. A game is a game.

