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TERMS OF do you call each other?

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    I call him Loic and he calls me Katie, haha. I'm not yet comfortable doing the lovey nickname thing, I'm an awkward person. I wish I could give him a nickname that's similar to his name (all the nicknames I have for people are like that...) but Loic's already rather short, and not easily modified!!

    Love will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free

    Met: Cork, Ireland - December 31, 2009 • Started Dating: Cork, Ireland - May 22, 2010 • Became LD: July 15, 2010 • My Move From Canada to UK: October 26, 2011
    Closed the distance June 18, 2012!


      We call each other babe, baby, hun but for the most part he calls me baby and I call him babe. He will throw in a gorgeous or sexy every now and then which makes me smile. Yesterday he said, "Hi, my gorgeous, sexy, amazing, super-epic woman."


        We don't really use pet names. Sometimes he'll let "baby, girlfriend," etc slip hen we're drunk, but, though I like being called them I'm kind of shy about using them.


          My SO and me tend to use darling, love, sweetie or sweetheart if not together and just talking to each other by chat or by text messaging. When we are together or refering to the partner while talking to a friend about said partner, we just use our given name or say "my boy/girlfriend". And that's that.


            i feel like i'm not a pet name person just because i despise some of the more cliche ones ( i honestly loath "babe" and "baby" they're just gross) then again i nickname basically everyone i know whether they like it or not XD

            lol, i call him "sexy" constantly since the first time we ever spoke (as a part of a joke i will not let die), also call him: "nat", "natterpus" (like nannerpus, that banana XD), "hon", "Mr.Charming", "Mr.Romanticock" (chinese calender reference, i swear!)
            my personal favorite being slutmuffin <3 haha

            he's called me: "sweetie", "sweetheart" (which i love), "beautiful", "honey", "lover", "cutie", "My Frosty" (which i also adore :3)

            there's more too, XD i forget


              we have different pet names depending on our mood... hehe... but normally we call each other DEAR, especially when we are making a point in our discussions. otherwise, he calls me: wifey and darling, and i call him darleeeenggg (in that spelling!)

              but before all those cutesy names, we started calling each other "oiii" as our personal counterpart of honey, sweety, and other names. we still use it until now.


                We RARELY call each other by our real names, which sounds weird now that I think about it. lol! But he has a million names for me but usually calls me babecakes, shoog or shoogie, or sweet cheeks. He has a ton of 'em!

                I'm not as creative as he is, but I call him Lashes (he has extremely long eyelashes), babeboy, rockstar. Most of the time I call him him Sour Patch, like the candy, cause he can be sweet and sour at times.


                  Originally posted by widespread_panic View Post
                  We RARELY call each other by our real names, which sounds weird now that I think about it. lol! But he has a million names for me but usually calls me babecakes, shoog or shoogie, or sweet cheeks. He has a ton of 'em!

                  I'm not as creative as he is, but I call him Lashes (he has extremely long eyelashes), babeboy, rockstar. Most of the time I call him him Sour Patch, like the candy, cause he can be sweet and sour at times.
                  that sounds cute....


                    He calls me beautiful and I call him sweetie, babe or hun. We only use each others names when the other is falling asleep on the other over the phone.


                      Sometimes we call each other Babe, but usually like, "hey babe, come here for a sec." And he calls me Arugula (like the veggie) sometimes which is a goofy nickname that he made up for me years ago when we were just friends (my name is Aurora, so he thought that this would make a humorous nickname), and I like it because it reminds me of how much history we have together. Usually we just call each other by our first names though.
                      Why do you wait for me?
                      How do you wait for me?
                      I'm lost and alone without you here in my arms.
                      I'm lost and alone without you here by my side.
                      Here's a song for you, lovely
                      Remember that it's for you only, for you only.
                      My heart is caught in a landslide
                      And it beats for you only, for you only.

                      -"My Lovely" by Eisley


                        We sometimes call each other by our first names, or the nicknames of them anyway. I like it when he calls me by mine, as he's the first person to actually use the shortening of my name that he did. So it has a sort of a special meaning in that regard.

                        He calls me sweety,, sweetheart, kitten, hon, baby, beautiful, cutie, gorgeous, sexy, mate (as in lover, not as in g'day mate, lol)
                        I call him mostly cutie and handsome, but also sexy, baby and possibly some other things I'm forgetting..
                        Together since: Feb 23rd 2005.
                        First met: June 13th 2006


                          My SO told me that once we move in together, he is going to call me a different name every single day for a whole year. I am not a 'pet name' sort of person, so I am tentative.

                          He hasn't called me by my real name in ages, maybe once or twice in our whole relationship because his little sister has the same name. He calls me pookie all the time.

                          One time he went to text 'I love you', but didn't watch what he typed and had his fingers on the wrong part of the text pad, so when he went to say 'you', his hand was over one key and he typed 'upi' instead.

                          So he calls me Upi more or less in replace of my name. I think it's adorable. xD

                          I don't have a nickname for him, I'm waiting for a good one to pop up.


                            Well, my SO is extremely creative when it comes to pet names! He has a whole list for me, by now, like Aphrodite, my sun, my angel.... And people always call me by my second name, he often calls me by my first, or first and second name because he likes them so much.
                            I call him Poseidon, tiger, my hero... I'm not that creative. I just really like saying his name so I mostly stick with that. =)


                              Corey and I don't have many names for each other yet other than the more typical honey, sweetie, dear, darling etc. He does call me Phi sometimes, though, after a friend 'gifted' me with the Greek letter. He says it's fitting because phi is the symbol for the golden ratio, the mathematical 'form' of beauty.


                                Originally posted by Phimini View Post
                                Corey and I don't have many names for each other yet other than the more typical honey, sweetie, dear, darling etc. He does call me Phi sometimes, though, after a friend 'gifted' me with the Greek letter. He says it's fitting because phi is the symbol for the golden ratio, the mathematical 'form' of beauty.
                                nice name..unique name

