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@.@ Baby Lust!

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    Up until around Christmas time I had baby fever like you wouldn't believe. It didn't help that there was a late period and plenty of symptoms, and everyone was pregnant. Then I snapped out of it, and my husband did too. We're 22 and 23, newlyweds, finally settled in our own home and enjoying the life we have built and are building together. We have only a short time to be a couple, accomplish certain goals, and the rest of our lives to be parents. What's the rush? I love babies, everything about them, and I know we'll make great parents but the fever and the rush is over. Don't let yourself, your medication side effect, or your SO pressure you into something you aren't ready for. Take your time


      Originally posted by lucybelle View Post
      I personally believe that this is our good friend "million years of evolution" kicking in. His body is screaming "PROCREATE!" You're both at peak fertility right now and your body is sending out hormones saying to have children. When in today's reality, it's more common to wait until you can support a family financially. As much as I don't need a kid in my life right now, I sure as hell still think about being a mother. It's nature.
      LOL!! xD
      yea your totally right


        My SO can get like this from time to time. The scariest part is that we've only been together since early April. But he thinks that since we've been good friends for like 7 years that we should just get married and have babies. And then I remind him that he's crazy. In reality I think he was scared that when he went away we'd break up, and marriage and babies are very binding. Just let him know you're definitely not ready. He should respect that.
        Why do you wait for me?
        How do you wait for me?
        I'm lost and alone without you here in my arms.
        I'm lost and alone without you here by my side.
        Here's a song for you, lovely
        Remember that it's for you only, for you only.
        My heart is caught in a landslide
        And it beats for you only, for you only.

        -"My Lovely" by Eisley


          Originally posted by Sano View Post
          I like babies and everything but I just turned 22 like a few days ago. He said he's not pressure me or anything but I can tell he's really eager for a baby. So now Im on this medicine and one of the side effects is that it makes you more fertile. My mom told me when when I was getting it filled "good thing you're long distance then" Ha ha. Anyway he wants me to come live with him but if I do I just see myself pregnant in like weeks XD
          But we've been talking a whole lot less than usual but now theres more texting. I know he's dealing with some legal issues about his mom's passinig and everything but the not talking definitely makes me feel worse about babies >.<
          babies are like angels thats God's giving us...I at the age of 25 turning 26 I already have a 5 year old son,,I'm a single parent,..I gave birth at the age 21,. I could say I'm happy,..but its not that easy to be honest,.if ur not yet ready for the so called parenthood,,dont rush everything...If god's will then he would give you....since on that time that I got pregnant I'm still a student,.I could say that I didnt expected it,,but I know its my fault,.but I dont have regrets of havin my kid...coz now my Fiance',.my SO,,accepted my situation,,though I'm a single mom....I told you just a brief story of mine for you at least I hope you can have idea...anyway just a friendly advice,,be prepared,,think more,.be practical...but most especially IF YOU THINK HE IS DESERVING ,,then go...LET LOVE BE THE REASON WHY....Goodluck sis!...God Bless


            it's not easy raising up a child. you should be more than prepared to take all the responsibilities that entails of having one. it's a life-long commitment of rearing that child to the right path, thus giving your child an opportunity to have a better future. if you feel that you are ready for parenthood, then go ahead and raise children.


              Originally posted by redbellepepper View Post
              it's a life-long commitment of rearing that child to the right path
              Exactly why we're waiting. We're ready to make a life-long commitment to each other, but not another little person yet.


                I'm 28 and I'm really in the mood for babies it's strictly biological, I see babies and I can't help but feel my ovaries melting. Especially now that I'm with a man I love. He's of course terrified by the idea of having them now, but he's made it clear he wants them later. I made it clear I don't want them before marriage. So that's at least another 4 years. Which is just as well as I'm too scared at the thought of having them now in this chaotic state I'm living in. It's a life-changing decision you can't take back, so don't do it until you personally feel ready.

                Like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. - Steve Jobs

