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What's something sweet your SO has done for YOU lately?

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    What's something sweet your SO has done for YOU lately?

    I like hearing about sweet things that people do for each other. So, if you feel like bragging it up, then here's the place.

    Mine is something sweet that my SO did for my daughter, not me, but I still think it counts. My daughter is obsessed with Spongebob. She has a birthday in a few weeks and wants her party to be Spongebob themed. I was jokingly saying that we should all wear Spongebob tshirts to the party just to be funny, but I was only halfway serious. My SO sends me a picture message yesterday on my cell and he's wearing a bright Spongebob tshirt and Spongebob ballcap. The caption said, "I'm ready to party!" Not only was it totally hilarious, but super sweet that he could give up his tough guy front he puts up. Plus, he looks absolutely ridiculous, but he doesn't care because he's doing it for her.

    He moved me all the way down to his family lake house to close the distance a whole two months before we had planned to move in together.

    "If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.”
    - A. A. Milne


      2 weeks ago he gave me a surprise visit.


        I have a bit of an obsession with unicorns and today my SO told me he bought me a unicorn pinata! I couldn't stop laughing and smiling, I was so amazed he found one!

        Met: 8.17.09
        Started Dating: 8.20.09
        First Met: 10.2.10
        Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


          not a lot


            It's not so much something he did, but rather something he said. I asked him somewhat seriously what he wanted more than anything else in the world, and he said, "You mean apart from you and Newcastle (his soccer/football team) winning the champion league?"
            "I'll hold you in my heart till I can hold you in my arms again."

            "It's supposed to be hard! If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The what makes it great! -A League of Their Own

            Met: August 22, 2010
            Made it official: September 17, 2010
            Got engaged: January 15, 2012
            Our First Visit: November 18, 2010-November 28, 2010
            Our Seventh (and Last) Visit: November 10, 2012-November 24, 2012
            Got married: November 21, 2012
            Big Wedding Date: May 25, 2013
            Closed the Distance: June 2, 2013


              he sent me a box with bueno bars, a veggie dish cookbook, cadbury eggs and an anniversary card for 6 months.
              the bueno bars was such a cute idea. i took him to canada last time he was here and we got some candy that i cant get in the US and bueno bars are my favorite, and he sent me some, so cute!


                He's been spending Friday nights with me rather than going out with his friends.


                  since were far from each other....the sweetest thing that my SO did is he...
                  2 weeks ago we had issues and argues...he didnt talk to me,no chat and whatsoevr communication....
                  but the sweetest part is...just a few days ago...he never say SORRY for what he did...but he just open his cam and message me
                  "HEY NIGNUG,SUP?...did u ate already"...after at the moment of that message came.. someone knocking at my door and had a DELIVERY,,our favorite pizza,,and my favorite PASTA "LASAGNA"...he ordered online DELIVERY coz its OUR 9th MONTHSARY as BF AND maybe simple to other's and just nothing....
                  but for me its SO TOUCHING.....


                    He tells his friends that he can't plan anything on Friday nights because he is Skyping me, he flew out here just to be with me after my dad passed, He sent me a text message on our eight month anniversary with a kiss for every month we have been together saying that he wished he could do it in person, and just tells me how much he loves me and how beautiful he thinks I am. He makes me feel so loved in little and big ways all the time :-)


                      It's not really a gesture he made, but more something cute I found out!
                      I was visiting Loic in Dublin just over a month ago, and said something wondering about what the weather was like back in my hometown. He pulled out his iPhone, went into weather, and the three cities he checks on there are Dublin (makes sense!), Cork (he goes to visit his family there often), and my boring little city! I thought it was cute, and he got bright red and said he checks it to see what sort of day I'm having.
                      Maybe sounds like a silly little thing to get excited about, but it meant a lot!!

                      Love will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free

                      Met: Cork, Ireland - December 31, 2009 • Started Dating: Cork, Ireland - May 22, 2010 • Became LD: July 15, 2010 • My Move From Canada to UK: October 26, 2011
                      Closed the distance June 18, 2012!


                        He sent me a surprise box of chocolate dipped strawberries a balloon and a teddy bear from ediable fruits. He's so sweet.


                          Originally posted by kteire View Post
                          It's not really a gesture he made, but more something cute I found out!
                          I was visiting Loic in Dublin just over a month ago, and said something wondering about what the weather was like back in my hometown. He pulled out his iPhone, went into weather, and the three cities he checks on there are Dublin (makes sense!), Cork (he goes to visit his family there often), and my boring little city! I thought it was cute, and he got bright red and said he checks it to see what sort of day I'm having.
                          Maybe sounds like a silly little thing to get excited about, but it meant a lot!!
                          My girlfriend has her city and my city programmed as the defaults for hers to watch.. I thought it was cute too when I found out


                            I had a small car accident on my way to work one Monday morning. When I got to work I rang him and told him, a bit teary but basically OK. I'd had a big and tiring weekend and was not feeling great. 90 minutes later the most gorgeous bouquet of lillies surrounding a Rose (His name for me) arrive at my office. Considering he lives 10,500 miles away I felt VERY special and VERY cared for.


                              hes a doll, so sweet he left me a message saying what i wanted to hear how he woulda stayed up with me if he wasnt so tired and that he loves me, and just what i really wanted to hear. I sometimes dont get why he loves me or that im enough cause i just dont feel i deserve him but then he reasures me and lets me know and makes me feel special and just, i love him sooooo much!
                              I love you Nathan <3
                              5/25/09 <3

