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Why did you choose a LDR over a CDR?

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    For everyone who said you didn't, technically you did. You chose to go through with it. You chose to fight for it and to fight for a love you have. damn don't gain up on me, I didn't mean it like that.


      I chose a LDR over a CDR because there were no quality men in my city. I'd been single for a little over a year, and I chose to go on a christian dating site. I knew going into it that the chances of me finding someone close to me were much smaller, but I was okay with that if it meant that I would find a good guy worth keeping. I did try to narrow my search to people in my area. But after I met my boyfriend, I didn't feel like saying "no" to the relationship was an option. He was perfect for me, and we got along so well that I really couldn't imagine not seeing where things went with him


        It chose me.

        I would never chose to be in a LDR over a CDR for the sake of being in one to test myself. I love my boyfriend so much, so the LDR was the only option for us.


          I didn't chose it in the fact that I didn't chose to fall in love with him, it just happened. But I did chose to give it a go. I didn't chose it over a CDR though, because there was no one I was interested in at the time, so it wasn't a matter of one over the other. It just didn't seem to make sense to not give something that seemed so right a chance.
          Together since: Feb 23rd 2005.
          First met: June 13th 2006


            Originally posted by kymckenna View Post
            For everyone who said you didn't, technically you did. You chose to go through with it. You chose to fight for it and to fight for a love you have.
            I know what you meant by the question, and I agree.
            My heart belongs to a pilot!


              Originally posted by kymckenna View Post
              For everyone who said you didn't, technically you did. You chose to go through with it. You chose to fight for it and to fight for a love you have. damn don't gain up on me, I didn't mean it like that.
              Not to be nit picking, but your question was "Why did you choose a LDR over a CDR?" and most (all) of us, didn't do that. Yes we chose to be in a long distance relationship, but not over being in a close distance relationship. We chose our long distance relationship over no relationship.
              I had the choice between breaking up with my boyfriend or becoming long distance.

              Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


                I didn't choose LDR. I just couldn't help but fall in love with a wonderful man who lives very far away from me.
                Last edited by LotusWing; May 14, 2011, 06:07 PM. Reason: Typos ^^;


                  not a choice, met and fell in love from two different countries, basically two different worlds , but we both feel complete now that we found each other, and we didnt even know what we were missing before we met. My big sis was talkign to me about my husband, I said I know its hard he's far, etc. She said, You cant help who you love, just love'em.


                    As many have said, I didn't exactly choose to be in my LDR. My boyfriend and I were CD originally and then I left. All the stuff for my move was already settled before we started going out so we both knew it was only a matter of time. But things were going so well that we couldn't really bear the idea of breaking it off because I was going away, especially since we knew my move wasn't permanent.


                      I'm going to echo what just about everyone else has said here and say that I abosolutely did not choose to have this.

                      I met him again after six years of not seeing him.. and we fell in love. I even said to him that I know a future between us is just about impossible but he had to know how much I loved him. 1½ years later, we're planning our weddings (yes, plural, one here.. one there..) and looking at visa options to make sure the distance is closed before the end of the year.


                        he visited my ex-friend last summer, but stayed at mine for 3 days... and in those 3 days? we simply fell for each other, head over heels. no questions, no doubts. we talked later on msn and decided we wanted to make a go of it because there was something special <3 we have been together 11 months next week.
                        the fact its LDR - well, i would not trade him for anything else in the world, he is the most precious part of my life and i love him to pieces, so yeah, even if we have to go a month or two without seeing each other to half a year - he's worth it <3


                          It's an easy choice when the person is who they are.


                            I didn't really choose an just happened. We met on a website I owned, we clicked...we fell in love. When I finally left my CD boyfriend, he waited 2 months and asked me to be his. I chose him, not the LD part. I chose it because he was my best friend before he was anything else. Monday my sister told me that a LDR is a way of copping out of life. She said its easier for me to keep him at a distance because I want the affection without the commitment. Yet if that was the case don't you think I'd be cheating on him? ...I dunno. It hurt. People don't get it.

                            When I was out there, his friend asked me how we make it work. I told her theres no real..."how" we just do. Its worth it to us and we're both happy. Its that deep down contentment.


                              I didn't get to choose a LDR, it just happened. Life is unpredictable. So now I answer to a question like "Why did you stick to your LDR?". Because he is one of the most important persons in my life, always there for me, friendly, funny, sweet, romantic, passional, lol I am rambling, haha. I could go with the list and not stop for a while. Point is that we make a great match.


                                I didnt have a choice; it just sorta happened. I started talking to him and didnt really intend on being LD but we had feelings and bam. Here we are today. He was just so amazing and charming, i couldnt let him slip away

