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Why did you choose a LDR over a CDR?

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    i didnt really choose, we met online and started talking.
    reasons i like it though: we became alot closer, alot faster.
    we got to know eachother on a deeply personal level, not just physical.
    we cherish the time we get together so much more, cuz its not every day i get to run errands or watch movies with him.
    our love is alot stronger than it would be if we were in a CDR b/c our love defies the miles between us.
    at first, i didnt want to do a distance relationship. but we continued talking and i fell for him and couldnt resist and finally the 3rd time he asked me out (on 3/26/10), i accepted. i am so glad i did<333


      Unfortunately I didn't get a choice in the matter. We were CDR for about a year and half, he got laid off about 6 months into our relationship, was offered a job opportunity in CA, and he jumped on it. We have been LDR for a little over a year now with at least another year to go.


        I didn't really choose it, per say. It was an LDR or no relationship at all. If I thought I wasn't strong enough for an LDR, I would've chosen to tell my S.O. no when he asked if we could be a couple. Originally, we weren't even gonna try the couple thing until we met, but our hearts had a different plan.

        Anyway, it wasn't like I joined the forum we met on, saying "hey... let me find a boyfriend." It just so happens, I became close to a man who just happens to live on a different continent.

        If we could be CD right now, we would, but he can't leave Wales right now, and I have 1.5 years left in uni. We just roll with it.

        But if someone in my town asked me out right now, I wouldn't jeopardize what I know I have. Our love is too strong.

        First Met Online: October 2010
        First Confessed Feelings: December 21, 2011
        Became a "Couple": January 7, 2012
        First Meeting: March 9-14, 2012
        Second Meeting: July 16-31, 2012
        Closed the Distance: May 30, 2013
        Engaged!: June 1, 2013
        Picking out wedding dates now!


          I'd like to add. Because I'm 6' tall, and all the guys I met have been shorter than me. He is also shorter, at 5'7. But all the previous shorties have been afraid of me, or deemed me manly simply because I'm tall. I am tomboyish sometimes...but not manly, I'd like to think at least. He finds all of it adorable, he tells me my tomboyish joking manner is like an adorable little puppy, and is confident in his own manhood without being cocky. Plus, I feel safer with him than with a taller but more gangly guy. He definitely can beat up people if need be...I've watched him practice wushu o_o


            For me, because distance is just a number. Never in my life have a met anyone like HBB, and he makes my heart soar. When we met I had guys close that were interested in me, still do...but for me it is no question. They all pale in comparison, and why would I give up somebody I know I love, know is perfect for me and who I never tire of for a 'possibility' just because he is closer? If I did that, I think I am looking for the wrong thing in a man.


              I chose an LDR.

              We could easily be CDL by going to the same college, but I'm to young to settle my life. I can't say he's the one, because I don't know. I do know he's my best friend and I want to talk to him, to get to know him, and to just enjoy things with him. In a lot of ways I'm so glad we're LDR. I get to have my life, study, work without the distraction of him and he gets to do the same. And, in numerous ways, it's better for us. We go through so much more. I know him on a deeper level because we talk so much. I get to really be there for him and learn to communicate better in our relationship because I can't just "kiss it better" when he's hurting. I wouldn't move closer with him (yet) because we're growing together through this, where we not have if we were in the same school. I don't know what's going to happen in the future, but I love him now, I'm happy with him now, and I'm not making any plans to change anything soon.

              I don't know if this was the question you were asking or not...but I think that's what you wanted.


                To OP: CDR have their own shares of heart aches, it's just DIFFERENT than long distance. Just saying.

                Also, I was CD before we became LDR,and this is our second summer of being LDR (we also go LDR in the winter for a month or two every year). It sucks, going from being right there with him all the time to not having ANY contact. But I love him and I would never trade what I have with him for someone else.


                  i would never choose a LDR over a CDR. never.
                  it hapenned to me. just that.

                  i loved being single, i wanted to be single, but i fell in love, while on vacations in switzerland. i thought it would be just a fling during my vacations, but we both fell in love and decided that was it and we would give it a try. we have closed the distance one year after getting together, and now is around one year and a half that i live with him in germany
                  our story.


                  02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

                  "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."


                    Originally posted by Dziubka View Post
                    Not to be nit picking, but your question was "Why did you choose a LDR over a CDR?" and most (all) of us, didn't do that. Yes we chose to be in a long distance relationship, but not over being in a close distance relationship. We chose our long distance relationship over no relationship.
                    I had the choice between breaking up with my boyfriend or becoming long distance.
                    exactly that.
                    our story.


                    02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

                    "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."


                      Originally posted by Rugger View Post
                      Almost none of us choseto have an LDR. What happened was we fell in love with people who were far away to begin with, or who became far away because of an outside force. You can't chose who you fall in love with.

                      I chose to be LDR instead of breaking up because I loved him and I from experience , knew that good men are very hard to find. I wasn't ending a relationship with someone so suited for me because of a trivial thing like distance.
                      Well said. I'm in love with someone who happens to live in a different country, that's it. LDRs are painful, stressful and they definitely need a lot of sacrifices and compromises. But I cherish every moment I have with him and I never regret starting this relationship. LDR is similar with CDR in one thing: it can be successful or unsuccessful. It all comes back to the couple. My SO and I are determined to make it work. I am happy we are both strong enough to endure the hardships.

                      Originally posted by snow_girl View Post
                      I didn't choose it, it chose me.
                      This as well.


                        Originally posted by morgan(: View Post
                        To OP: CDR have their own shares of heart aches, it's just DIFFERENT than long distance. Just saying.

                        Also, I was CD before we became LDR,and this is our second summer of being LDR (we also go LDR in the winter for a month or two every year). It sucks, going from being right there with him all the time to not having ANY contact. But I love him and I would never trade what I have with him for someone else.
                        Ah, this is my situation exactly. We are normally CD but for long school breaks.. So I really didn't choose a type of relationship, I chose him. It just so happens that normally, he lives 3,000 miles away from me.


                          I pretty much gave up dating people that lived close to me. The relationships I was in were only lasting like 1 month. This relationship is my longest relationship since my ex-fiance. And he has treated me better than any guy I've ever dated.


                            I didn't really choose it. We were CD until he moved away for university. It took a long time to get used to being far apart after spending so much time together in the beginning. It really makes you appreciate the time you have together, that's for sure.


                              I wouldn't really say I chose a LDR over a CDR, I think it just happens that way imo. LDR's are most definitely a lot harder but I believe it makes a couple so much more stronger. In my eyes, everything about my LDR is worth it, every second of it, even the suffering when I need him the most.. because in the end, we are working things out to be closer and together.


                                As others have stated, I didn't choose it. It chose me. We were CD at the beginning but then I was relocated for work reasons. I thought it would be a huge loss and something I would regret for a long time if I didn't at least try LD. And here I am.

