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I guess I'm disappointed

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    I don't think you should be disappointed. Men are in general not that romantic, it's just a man thing not to think months before the anniversary about the present. Believe me, some of them would not give you anything.

    Also, there might be a different explanation, for instance for our 6-month anniversary (which was in February, therefore it was a Valentine present as well) I baked my boyfriend just a big chocolate cookie in a shape of heart with a chocolate message written on it. Originally I planned something better, but I changed my mind. It was too early to give him the other present and I've got the feeling we won't break up that early - I don't want to give him everything I have in mind at once and then be stuck out of ideas

    And the concert, I completely agree with Moon and Dziubka.


      In my relationship, I'm the one who is TERRIBLE at gift giving. We acknowledge monthaversaries, but don't celebrate them. His birthday was a week and a half before I was to fly there, our first year anniversary and Christmas were during the trip and I didn't get him ANY gifts, aside from some stuff in my room he said he wanted. And he brought me horseback riding for our anniversary! It's not that these events weren't important to me, but the preschool I work for had a HUGE event (months of planning) the night before my flight and I was busy until the event was over. He didn't mind, he said the $2000 I spent to fly out there to see him was more than any gift he could ask for.

      He did seem like he felt obligated to pay for anything we did when I was there, refusing to let me pay for it or even pay my share even though he's a full time student so doesn't work as much as I do. So the only thing I ended up paying for was groceries and some meals. I don't believe the guy should pay for everything for the girl (unless he's really rich and wants to), but if he asked you out for something for his enjoyment, yes, he should pay for your ticket.


        I'm sorry you're disappointed. Like the others have said some people just dont celebrate monthly anniversaries especially with the same vigor a yearly anniversary calls for. We didnt celebrate ours (I was keeping track though :P) we talked about how its hard to believe and all but dont feel so bad. In another 6 months you'll get a much nicer gift

        he should've paid for those tickets though


          I always like to give people very thoughtful gifts... like for my boyfriend's birthday this past march, I learned how to knit, and knit him a sweater, haha. I've found that as someone who likes to give very thoughtful things, I get disappointed with other people's gifts to me. I find that frustrating, I don't intend to have high expectations! But I can totally understand what you mean, but I think it's more that regardless of how much thought he actually put into your gift, you feel like you put more in. Bleh!

          And as far as paying for things goes, I do like when on the odd occasion, my SO pays, but generally I like to pay my own share. Which works out well MOST of the time, he's an actuary, and finds dividing things very important, haha. It can drive me a bit crazy at times though!!

          Love will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free

          Met: Cork, Ireland - December 31, 2009 • Started Dating: Cork, Ireland - May 22, 2010 • Became LD: July 15, 2010 • My Move From Canada to UK: October 26, 2011
          Closed the distance June 18, 2012!


            I always like to give people very thoughtful gifts... like for my boyfriend's birthday this past march, I learned how to knit, and knit him a sweater, haha. I've found that as someone who likes to give very thoughtful things, I get disappointed with other people's gifts to me. I find that frustrating, I don't intend to have high expectations! But I can totally understand what you mean, but I think it's more that regardless of how much thought he actually put into your gift, you feel like you put more in. Bleh!

            And as far as paying for things goes, I do like when on the odd occasion, my SO pays, but generally I like to pay my own share. Which works out well MOST of the time, he's an actuary, and finds dividing things very important, haha. It can drive me a bit crazy at times though!!

            Love will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free

            Met: Cork, Ireland - December 31, 2009 • Started Dating: Cork, Ireland - May 22, 2010 • Became LD: July 15, 2010 • My Move From Canada to UK: October 26, 2011
            Closed the distance June 18, 2012!


              We used to acknowledge monthaversaries when we'd remember them lol. No gifts, just a mention. We were quite regular first few months, then after 6 months it became a bit pointless really. As for gifts, I feel like I'm lagging behind a little bit, but I have a mindblowing idea for our 1 year anniversary in Sept, that'll make up for it all.

              When it comes to paying on dates, I don't really believe in splitting the bill. It's just not on in my culture. Either I pay or he does. Normally he pays for most when I'm visiting him, and usually I pay when he's visiting me. He earns considerably more than I do so he tends to pick up the larger bills. I never argue, it's just not classy IMO. And he knows I'm not a golddigger or anything. I think for most men it's important that they get to pick up the bill at least from time to time, it just goes together with the old fashioned idea of romance. It's not always necessary to be PC.

              Like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. - Steve Jobs

