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Changing climates~ advice please ^^

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    Changing climates~ advice please ^^

    Sooooo~ I will be in Ireland in 12 days!! but I need advice I'm from a really HOT awesomely warm part of Texas <3 (it was 87 degrees Fahrenheit overcast here) I love this type of weather and can lay in the parks shaded areas forever napping. (but not in summer ide burn to a crisp) Now the Dilemma as most of you have already guessed is Ireland summer is say around highest around 18-20 Celsius, that's 64-68 Fahrenheit for me thats COLD and like our winter srsly. Hes gonna be a crisp over here and Im gonna freeze like a popsicle there... Especially when I go back in December, might I mention I have never experienced temps below 28 Fahrenheit i think. But regardless I'm still extremely excited and am most likely the one whos moving <3

    How do yall deal with huge climate changes?
    "taim i ngrá leat mo anam chara <3"

    Kitten: -laces fingers together- our souls are one <3
    Keith: -blushes and gazes at lovingly- forever and always <3

    The only time I experienced a huge climate change was when I went to visit relatives in Michigan when I was 11. I actually found it more bearable than when I went to Colorado during the same time of year but I wasn't being drug up and down mountains in Michigan. I mean yeah it was cold enough to have snow on the ground but so long as I had on gloves and a jacket I was fine, unless there was wind. I don't care how cool it is, if you blow wind through what is Fall weather it becomes a frozen tundra from Hell if Hell ever invested in cold.

    Just pack a coat, some gloves, a pair or two of thick pants or pants that have a strong weave so wind doesn't breeze through. You might get used to the weather after a bit, depending how long you're there. I know I got comfortable with Orlando's lesser level of/nonexistent humidity whereas Louisiana is almost always humid enough that you can cut the air and serve it like a friggin cake. Course it helped that it was nice and warm in Florida while Louisiana was experience a freeze.


      I would think from Texas to Ireland and vice versa wouldn't be a really drastic change over the summer, but you will have to deal with a very, very cold winter. Just make sure you take appropriate dress with you and take appropriate precautions for the extremes (really hot/really cold). It'll take a couple days for your body to get used to the cooler weather, but once it gets used to it, it'll be just like you never left. Good luck with your move--I hope it all works out for the best!
      National Novel Writing Month Participant- 2010, 2011, 2012
      National Novel Writing Month Winner- 2010, 2011, 2012

      Current Writing Project: Wait Until Next Year


        I come from a land where the winters can be -40 Celsius and the summers have gotten to +40 celsius. So I def know how to deal with climate changes! I have a huge variety of clothes for all seasons in my closet. Bring a light jacket but you shouldn't take long to acclimatize. If thats the same temp as your winters, just bring whatever you would wear in the winter. Also if you are going to Ireland, make sure you bring an umbrella!


          I'm also from Texas, and my SO lives in England. If Ireland is anything like England temperature-wise, you'll be fine. The summers are better than our winters. At least to me. All you're really going to need is a light jacket. Like someone else said it takes a couple of days for your body to adjust, but once it does, you'll be fine. I went last August, and it was kind of cold. Just don't take typical Texas summer clothes. Make sure your clothes have at least short sleeves. Have your jacket with you. You should be fine. Plus, there's lots of great shopping stores in Europe. You can always pick up a few things while you're there if you get too cold.
          "I'll hold you in my heart till I can hold you in my arms again."

          "It's supposed to be hard! If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The what makes it great! -A League of Their Own

          Met: August 22, 2010
          Made it official: September 17, 2010
          Got engaged: January 15, 2012
          Our First Visit: November 18, 2010-November 28, 2010
          Our Seventh (and Last) Visit: November 10, 2012-November 24, 2012
          Got married: November 21, 2012
          Big Wedding Date: May 25, 2013
          Closed the Distance: June 2, 2013


            Thanks you guys Yea Im gonna grab a jacket there because you can't find them here right now XD its to hot~
            "taim i ngrá leat mo anam chara <3"

            Kitten: -laces fingers together- our souls are one <3
            Keith: -blushes and gazes at lovingly- forever and always <3


              I'm going to be having the same problem, I live in Arizona so a cool day in summer is like 95's >.> and my SO lives in upstate NY so its hardly ever above 70 which, with the extreme heat here, I find chilly, sad as that sounds, and I don't even wanna think about winter there xD but it's okay because I LOVE the cold so as long as I pack some warm jackets I'll be fine.

              But yeah same advice as everyone else pack warm and expect to be cold for a couple of days before your body adjusts. Good luck ^^

              Met: 8.17.09
              Started Dating: 8.20.09
              First Met: 10.2.10
              Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


                lol i have the opposite problem. I'm from england and used to steady temperatures, nothing too hot. I'm going to Nebraska in July and I'm worried I'm going to HATE the heat. It's so humid there, I don't know if I can take it! I struggled last year in September...


                  My SO moved from a tropical environment (70 and sunny all year long) to my temperate environment in February. He was FREEEEEEEZING in 50 degree weather! Hehe made me laugh. But he's been here now for almost 3 months and has gotten used to the weather. That and it's like 80 every day now. Just take a light jacket. You'll get used to it soon enough!

                  PS-60s is actually very nice weather!!!! Especially if it's sunny out!


                    Ugh this will be a challenge for me too. Where I am is hot and VERY humid all year round. It was 98.6˚F IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT last night, and so humid you feel like you're in a steam room.

                    When I went there last December for 3 weeks, we went to the zoo as soon as I landed, and it was about 60˚F out, which, according to him, is very nice weather. By the time we left the zoo I was shaking so hard and felt so weak, like I wasn't really able to walk. The lowest it went while I was there was below freezing. I got to experience hail and snow!

                    Just bring clothes you can layer according to how cold it is. (:


                      Ugh this will be a challenge for me too. Where I am is hot and VERY humid all year round. It was 98.6˚F IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT last night, and so humid you feel like you're in a steam room.

                      When I went there last December for 3 weeks, we went to the zoo as soon as I landed, and it was about 60˚F out, which, according to him, is very nice weather. By the time we left the zoo I was shaking so hard and felt so weak, like I wasn't really able to walk. The lowest it went while I was there was below freezing. I got to experience hail and snow!

                      Just bring clothes you can layer according to how cold it is. (:


                        My SO lives in New Zealand and I live in Germany. There wasn't much of a big difference. The heat is almost the same. Although it did feel even more unbearable in New Zealand. It doesn't get as cold over there as well. Which is why my SO thought she might freeze to death here, but she managed just fine. Our apartment is really warm and we have thicker sleeping blankets!


                          Denise's country the warmest it gets is in the lower to mid 70's and to them thats hot, so when she came over here in the summer time it was at least in the 90's almost in the 100's i felt so bad because one time it was so hot and humid we were outside and she suddenly felt sick, so we went inside and we spent a few hours in bed with the fan on us because she had a little heat stroke to where she was shaking and dizzy, i felt really bad about that because i knew she wasent used to that so the entire few hours i laid in bed with her and kept her cool, and to me there winters are actually warmer then ours least in my opinion, i know it was chilly from time to time i did wear my heavier coat but most of the time i wore my hoodie


                            Don't worry too much about it! Human beings are amazingly adaptable creatures Once you've been there for a few days or weeks, you'll be used to it.
                            I just moved back to West Africa in the middle of the hot season (never under 92 F in our room, even at night). You'll be amazed at what you can adapt to


                              My boyfriend lives in Finland, and I'm in southeast PA. When I checked out the average weather there last Summer (High 68, low 48F), I didn't know how to pack at all! I ended up taking 2 shorts, 2 capris, and 2 jeans, some t-shirts, long sleeve shirts and a hoodie. The weather was beautiful! I never wore the jeans or long sleeved stuff, and I only needed my hoodie when we were on a boat in the Baltic sea at night. Take warmer clothes, just in case, and something waterproof. Oh, and just be happy you're going in summer, I've been to Finland a few times in the Winter, and that's some brutal stuff!!
                              Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein

