Sooooo~ I will be in Ireland in 12 days!! but I need advice I'm from a really HOT awesomely warm part of Texas <3 (it was 87 degrees Fahrenheit overcast here) I love this type of weather and can lay in the parks shaded areas forever napping. (but not in summer ide burn to a crisp) Now the Dilemma as most of you have already guessed is Ireland summer is say around highest around 18-20 Celsius, that's 64-68 Fahrenheit for me thats COLD and like our winter srsly. Hes gonna be a crisp over here and Im gonna freeze like a popsicle there... Especially when I go back in December, might I mention I have never experienced temps below 28 Fahrenheit i think. But regardless I'm still extremely excited and am most likely the one whos moving <3
How do yall deal with huge climate changes?
How do yall deal with huge climate changes?