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does your SO still woo you?

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    every single day, every minute he tells me how much he loves me and goes on and on about my eyes, lips, hair, etc. I will try to tell him something happened in my day and he will say "bby, wait, I love u, continue your story now" and he calls all the time and starts singing "i just called to say i love you" love him love him love him


      I think that I could use a little more woo and mush in my relationship right now. We have been official for just over a year and two months, so it's understandable that we would get more comfortable with each other and trade off maybe more flashy things for supportive phone conversations and stuff.

      When we are in-person, he is really still quite romantic--gets dressed nicely for dates, takes me to really nice restaurants, gets me thoughtful gifts for special occasions, holds my hand when we are out, carries my suitcases for me, will try my suggestions for new date ideas, watch shows with me that I like with little to no grumbling, sometimes opens the door for me (he doesn't do that as much, but I think that's because I kind of have confused him. I like it when a guy opens a building door or car door for me, but I went to a university where people were usually really courteous and it was unusual if some stranger didn't hold the door for you and you didn't for them, so sometimes I guess I charge on ahead and open the door for him, etc. >.<; ).

      At a distance, though, he used to send me spontaneous and super creative surprise gifts, letters, and postcards "just because" and doesn't seem to much any more. We also had lots of different activities we made to share at a distance and he has also been remiss on many of those. I'm not sure that I could expect him to keep that pace up entirely, but he's even slacking on sending a monthly postcard lately. I have to remember that he did set-up a special little recycling centre in his apartment at my encouragement, which I am really pleased about--it's maybe more practical and less romantic, but it's really sweet. Still, I would be really cheered to have a random postcard or little piece of mail! (I am hoping to write something to him soon and maybe that will get him started up again with mailing?).


        We still text each other- we usually text each other once every Monday to Friday when he works and I have just finished my day. He posted a nice handwritten letter to me with a couple of beautiful little necklaces he never used to like snail mailing but he had this need to. We talk everyday on Yahoo IM and I feel we're still doing a good job. We're in the stage of comfort but we still like to do the odd sweet thing here and there but we know even if we don't hear from each other it's not saying we don't love each other just as much.


          So when i looked up woo in the dictionary it basically described someone's efforts to win some one over usually a man with the intention of convincing them to marry. My SO and I both had the same mental definition and think that its important for both parties to show their love, trust, affection, respect and how much they value their partner all through out the relationship. I think that we are in the comfortable stage or the beginnings of it but we make time to tell each other we love each other and make each other feel valued. However, even if we treat each other the same way I think that it is his job to pursue me for marriage. I'm very old fashioned in that way and think that he should propose and be the one that shows that he can provide for me and care for me. I am also Christian and believe that he should play a specific role as the head of the household and our relationship but that isn't a relationship that involved domination, but rather mutual respect. We definitely still have the woo factor and probably always will.


            His romantic gestures are a bit spaced out, but they're well worth waiting for. He manages the company website and he paid a tribute to me there twice, secretly. One time when he used 'our' song as presentation background. Second time he included our in-joke in an article on the website. He didn't tell me about any of those things, but I guess he knew I would notice it as I like to keep up with his work. Those were the two nicest things he did.

            He's thoughtful and affectionate when we're together. Loves to dance, takes me out to dinners, etc. While we're apart he tends to forget about compliments and I sometimes have to remind him to flirt. Ha.

            But, in the early days, when we were still on a high, he told me I was probably the love of his life. He never repeated it though, lol. But he did tell me recently that I was his best friend, which I thought was really sweet.

            Like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. - Steve Jobs


              @ lara
              awww this is so adorably cute!!! how sweet he sounds!
              I love you Nathan <3
              5/25/09 <3


                My SO is pretty amazing when it comes to keeping things just as cute and fun as it was in the beginning. Little things like posting a song on my wall on Facebook means the world to me. It's also nice when you come home and find packages in your mail box with little things that make you happy. Like my SO sends me postcards and lovely gifts from Scotland all the time, not for any reason at all, just because he loves me. Something that costs him 10 pence, can mean so much to me. It's also nice too that we'll have dinner once a month over Skype for our anniversary and we'll dress up like we were really going out on a date, hearing him go on for 25 minutes about how beautiful I look while his food gets cold is one of the greatest feelings, I hope it never goes away. Love is always nice when it's kept in that "new" stage. We've known each other just about two years, been dating 10 months and I still feel the excitement as if we just started dating.

