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Dear LFAD,

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    Dear LFAD,

    dont kill me.

    I ended it with Ben, the new guy, because i couldnt be with him and love Ryan, it just wasnt right.

    so, i admitted to Ryan that i was still in love with him, and while it wasnt the PHYSICAL love that i was getting from Ben (he was VERY touchy-feely, and going from long-distance to that just didnt work) it was more love then i was ever going to get from him.

    I finally heard from ryan again today. he messaged me back saying he was sorry and didnt mean any of it and yadda yadda and that he would take me back.

    so, long story short, ryan left me 3 weeks ago, i rebounded with ben, i figured out i messed up, went back to ryan, and he took me back.

    anyways, im sorry about all the confusion on my behalf!

    I love you guys!


    Well...I am happy that you are with someone you love! It's a great feeling to be with the one you have feelings for and love with all your heart


      Love is love! You can't help who you fall in love with and I don't think you can MAKE yourself love someone when you don't! So YAY for being with the one you love!!


        Sending best wishes for your relationship with Ryan! Glad you both had some time to figure things out and will hopefully have a stronger relationship as a resutl!


          Best wishes for you and Ryan. =] We won't kill you, promise. ;D Haha, I was little worried also about the forum's reaction for me getting back with my SO, but it's been positive so far. ^_^;; I guess it's all part of figuring yourself out.


            Good luck to you!


              Yay! That's a great news. Hopefully things work out better this time Loooots of good luck for yoU!


                thanks guys! all the support is awesomee. it means the world!


                  Sounds like you have had a rough few weeks! I hope everything goes smoothly from now on!


                    Best wishes and lots of hugs, hope it works out!


                      thanks guys. it has been pretty rough the last few weeks. i have had 3 or 4 emotional breakdowns and they are no fun..


                        I hope things get better for you.

                        It seems like you got lots of things to figure out, but it also looks like you now know what (who) you want, which is good

                        Good luck!

