Forgive me for all the grammar errors wrote while sad and kinda crying plz forgive me 
Goodness i don't even know where to begin with my situation. First of all I'm 20yrs old and my SO will be 25, and my parents hate and do not understand my relationship. They refuse to let me fly to see him even though im an adult and was paying my own way, and before anyone says i should just go im still in college and they pay for it and my car. I've never been on my own and i wouldnt last long if i had to be
.... but anyway the reason im writing is to vent and tell my story and ask for advice maybe lol .
hes the first guy to challenge me to tell me what i was say was bs and he made me think and make me feel alive. He called my bluff and could tell when i was lying :P no one has ever been able to make me speechless or to not have a comeback to a statement but he could in every shape and form and it caught my attentions / infuriated me all @ the same time so we began talking over messenger for awhile an it led on from there to phone calls/texts to oovoo and finally a meeting
.... After about 6 month he came to see me by this time he was mt best friend and i couldnt imagine not talking to him everyday, and as soon as he wrapped his arms around me in the airport i knew i was in love with him i was effortless and amazing all @ the same time. I lied to my parents about where i was when i went to see him and that cause MAJOR tension when i came back home after 5 days it was WW3 and a half and now my parents and I havent really had the same kind of relationship and i dont think i can ever repair it. Ive made my bed now i must lay in it but now my dad and mom refuse to speak to him on the phone to get to know him better they think im stupid and throwing my life away for him, But i love him more then anyone knows. I asked yes asked to go to see him where he lives which is about 1100 miles away and they refuse they say because of safety reasons but idk i think there just afraid i wont come back til august
which is 100% not true as much as i would like to stay there financially it isnt in the cards to stay... And my SO says that my parents are trying to destroy us because there very controlling and cant handle that
A. i have a serious BF
B. he's long distance
C. they think its pointless to have a relationship thats a LDR
All im asking is they dont have to like it just respect me enough to not make it harder for me and him then it already is LDR's are hard when you have support but when your like ME and him and have NO support then it makes the situation a 100 times worse on everyone. My parents and me are so stressed out that u can cut the tension with a knife.. Today i heard my parents arguing and my dad said me was fed up and done he couldnt take it any more... Am i really that bad that he would just be like whatever because i asked him twice to let me go to see the man im in love with.
ANY advice is great and if anyones in a LDR where your parents hate the situation your in please feel free to message me
thanks everyone for listening to the mess ive supposedly made
peace n love,

Goodness i don't even know where to begin with my situation. First of all I'm 20yrs old and my SO will be 25, and my parents hate and do not understand my relationship. They refuse to let me fly to see him even though im an adult and was paying my own way, and before anyone says i should just go im still in college and they pay for it and my car. I've never been on my own and i wouldnt last long if i had to be

hes the first guy to challenge me to tell me what i was say was bs and he made me think and make me feel alive. He called my bluff and could tell when i was lying :P no one has ever been able to make me speechless or to not have a comeback to a statement but he could in every shape and form and it caught my attentions / infuriated me all @ the same time so we began talking over messenger for awhile an it led on from there to phone calls/texts to oovoo and finally a meeting

which is 100% not true as much as i would like to stay there financially it isnt in the cards to stay... And my SO says that my parents are trying to destroy us because there very controlling and cant handle that
A. i have a serious BF
B. he's long distance
C. they think its pointless to have a relationship thats a LDR
All im asking is they dont have to like it just respect me enough to not make it harder for me and him then it already is LDR's are hard when you have support but when your like ME and him and have NO support then it makes the situation a 100 times worse on everyone. My parents and me are so stressed out that u can cut the tension with a knife.. Today i heard my parents arguing and my dad said me was fed up and done he couldnt take it any more... Am i really that bad that he would just be like whatever because i asked him twice to let me go to see the man im in love with.
ANY advice is great and if anyones in a LDR where your parents hate the situation your in please feel free to message me
thanks everyone for listening to the mess ive supposedly made
peace n love,