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Saying I love you

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    Saying I love you

    How long did it take you to say I love you in your relationships. Is there any cute story attached to it? Did both partners say it?

    right when we first got together, one night i told her right before she went to bed "I love you, i really do. more then just friend....." and a few seconds later she replied "i love you too more then you know!" it started after that


      We had known eachother for about a year before we got official...a month later we were on Skype and he kept getting so quiet and I kept asking what..he looked all flushed and red..I was like What is your problem just spit it out already..and he just said it.."I love you Stephanie"....the words shot a feeling of electric shock right through me..I smiled and I said "I love you too". He was so relieved that I said it back...and there have been many I Love yous exchanged since then.
      " Love don't run....Love don't hide...Love don't turn away or back down from a fight.
      Baby I'm right here..and I and going anywhere"

      Mitch and Stephanie July 14, 2011


        We started saying it within 2 months of being together, nothing really overly cute, I can't even remember who had said it first but I do remember that the first time I was literally almost in tears I was so happy.

        Met: 8.17.09
        Started Dating: 8.20.09
        First Met: 10.2.10
        Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


          He said it long before I did. I remember, I was very nervous about it as I'd never said it to anyone before, and because he was so far away I was apprehensive about saying it since, in my mind, it felt like that made things ten time more official. I still cared about him deeply however, so whenever he would say I love you, I would say, I adore you. I do remember why I changed my mind however. I was driving home with my mom one night and that song 'Live like you were dying' came on the radio, and it struck me how sad I would be if something happened to him and he never knew that I did love him. So that night, when we went to bed and he said I love you, that was the first time I said it back to him.


            It was said roughly a month after we began dating. Mind you we'd known each other some years before then and we both had feelings for one another long before we dated so it wasn't like we were still feeling out how we synced when it came out. Though technically it wasn't really said, we got into a very serious conversation about something (the subject escapes me) and he just started off with, "Sara, I..." and then there were a few more lines of "....." before he got frustrated and I realized what he was trying to say. I merely said, "I know" and he calmed down, asked me never to leave him, and from then on it became very easy to say.


              He said it about 4 and a half months. I didn't say it back. About 2 days later, we said goodbye before he went back up to college and he said it again...and I said it. BUT, it slipped out. I didn't want to say it yet, because I felt it was too soon, but I'm glad it worked out the way it did because that means subconsciously, I truly meant it if it slipped. I'm so glad I did say it when I did looking back on it. I'd felt it long before we were even together, but I really was afraid to say it. Not sure why.

              "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

              Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


                It took us 3 months to say it out loud, but we felt it long before that. I told him as I was leaving to go home. He dropped me off at the airport. When I told him, he acted really surprised and said, "You do? Well, I love you too!" He was beaming. It was cute.


                  I think its a cute story! My SO said it first and I said it back. He was the first person that I ever said it to period. Except my family, but anyway...I believe it was one night after we watched a movie and we went to bed. We weren't "getting it on" but we were just making out and staring at each other and he pulled my head up to his, so ear to mouth and he whispered "I love you so much" into my ear. From that day we have said it to each other every day.

                  My favorite I love you since is when he says, "guess what" and I always pretend like I dont know its coming. And he says "chicken butt" then "guess what"..."I love you". I was shopping once at Wal-Mart and happened to go down the card section and I found a card that said. "Guess what" WHAT...CHICKEN you thought I was going to say something mushy like I love you..pss: I love you!" BEST card every for him! I bought it and some things to go into a care package and sent it to him. I even forgot the real reason I was at the store for myself. When I got home I didn't care because I was so excited to send all of the stuff and the card to him. He loved it!


                    It happened a couple or few weeks into our first visit. We had a wonderful time and one night we were lying on the bed, in the dark. We were facing each other and talking when I told her, very shyly, that I'm falling in love with her. She started crying out of happiness. The real "I love you"'s came after that, when I was back home again. I had all these feelings inside of me, so I did a voice recording and told my SO everything. She replied back to it. Telling me that she loves me too. More than once.


                      We started seeing each other in Nov 09. I was away for a month and I came back for three months I was hoping to say it before I left for three months before he came to see me but I didn't want to be the one to say it first, no dice. He came over for 5 months and I would hope that every day he would say it cause I didn't want to scare him by saying it first.
                      Well we didn't end up saying it until a week before he left. We were skating on a frozen lake in the mountains at night and could see the stars. I decided that cause he wouldn't say it I'd have to. We were skating around and kissed then I said he, he didn't hear my properly but I didn't want to say it again. I did and like no big deal he said it back. Then I asked why he'd never told me and he made a lame excuse that he was going to that night as well (yaaaaa right) Then he told me he knew he loved me since March and I just wished he would have told me then me having to do it lol


                        There was a lot of build up to us actually saying it. The night before he left he was telling me how amazing I was and how I'm everything he's been looking for in a woman, and told me I'd made him fall for me pretty hard. I was telling him how I'd never met someone like him and how happy he made me, and he had made me fall for him too. We danced around it, but neither of us really got the courage to say it.

                        The next day I drove him to the airport and we stood their and hugged for ages. Suddenly he pulled back and murmured "I love you". Of course I said it back. I think we were both pretty nervous, and it took a couple times to get used to saying it, but now we say it all the time.

                        "You know it's love when you want to keep holding hands even after you're sweaty."
                        -- Anonymous


                          We've been talking for two years now, and just met for the first time not too long ago, when we made our relationship official. I have very strong feelings for him, I would even go to say that I do love him, but I'm not ready to exchange those words yet. But, part of me thinks he knows.


                            We had been dating 5 months.
                            We were in my room, I was tidying up a bit while talking to him and then he suddenly said "I love you" - the problem is he for some weird reason said it in English and we always speak Japanese together. So I looked at him and said in a annoyed voice "Don't say things you don't know the true meaning of". He replied that he knew the meaning, but I said I wanted him to say it in Japanese instead, since it's too easy to toss around foreign words. (then I went to sit next to him). Then he looked at me and said "I love you, Isa." (In Japanese) and then suddenly I didn't know how to respond. Think it took me 15 minutes before I could say that I loved him, too.


                              The first time we said it was through typing on msn. He said it first, and I didn't really know how to respond, I said 'i love you' back, but I was concerned afterwards that it wasn't quite sincere. It wasn't long after though, a week or two that I realised I did mean it. Can't really remember when we first said it through voice.
                              Together since: Feb 23rd 2005.
                              First met: June 13th 2006

