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    Help please!

    Okay, this may be the wrong forum to post this in and I'm so sorry if it is but I really need some help if y'all can possibly give it. It may not be in your power to do so, and this is mainly directed at anyone living in Canada, more specifically the province of Alberta, but if anyone can help me find a reliable online news source about the fires going on in Northern Alberta I would be much appreciative.

    My boyfriend, Alex, lives in Slave Lake and they were evacuated last night because of forest fires. I know he's all right but I would like to know if I can find a source to follow the news about it. I have Googled but found nothing.

    Thanks a lot y'all.

    well i did find this:


      kk, thanks. CBC doesn't have anything ^^;




          Wasn't really able to find anything useful, but I wanted to post and say I'm glad you know he's alright and my thoughts are with you guys <3


            Oh no, I'm sorry to hear that - glad that he's ok though. I can't help cause I'm nowhere near Canada... But I'm thinking of you


              May God be with you Guys!...Sorry to hear that...We will pray for your bf's safety....


                yah, Alex and his family and everyone is okay. I'm pretty sure their houses are gone, though. I don't know yet. He said he'd talk to me tomorrow so I guess I'll find out then...

                Thanks for the support everyone. I am stocked up on news coverage. ^^;


                  Hey, I used to live in Alberta. Looks like you are stocked up on coverage, but this looks like a good one:, if you want more. Global has affiliate stations in B.C. and they are really good about doing local stuff for bigger cities, so I imagine that their Edmonton location would be very specific.


                    Kay, just found out that so far their houses are still standing, so that's good. thanks for the support, everyone, I'll update whenever I hear the final result of this thing @.@


                      good to here so far!!


                        I live in Edmonton. I've been watching the news, and they said about 30% of the town is gone.

                        Thats the most recent news, posted 45 min ago. I have a friend that lives there too.


                          Right. I read that one, too. Looking at the Twitter for a reporter on the news story. So far the area Alex lives in they said only 4 houses have been destroyed but... I'm just glad that people are okay.


                            My friend lives there and her house was destroyed , she said she was glad that she was in Toronto visiting family when it happened, but sad to see what she'll go back to. She also said she was happy she got fire insurance on her house in case something like this happened.

                            Treasuretrooper <-- how I helped pay for some of my LDR expenses when I was in one.


                              yah. So far one of my boyfriend's roommates who happened to be in Edmonton on a trip says that as far as he knows their house is still standing.

