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    My boy has ADD so he often gets distracted when we're together. "Honey, please get off mibbit and pay attention to me. I drove 320 miles to see you, remember. :P" It can be a little annoying sometimes but sometimes it's kinda cute. <3

    Also, when I go visit him, we actually have to go out and buy food for me to eat while I'm there because his shelves are bare. His diet consists of peanut butter and honey sandwiches for breakfast, cookies and milk for snacks during the day, and pizza for dinner on Mondays that he usually has leftovers he eats through the week. He barely eats and I find it almost comical. XD


      Wahhh his quirks are so annoyingly attractive! I love them.
      He refuses to go to sleep at a normal time but complains he sooo tired the next day and he MUST wash dishes if they're in the sink, no matter what we're doing. My favorite quirk? He loves loves loves getting his eyebrows plucked. He always asks me to do it. [I admit, I got him hooked on this one]
      He is so freaking quirky but some of his quirks are so hard to explain! His weirdness makes me feel normal though. =)


        Let's see...

        He refuses to eat until he's washed all the dishes he used to prepare the food.
        He keeps an excel file listing all the American universities he's interested in along with their location, average GRE scores, list of interesting programs and a key faculty person. He's constantly researching and adding more universities to the list.
        He's obsessed with Jamie Oliver and preparing the food Jamie makes in his books and on his TV shows. Luckily, I get to eat it!


          My SO always has to explain things that he knows I already know about. Oh, and he goes on really long rants about anything political. I wouldn't change him for anything though.

          "If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.”
          - A. A. Milne


            First of all, he's a vegetarian and I'm not, which doesn't bother me most of the time except that he rarely eats anything healthy. He thinks that because he doesn't eat meat it's automatically healthy. And I spend all of our time together trying to explain that cheese hoagies are not great for you if you eat them for every meal.

            Another food one... he's been on a diet type thing lately to get in shape for the AF. He wasn't heavy to begin with, but wanted to tone up and shed a few pounds, so he completely stopped eating after 6PM. And he wanted to go out to dinner all the time! So I'd get home from work at like 5:30, feeling all gross (I have an active job where I provide recreational therapy services and I'm on my feet and running around all day), and he's like, "we have to go out right this second or else I can't eat tonight." And usually I'm not even hungry then if I eat a late lunch, which happens more often then not.

            Also, I talk to myself very often. I always have, but it's gotten worse since I live alone and I'm a super-talkative person. I talk to myself even to the point where I narrate what I'm doing to my cat. haha. well, he has this habit now of pointing out when I talk to myself as if I don't know, or as if I'll stop. I won't ever stop talking to myself. It's what keeps me sane.

            One last one: when we lay in bed at night, if we're spooning, we fit perfectly together <3. However, his mouth naturally sits right next to my ear. Not that bad, right? Except for the fact that then as we're talking, he doesn't lower the volume. He talks to me as loud as if I were across the room, and it sounds like he's screaming because he's so close to my ear. I tell him to talk a little lower, and he apologizes profusely, and for about 12 seconds after that is very quiet. And then he forgets and its back to the screaming. haha. I wouldn't change it though.
            Why do you wait for me?
            How do you wait for me?
            I'm lost and alone without you here in my arms.
            I'm lost and alone without you here by my side.
            Here's a song for you, lovely
            Remember that it's for you only, for you only.
            My heart is caught in a landslide
            And it beats for you only, for you only.

            -"My Lovely" by Eisley


              I'll ask her what she wants to do (what movie to watch, game to play, etc.), and she won't really care. It drives me crazy because she's my guest, and I want to accommodate her. It doesn't really matter in the long run, because whatever we wind up doing, we do it together.
              National Novel Writing Month Participant- 2010, 2011, 2012
              National Novel Writing Month Winner- 2010, 2011, 2012

              Current Writing Project: Wait Until Next Year


                he uses the webcam like a mirror. we'll be having a very serious conversation and then all the sudden he is fixing his hair. and I laugh soooo hard at him for it.

                then every night (day technically, he works over night) before he goes to sleep he gets really sappy and lovey and then in mid-sentence he passes out ^_^

                every simple little thing turns sexual o-o;

                he burps really really really loud and long burps and then "oops... unintentional..." and then does it again.

                and when he gets dressed he puts his pants on, then his shirt, then takes his pants off and pulls his shirt down all nice and straight and then pulls his pants up awkwardly to tuck his shirt in them.

                but the one thing that I absolutely would change because it is gross and drives me crazy is that he is always ALWAYS playing with his nose... either touching it, picking it, wiping it, scratching it, something... ALWAYS!!! and its gross and drives me insane.


                  One more thing that is so gross and I would definitely change:

                  He buys the sweetened lemon iced tea at the store, and then keeps it in his car and drinks it out of the container. It says right on it, "keep refrigerated", and when I pointed it out to him, that it's probably not a good idea to keep it in his car when it's like 80 degrees outside, he laughs and says, "Hasn't killed me yet!"

                  And he always offers me some of it, which is so gross.

                  I only remembered this because he sent me a letter that says he misses his iced tea at basic. yuck.
                  Why do you wait for me?
                  How do you wait for me?
                  I'm lost and alone without you here in my arms.
                  I'm lost and alone without you here by my side.
                  Here's a song for you, lovely
                  Remember that it's for you only, for you only.
                  My heart is caught in a landslide
                  And it beats for you only, for you only.

                  -"My Lovely" by Eisley


                    You know fillers, the sounds we make when we're taking a thinking pause? My SO's favourite is one I'd never heard before I met him, you'd pronounce it like "euhpp". The thing is, not one minute of conversation goes by without it popping up. Seriously. If I were to stop and listen out for it I think it'd drive me a bit crazy! I don't think I've ever met anyone clumsier than him either, poor thing. Living in a tiny Parisian flat doesn't much help though... I'm pretty careful, but within a few hours at his place I'm sure to have had a small accident or two


                      My SO has this crazy obsession with the blanket being on the bed properly. He always tells me that when I come sleep with him I mess up the blanket and then he lectures me on the proper way the blanket should be; the tag should be on the end, it has to be the long way, and you have to turn it correctly. He is so strange, but I love it!


                        - My SO is snoring as well but I think that's more cute
                        - He's grimacing when we take pictures which I don't like
                        - He also poke his tongue out on me when I'm bugging him
                        - ooh well he starts rapping when he is drunk lol


                          Now that we're going to move in together I've found another one (well I knew about it before, but I didn't think much about it).

                          He's really really tidy and he hates when stuff lies on the floor.
                          I'm so evil I purposely put things on the floor, take photos of it and send them to him, hoping they'll keep him up at night

                          Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


                            My SO does this weird thing when he laughs(he sounds like a hyena anyway) but he makes this strange noise and I have no way to accurately describe it but it's so cute and I love it! I've even done it myself one or two times while we were talking and he made fun of me for it. >.< Another thing is that when I start a conversation with him on xbox live the very first thing he says is "No" and for some reason it makes me laugh and I answer it was "Yes." Then we start to go back and forth with that for about ten minutes.


                              *She makes little comments which are normal to Estonians, but sound semi-offensive to myself

